Thursday, September 24, 2015


On this date, September 24, 2007, Corrections Officer Susan Louise Canfield of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Ohio, was killed in the line of duty. Let us honor this fallen prison guard and thank God that justice was served, as one of the prison killers, Jerry Duane Martin, was executed on December 3, 2013.


Susan Louise Carpenter Canfield
Corrections Officer
Susan Louise Canfield
Texas Department of Criminal Justice, Texas

End of Watch:
Monday, September 24, 2007

Bio & Incident Details
Age: 59
Tour: 7 years
Badge # Not available
Cause: Vehicular assault
Incident Date: 9/24/2007
Weapon: Automobile
Suspect: Executed

Corrections Officer Susan Canfield was killed during an escape attempt of two inmates from a work crew at the Wynne Unit.

The two inmates were among a group of approximately 75 inmates working outside of the prison and being being supervised by seven officers on horseback. One of the officers observed an inmate with contraband and attempted to take it from him. As he did so, the inmate with the contraband and another inmate pulled the officer from his horse and disarmed him.

Both inmates fled to the adjacent Huntsville City fleet maintenance center on Highway 75 North and stole a flatbed truck. As Officer Canfield approached the truck on horseback the inmate intentionally struck her and the horse, causing her to suffer fatal injuries. Other officers exchanged shots with the two but did not shoot them. Both men were apprehended within two hours.

The subject who was driving the truck that struck Officer Canfield was sentenced to death in 2010. He was executed on December 3rd, 2013. The second inmate faces capital murder charges as of August 2012.

Officer Canfield had served with the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for seven years. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, son, two grandchildren, mother, and three siblings.

A group of more than 200 Texas Department of Criminal Justice correctional officers showed up at Tuesday’s execution with a riderless horse to show their support for Canfield and her family. A large photo of Canfield was placed outside the front entrance of the Huntsville Unit. Charles Canfield, Susan’s husband, said he appreciated the support and that “this is a good day” because “justice has been done.” “Jerry Duane Martin met his judgment,” the retired Houston police officer said. “He at least acknowledged what he did.”

"The fact is, he was escaping," Charles Canfield said to a reporter afterward. "I don't care if you intend it or not. You committed the act and, in this state, thank God we live in one where capital murder exists and where that punishment exists."

Alan Holub, the husband of Susan Canfield’s daughter Kara, said Martin’s execution was an opportunity for the family to move one. “This is a chance to close this chapter of the nightmare we have had to endure,” he said.

Madilene Loosier, who was carjacked and briefly abducted during the escape, also attended Martin's execution. "I needed to see it for my brain to realize he was gone and I didn't have to be afraid anymore," she said. "It helped me."

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