We, the comrades of
Unit 1012: The VFFDP, wishes Sierra LaMar
a happy 19th birthday, she was born on October 19, 1996. We
will remember her every year on that date, October 19 and also on March 16. Let
us remember how she lived on this earth.
Sierra is a loving friend, sister, daughter and inspiration to everyone who has gotten the chance to meet her. She is a confident teenager who stands up for not only herself but others as well. At times she may put on the tough girl act but really she is a very compassionate and motivated young girl. She likes to help those in need and isn't afraid to branch out of her inner circle. She loves to dance and cheer making everyone who watches her smile. Most of all, Sierra can make almost anyone laugh and loves being a goof. She is a sophomore in high school and still has so much to contribute to this world, so let's bring her home!!![INTERNET SOURCE: http://findsierralamar.com/get-to-know-sierra-lamar]
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Sierra LaMar (October
19, 1996 to March 16, 2012)
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