Sunday, April 17, 2016


The 5 members of the Avery Family members were murdered by a cult group leader, Jeffrey Don Lundgren on April 17, 1989 in Ohio. He was executed by lethal injection in Ohio on October 24, 2006. Let us not forget this family.

Summary: Lundgren and about two dozen followers had broken away from the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, now called the Community of Christ, a small church that splintered from the mainstream Mormon church. His group believed doomsday was near. Lundgren killed the Avery family both because of a message he felt he got from God and because he saw the family as disloyal for not pooling their finances into a common church fund. After inviting Dennis and Cheryl Avery and their three daughters over for dinner, each was led individually out to the barn, where each was bound and gagged by a group of men. After they had placed each Avery family member into the pit, Lundgren shot each person two or three times with a .45 caliber semiautomatic weapon. The men then filled the pit with dirt and stones. Afterwards, Lundgren and the others went back to the farmhouse and held a prayer meeting. 

Alice Lundgren - Aggravated Murder (5 counts), Kidnapping (5 counts) - 150 years to Life.

Damon Lundgren - Aggravated Murder (4 counts), Kidnapping (4 counts) - 120 years to Life. 

Ronald Luff - Aggravated Murder (5 counts), Kidnapping (5 counts) - 170 years to Life. 

Daniel Kraft - Aggravated Murder (5 counts), Kidnapping (3 counts) - 50 years to Life. 

Gregory Winship - Murder (5 counts), 15 years to Life. 

Richard Brand - Murder (5 counts) - 15 years to Life. 

Sharon Bluntschly - Conspiracy to Aggravated Murder - 7-25 years. 

Deborah Olivarez - Conspiracy to Aggravated Murder - 7-25 years. 

Susan Luff - Conspiracy to Aggravated Murder and was sentenced to 7-25 years. 

Kathryn R. Johnson - Obstructing Justice - 1 year. 

Dennis Patrick - Obstructing Justice - 18 months, sentence suspended and placed on 1 year probation. 

Tonya Patrick - Obstructing Justice - 18 months, sentence suspended and placed on 1 year probation.

QUOTE: "He got what he deserved," said Bailey, who said the family has suffered depression and nightmares from the horror. In a written statement, Bailey said he was convinced that Lundgren would kill again if he were released from prison. "There is only one sure way to make sure this never happens again: To be sure his life is forfeited for the terrible deeds he has done. The memories of his victims and the welfare of society and demands of justice all dictate this final act of cleansing," Bailey wrote. "My only regret is that he has but one life to give."

AUTHOR: Donald Bailey is the brother of Cheryl Avery - the Avery family who were murdered by Jeffrey Don Lundgren and his accomplices on April 17, 1989. He was executed by lethal injection in Ohio on October 24, 2006.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up with the Avery family in my childhood congregation in the 1970s. It has always bothered me that they are described in most accounts as having been mousy, wimpy, nerdy, etc. They were shy, quiet people and did not deserve what happened to them. Jeffrey Lundgren was a monster and I'm glad he paid for what he did with his own life.
