Sunday, August 30, 2015



Alexander Lukashenko wearing the uniform of the Commander-in-Chief of the Belarusian Armed Forces (rank Marshal of Belarus) in 2001.

QUOTE 1: “We will hold parliamentary hearings and discuss the issue in the media. The people will decide whether death penalty should be abolished or not," Lukashenko told the Italian newspaper La Stampa.

The overwhelming majority of Belarusian citizens supported death penalty in a referendum in 1996, Lukashenko said.

“Only a new referendum can change things”, he noted. "If we hold a new referendum right now, it will have the same results as the previous one," Lukashenko said.

Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko
QUOTE 2: MINSK - The death penalty remains necessary in Belarus, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko told a press conference in Minsk on Friday 23 December 2011.

"I believe this measure of punishment is still necessary," Lukashenko said responding to a question as to whether there are preconditions for the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus.

"We have a referendum. It's a law to me, no matter if I want that or not and no matter what my position is," he said.

'The relevance of the death penalty has not declined today in Belarus,' Lukashenko was quoted as saying by Xinhua.

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko in July 13, 2015
QUOTE 3: Speaking of the European demand on the Belarusian administration to declare a moratorium on the death penalty or its full revocation, Lukashenko said, referring to the U.S.: "Turn around; you have a big friend there on the other side of the Atlantic. As soon as they abolish it, we will abolish it too."

Lukashenko said the reason why he has given this example is that double standards are being used on the issue of the death penalty. "There can be no double standards here," he said.

Lukashenko said the death penalty exists in China and in the Arab countries, "where they get oil from." "Why are you not demanding it there?" he said.

"If the majority of people in our country are for this [abolition of the death penalty], I will abide by that decision," Lukashenko said.

QUOTE 4: President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said during his annual message to the Parliament and the people on Tuesday May 8, 2012 that Parliament is not competent in issue of a moratorium on the death penalty. "Personally, I will never go for it. I’m the servant of the people, and I know the mood of the people," stressed the President.

QUOTE 5: According to Alexander Lukashenko, those who advocate a moratorium on the death penalty, "they don’t think so in reality but carry out someone’s orders."

"If you are a skunk and scoundrel, if you make such a crime, you should be held accountable. Other countries which have set it [the moratorium on the death penalty], say: got into the shit, but can’t get out. The same is happening to all I’ve been talking to - so why do I need this?" the President of Belarus said.

"Maybe our society has already matured, then we’ll take a decision together," said the head of state.

A thug only understands you when you speak his language
QUOTE 6: October 14, 2013 - President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko fully justifies the use of the death penalty in his country, despite the calls from the European Union to ban it.           
Lukashenko explained that some crimes are so grave that they cannot be forgiven. In particular, the Belarusian leader recalled the terrorist attack on the subway in Minsk from April 11, 2011, when 15 people were killed. Two suspects were detained very quickly and were executed by shooting in less than a year.

In addition, Lukashenko recollected the situation in the country at the time when he became its president. It was tough measures that helped Lukashenko normalize the situation. "Offenders understand it only when you talk to them in their language," he explained.

AUTHOR: Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko (born 30 August 1954) has served as the President of Belarus since 20 July 1994.

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