Friday, April 29, 2016


Death penalty supporters protest at the port of Nusakambangan ahead of the execution of Bali Nine Kingpins Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran

DELAYED AGAIN: Executions of Bali Nine ringleaders put on hold until all legal appeals are finished… as protesters demand the Australians be put to death immediately

·         Indonesia's attorney general announced the delay of the executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran
·         They have been postponed until all legal processes, including court challenges, have been exhausted
·         Lawyers for the pair have requested immediate access for the families which has been denied until Monday 
·         Protesters have gathered near the port of Cilcap in support of the execution of the Bali Nine duo
·         They have burnt an effigy depicting a drug offender calling for their immediate execution  
·         The Bali Nine pair are in their own cells with a toilet and a washing area and have been talking through cell walls
·         They have also been communicating with a Nigerian inmate on death row
·         Chan and Sukumaran's families have arrived in the port town of Cilacap  


The news follows demonstrations in support of the execution of the Bali Nine duo near the ferry crossing for the island of Nusakambangan.

A number of anti-drugs protesters burnt an effigy of a drug offender at Cilacap port, calling for the attorney-general to immediately order their executions. As it lay burning on the ground, the men lay down a sign which read: 'We Love Indonesia. Save Indonesia Generation. Go to Hell Criminal Drugs!'.

Protesters in Cilacap held up signs urging the Indonesian president to execute the Bali Nine duo as soon as possible

The anti-drug protesters burnt an effigy of a drug offender at Cilacap port, calling for the attorney-general to immediately order the executions

The protesters staged the rally in support of the Indonesian government's plan to execute the Australian death-row prisoners and two more of the signs read: 'Execution now for drug criminals' and 'Execution is one way to stop drugs'. 

The protests come after the planned executions have ramped up diplomatic tension between Australia and Indonesia after repeated pleas for mercy from the Australian government on the men's behalf

Lawyers for Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan are visiting the men on Nusakambangan, the Indonesian penal island where they will be executed.

Julian McMahon and other lawyers took the ferry to 'Indonesia's Alcatraz' on Friday morning with Australia's consul-general to Bali, Majell Hind.

One campaigner held up a sign which read: 'We Love Indonesia. Save Indonesia Generation. Go to Hell Criminal Drugs!'

Other protesters covered their faces while shouting out their beliefs 

Protesters hold an effigy and carry placards during a rally at Cilacap Port, located off central Java

The group of protesters, called Granat, also rejected foreign nations' 'intervention' on behalf of their citizens and Australia's prisoner swap proposal.

Protester Slamet Mulyadi, holding a sign that said 'go to hell criminal drugs', said it was Indonesia's right to execute felons.

'This is my country, this is an independent country, we must save my generation,' he told reporters.

'Back off in my country, criminal drugs.' 


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