Monday, March 16, 2015


Ex Gov.-Ryan regret: Letting last execution happen
Posted 3:05 pm, July 2, 2014, by Associated Press

KANKAKEE, Ill. (AP) _ Former Gov. George Ryan says among his regrets in life is letting the execution of the last person in Illinois proceed before he placed a moratorium on capital punishment.

Ryan spoke to The Daily Journal in Kankakee in an interview posted online Wednesday. It was among his first interviews since his release from prison in 2013 for corruption convictions.

In 1999, then-Gov. Ryan refused calls to stop the execution of Andrew Kokoraleis (koh-koh-RAY’-lihs). He was convicted in the 1982 rape, kidnapping and murder of a 21-year-old Elmhurst woman, Lorraine Borowski.

A year after the execution, Ryan declared the moratorium. Citing flaws in the system, he the cleared death row in 2003. 

Referring to Kokoraleis, the80-year-old Ryan said, “I regretted killing that Greek fella.”


Carol Angelbeck
Ryan was such a crook that is the only reason he didn’t like the death penalty. He would rather see our girls being raped and murdered then execute a murderer. He is at the bottom of the barrel along with all the murderers in Illinois.
Don Azarias
Governor, how about the victim, Lorraine Borowski who was abducted, raped and murdered by Andrew Kokoraleis? How come you only seem to care about the murderer and not the victim? I think you are not only a crook; you are also a phony.

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