Tuesday, November 17, 2015


            We, the comrades of Unit 1012, endorse the NRA – National Rifle Association as we believe in the Right to bear and keep arms. We will present this video by Marcus Luttrell who defended the Second Amendment:


Logo for the National Rifle Association

The real-life inspiration for the Lone Survivor movie has warned that gun-control plays into the hands of Islamic extremists, as he becomes the ambassador for the National Rifle Association.

Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell has appeared in a new TV advert for the organisation, delivering a stark warning to the extremists who ‘would kill me for my beliefs’.

The military veteran from Houston, Texas, insists that he will defend his freedom with the ‘Second Amendment’, which details the right for U.S. citizens to bear arms.

‘You hate my freedom, my religion and my country,’ says Luttrel in the video, looking directly into the camera.

‘You try to control me with violence and intimidation. You think you can muzzle me with fear?

‘Don’t ever confuse me with my politicians or my media. I am an American, free-born and free-bred.’

Amid a series of black-and-white shots of America’s landmarks and countryside, the video continues: ‘I will call you out for who you are. An Islamic extremist who would kill me for my beliefs. You don’t intimidate me.

‘My freedom is more powerful than anything you can possibly do. And I will never, never surrender my rights to your terror.

‘I will say what I think, worship according to my beliefs, and raise my children as I see fit, and I defend it all with the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.’

In a final sign off he states: ‘I cower to no one because I am the National Rifle Association of America, and I am freedom’s safest place.’

Marcus Luttrell NRA Commercial


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