Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Slogan on Gun Rights

Expert: Christians Must Arm Themselves Against Islamist Genocide
Jim Kouri | December 16, 2015

Jihadists shocked the world once again when they attacked and shot 14 Americans  and wounded a number of others in San Bernardino. Muslim terrorists have vowed more killings throughout the world until all infidels accept Islam or are put to death.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the country, Americans are prevented from fully taking advantage of their Constitutional right to arm themselves with weapons that would give them a fair chance to protect themselves and their loved ones.

The specious arguments used by anti-gun political leaders and progressive activists are on their face nonsense, claims John Snyder, a former editor for the National Rifle Association and an advisory board member of the National Association of Chief of Police. “Christians must arm themselves against Islamist genocide,” a widely-recognized gun rights expert, Snyder, said this week.

“Christian leaders must demand that Christians be able to arm themselves with self-defense guns if they so choose. They should confront politicians and others who work to undermine the individual right to keep and bear arms,” Snyder said. While there are a number of Christian church leaders who frown upon civilians owning and carrying firearms, even Jesus Christ warned his followers that they should protect themselves. Snyder points to Bible’s New Testament (Luke 22:36) in which Christ told his disciples: “The man without a sword must sell his cloak and buy one.”

While the vast majority of murders and abductions of Christians and Jews occur overseas, Snyder is warning Americans that the threat of such Islamist treachery is very real. “There even have been reported incidents of extremist Islamist terrorist activity right here in the United States,” Snyder notes. Many Christians have noticed that when anyone says something negative about Muslims, Obama and his minions, Democrats, and the news media have a mass kanipshin, but the killing of Christians by jihadists barely gets a mention from the nation’s Commander in Chief or his media disciples.

An example of a Muslim massacre that actually took place on a U.S. military installation is the slayings that occurred at Fort Hood in Texas. It is one of the most well-known cases of an jihadist rampage in the United States. An Islamist psychiatrist gunned down 13 unarmed American soldiers while yelling praises to Allah, Snyder notes. “We face a crisis here and throughout the world. Christians must be able to obtain the guns and ammunition needed to deal with the [Islamic genocidal] crisis,” Snyder added.

According to Guns Save Lives, Americans are arming themselves at an unprecedented rate.  Obama has turned the base metals of guns and ammunition into gold faster and more efficiently than the mythical Midas.  These new gun owners are bringing guns home to hundreds of thousands of homes that didn’t have guns before President Obama was sworn in!

Those opposed to such messaging say that citizens should depend on the police and the government to protect them, according former police lieutenant Kenneth McMillan. “The Benghazi incident and other slaughters of Americans proves that the government is either incapable of protecting us or they just don’t care if a few Americans pay the price for government inaction with their lives,” McMillan, a 30-year veteran, said.

 Jim Kouri, CPP, the fifth Vice President and Public Information Officer of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, has served on the National Drug Task Force and trained police and security officers throughout the country. This article originally appeared in Conservative Base and is reprinted by permission of the author.

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