Monday, September 28, 2015


“Interestingly, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau and FBI crime reports, the states with the highest levels of gun ownership do not have the highest homicide rates. For comparison, Illinois, which has some of the strictest gun regulations in the country, has nearly three times the gun-related deaths as Alabama, a state which has a roughly 30 percent higher firearm ownership rate.”

            Some members of Unit 1012 do support gun rights, as we know that guns do protect people. We will endorse this book by Dana Loesch, ‘Hands Off My Gun’. 

Hands Off My Gun by Dana Loesch

Respected conservative talk show host, blogger and TV commentator Dana Loesch gives her views on the history and intent of the Second Amendment and discusses what she believes gun confiscation would mean to Americans' basic rights as citizens.

How many people in America today are truly well-versed in the history of the Second Amendment, and why it was included in the Bill of Rights?

In HANDS OFF MY GUN, Dana Loesch explains why the Founding Fathers included the right to bear arms in the Bill of Rights, and argues that "gun control" regulations throughout history have been used to keep minority populations under control. She also contends that current arguments in favor of gun control are primarily based on emotions and fear.

This narrative is a must-read for every Second Amendment supporter. Dana Loesch is a determined and fierce advocate for those rights and shouts out: hands off my gun!

Colt AR-15 A3 Tactical Carbine. Used by counter-terrorist (CT) forces in Counter-Strike

  "It's an honor to work with Dana everyday and watch how she dismantles the other side's lies and propaganda about the Second Amendment. She is the best kind of warrior for the cause: smart, authentic and candid. This book, which seamlessly blends history with facts, stats and winning arguments, is essential reading for anyone who wants to make a real difference in this fight."
--Glenn Beck, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Control and founder of TheBlaze 

  "WARNING: This book is explosive! Mother, wife, New Media warrior, and political sharpshooter Dana Loesch confronts the ultimate war on women: Gun control. Hands Off My Gun is an essential how-to guide for Second Amendment supporters who need potent intellectual ammo against "The Grab." But it's also much more: an intensely personal, impeccably researched, and compelling testimonial about American freedom, founding principles, and female liberation through-defense. Buy this book now and join Dana's fight for our rights. "
--Michelle MalkinNew York Times Bestselling author  

  "Dana Loesch has never shied away from a fight against the militant left.  In this provocative book  she battles hard against the most pernicious lies and myths that liberals like to tell about our Second Amendment freedoms.  If you need ammo in the fight against Americas most determined gun grabbers, this book gives you all you will ever need.  Buy this book before someone tries to ban it. "
-- Sean HannityNew York Times Bestselling author and host of HANNITY on FOX 

  "Hands Off My Gun is a must-read for freedom lovers throughout America.  Not only does my friend Dana Loesch take on gun control zealots with her usual take no prisoners style, she also offers a deeply personal and thoughtful defense of gun owners and gun ownership that will  make Americans seriously consider the liberal plot to take away our guns. For gun owners and Second Amendment supporters, this is badly needed ammo."
--David Limbaugh, New York Times Bestselling author 

  "Thank God for warriors on the frontlines like Dana Loesch who stand firm and won't back down. The God given individual right to keep and bear arms is not just a clear and obvious self-evident truth, but to all conscientious, educated people, the actual teeth in the Bill of Rights, fortifying Americans to uphold and enforce all the other rights that make America the last best place."
-- Ted Nugent
  "Hands Off My Gun obliterates every baseless argument made against the Second Amendment with an honest examination of our Founders' intent and the impact of legal ownership on crime rates. It is an easy to read, go-to guide which puts history and numbers at your fingertips. "
--Mark Levin,  #1 New York Times Bestselling author   

A sneak peek at Dana Loesch’s new book, which will likely drive the left crazy

Jun. 12, 2014 7:52am Benjamin Weingarten

Blaze TV host Dana Loesch has a new book coming out in October that Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun allies are likely not going to be fans of.

Loesch’s publisher recently released the provocative cover of Dana’s upcoming title, ”Hands Off My Gun,” (Amazon, B&N), which is due out October 21:

Dana Loesch appears on her show ‘Dana’ on TheBlaze TV Feb. 7, 2014. (Photo: TheBlaze TV)
In the book, the co-founder of the St. Louis Tea Party and 2012 winner of Accuracy in Media’s Grassroots Journalism Award — not to mention fearless enemy of progressives — provides readers with a comprehensive guide to why the founders created the Second Amendment, the disastrous consequences of anti-gun legislation — particularly on women — and what citizens can do to protect themselves against a government and complicit media hell-bent on violating such rights.

Having gone toe-to-toe with leftists on the issue many times, Loesch’s book further serves as a “how-to” guide for defeating the arguments parroted by the mainstream media and its champions.

When reached for comment on her new book, Dana stated:

“Gun control is the ultimate war on women. Firearms are the equalizer between the sexes.”

“Gun control is the ultimate war on women. Firearms are the equalizer between the sexes. Sam Colt made us equal, indeed. This book explores that, the racist roots of gun control, and debunks the biggest arguments made by anti-gun extremists. The AR is on the cover because it is the most vilified, misunderstood rifle in America, responsible for the fewest crimes. Education is the antidote to ignorance. Consider this book the medicine.”

Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America
by Kelly Young - Thursday, January 8, 2015 

Hands Off My Gun by Dana Loesch
Conservative radio and television host Dana Loesch’s new book, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America, unabashedly takes on the enemies of the Second Amendment and relentlessly assails them with something for which they have no defense—reality.

In the author’s own words, “This book will cover every square inch of the gun control debate. This book will beat your progressive friends upside the head with facts. This book will challenge those who may be well-intentioned, but are uneducated about what our gun rights really mean, where they originate, and what the statistics actually say. Anti-Second Amendment advocates don’t want you to read this book. Make doing so an act of resistance.”

Never abandoning her trademark fire, throughout its pages Loesch’s narrative identifies major forces behind the modern anti-gun movement (like Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America groups), sets the historical framework for the Second Amendment, chronicles the dangerously anti-freedom voting records of President Obama and key officials within his administration, highlights the hypocrisy of Hollywood and the mainstream media in regards to guns, extols the virtues of responsible firearm use and debunks the multitude of firearm-related myths (lies) often parroted by anti-gunners–all set to the backdrop of the author’s own experiences.

Hands Off My Gun is recommended reading, regardless of whether you’re a proud supporter of gun rights, an ardent gun control proponent or somewhere in-between. Viewer discretion is advised, however, as Loesch also relates in the book many of the threats and insults that have been hurled at her over the years by members of the “tolerant Left” – many of which are exceedingly vulgar and violent. Available wherever books are sold. Price: $26.

An early "third generation" Glock 17 (full-size pistol chambered for 9x19mm Parabellum), identified by the addition of thumb rests, an accessory rail, finger grooves on the front strap of the pistol grip and a single cross pin above the trigger.

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