Friday, May 1, 2015


Moshe Landau

QUOTE: When the Eichmann trial opened on April 11 1961 under the close scrutiny of the world's media, Landau read out a 15-count indictment which included charges of "causing the killing of millions of Jews", "torture", and placing "many millions of Jews in living conditions that were calculated to bring about their physical destruction". He and his fellow judges took pains to spell out the basis of the court's claim to jurisdiction. The state of Israel, they argued, represented all Jews: "To argue that there is no connection is like cutting away a tree root and branch and saying to its trunk: I have not hurt you."

AUTHOR: Moshe Landau (Hebrew: משה לנדוי‎, 29 April 1912 – 1 May 2011) was an Israeli jurist. He was the fifth President of the Supreme Court of Israel. Landau was born in Danzig, Germany (modern Gdańsk, Poland) to Dr. Isaac Landau and Betty née Eisenstädt. His father was a leading member of the Jewish Community of Danzig In 1930 he finished high school in the Free City of Danzig and in 1933 he graduated cum laude from the University of London school of law. That year, he immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine. In 1937 he was admitted to the Bar of Palestine. In 1940 he was made judge in the Magistrate's Court of Haifa and was appointed to the District Court in 1948. Member of the International Court of Justice. Chairman of the World Zionist Congress tribunal. Chairman of the advisory Commissions on reforming the Israeli Land Law, criminal procedure and administrative tribunals. Chairman of the Commission for recognition of righteous among the nations in Yad Vashem. From 1956 to 1962 and from 1965 to 1966 he served as Chairman of the board of directors of the Technion.

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