Friday, July 10, 2015


"What I want to know is why haven’t these extraordinary charges been laid against terrorism supporters… If they’re going to be serious, Australia should bring back the death penalty for those found guilty of treason."

-       Jacqui Lambie, Senator for Tasmania

            Unit 1012 awards the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award to the Senator for Tasmania, Jacqui Lambie, for speaking out in favor of the death penalty for terrorists and treason.

Jacqui Lambie

Jacqui Lambie has called for Australia to reintroduce the death penalty, amid negotiations to save an Australian duo from an Indonesian firing squad.

Stephanie Anderson

20 Feb 2015 - 9:19 AM  UPDATED 20 Feb 2015 - 3:19 PM
Jacqui Lambie is preparing a Private Member's Bill to reintroduce the death penalty for citizens who leave Australia to become foreign fighters.

The comments from the Independent Tasmanian Senator come as the Federal Government stresses its stance against the death penalty as part of negotiations to save Bali Nine duo Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran. 

Senator Lambie has previously called for the government to revoke the citizenship of Australians who fight for terrorist organisations overseas, but has since stepped up her opposition to foreign fighters.

Speaking to SBS, she said the government had to be “very hardcore” in dealing with terrorism.

“Treason and sedition are the most serious crimes that can be laid against a citizen of this country,” she said.

“What I want to know is why haven’t these extraordinary charges been laid against terrorism supporters… If they’re going to be serious, Australia should bring back the death penalty for those found guilty of treason.”

Senator Lambie dismissed criticism that her comments were irresponsible, given ongoing negotiations with the Indonesian Government to save two Australians sentenced to death.

She said she had been “out fighting” for the pair, but added that politicians should be “mature enough to deal with a number of different crises at once”.

“The terrorists aren’t going to take off a week or two while we deal with crises,” she said.

“[If politicians] have got any smarts when it comes to terrorism, they will support my call.”

Senator Lambie hopes to bring her bill forward within the next fortnight.

Comment has been sought from Foreign Minister Julie Bishop.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott spoke out against the death penalty on Friday, repeating the government's determination to save the two Australians sentenced to death in Indonesia.

Mr Abbott said the pair were reformed and now a "weapon against drugs".

On Tuesday, Senator Lambie called for “opposition to Sharia Law” to be introduced into citizenship pledges.

In a statement, she said the citizenship oath should read: “I pledge my loyalty to Australia and its people, whose democratic beliefs I share, whose rights, liberties and opposition to Sharia law I respect and whose laws I will uphold and obey.”

Lambie: Death penalty for terrorists who kill Aussies
17th Jun 2015 10:42 AM

FIREBRAND Tasmanian Senator Jacqui Lambie has told the senate that any terrorist found guilty of murder should face the threat of the death penalty in sentencing.

Ms Lambie said Australian juries must be given the option of delivering a death sentence to those convicting of killing others in their attacks.

"And while we're strengthening the laws of sedition and treason - let's also increase the maximum penalty for Sedition from 7 years to life in jail," Ms Lambie said in her senate speech overnight.

Ms Lambie said if Man Horon Monis had survived his siege in Sydney's Lindt Cafe, he should have been at risk of facing execution.

"Imagine if Man Horon Monis had survived the Sydney Lindt Café attack," she said.

"Should an Australian jury have had the option of sentencing the traitor and murderer to death? Absolutely."

In the same speech, Senator Lambie said Prime Minister Tony Abbott had bungled his attempts to remove Australian citizenship from terrorists. She said it would likely fail when challenged in the High Court.

"A politician depriving Australians of their nationalities is an arbitrary act, a court doing the same, after going through due process is not an arbitrary act," she said.
Death Penalty for Terrorists
Published on Jun 16, 2015
Senator Jacqui Lambie calls for the death penalty for Terrorists who survive their attacks and kill Australians.

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