Friday, May 29, 2015


The Governor of Nebraska, Pete Ricketts deserves the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award. We, the comrades of Unit 1012, thank him for his courageous effort in his vetoing of the death penalty abolition bill. We promise to support him and help him and we show comfort to those victims’ families who suffered in that state. Let us hear from his page.

We have watched him fight for justice and the death penalty in Nebraska and want him to know that he has encouraged victims' families and leaders worldwide. We honor and respect him. We hope that more judges and government officials will follow his courageous character.


Pete Ricketts

Nebraskans React to Legislature's Decision to Repeal the Death Penalty

KETV: Ricketts: Legislature 'way out of touch' with Nebraskans
“The Legislature is out of touch with Nebraskans on their vote to repeal the death penalty. The overwhelming majority of Nebraskans support the death penalty because they understand that it is an important tool for public safety. I will continue to work with senators to sustain my veto when I issue it.”
-Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts

"There have been prior criminal acts in our communities, and I know there will be future criminal acts in Nebraska that will clearly warrant the use of the death penalty as a consequence of the criminal's heinous, murderous acts.”
-Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson

Omaha World-Herald: A Vote Away from History

“I ask them how they would feel if it was one of their family members, especially a child who was that young.”
-JoAnn Brandon, mother 1993 Richardson County murder victim

“I represent people, and people understand justice, and they are appalled, absolutely appalled.”
-Senator Mike Groene, North Platte

"We've done a lot of things just to try to please them and in 40 seconds they can snuff out five lives. They need to be executed."
-Vivian Tuttle, mother of 2002 Norfolk shooting victim

“I’ve heard that people are angry. I’m sure that they feel a sense of betrayal, and very rightly so. They’ve been getting told by the state as a whole for years and years that the people who died were important to us. We thought they wanted to prevent that from happening to other people. Now, they’re told that the people on death row who have committed multiple murders are more important than the people that (the victims’ loved ones) lost and that we saw murdered.”
-Joe Smith, Madison County Attorney

“I tell you what, that repealing was the worst thing we’ve seen in years.”
-Greeley County Sheriff David Weeks

“I think that it’s a major mistake for them to drop the death penalty.”
-Nance County Sheriff Davis Moore

“There’s cases that we need it. It’s the only just result.”
-Valley County Sheriff Casey Hurlburt

“I think state senators should represent the people.”
-Hall County Commissioner Pam Lancaster

"It's important for Nebraska to have a death penalty, for the most heinous of crimes. We just had the most recent situation in Omaha, the shooting in Norfolk and a variety of communities across the state.”
-Former Governor Dave Heineman

“This is just another case of the words ‘We the people’ falling on deaf ears. The senators have forgotten who the boss is, so I will remind them ‘We the people.’”
-Pierce County Sheriff Rick Eberhardt

Letter to the Editor: Repeal of death penalty wrong move

“Nebraskans should not allow the Legislature to take away the ultimate sanction for horrendous, remorseless behavior that leaves innocent families without their loved ones — for life.
-Douglas Mang of Omaha”

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