Monday, January 25, 2016


The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church (full length)
Uploaded on Apr 12, 2011

Communist Plan to Corrupt Catholicism
Published on Sep 21, 2012
When the communists were young, an Italian Antonio Gramsci had the idea to remove the Church as an effective fighter against communism. This meant taking a slow path to infiltrate the Church and get Catholics to lose the faith little by little. This plan was eventually called "Operation Outstretched Hand."
More specifically it was to promote a pseudo-religion, a fake Catholicism but with enough look and feel to seem real. This plan would then introduce a guilt complex so that the Church would apologize from the past activities, and then embrace other religions' ideas as a way to get along. Bella Dodd before her conversion helped get communist men to infiltrate the priesthood to move this plan along. The result, as we see clearly now, is the great apostasy, the "falling away"mentioned in the Bible. But God has a plan. At the Great Warning, everyone will know that God exists and how we must live according to His Commandments. Everyone will see the state of their souls, after which each person will have to choose Him or the devil. That will begin the Catholic Counter Revolution as we fight the ultimate enemy, the Antichrist and his minions.

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