Friday, January 30, 2015


             We, the comrades of Unit 1012 and our ally, All India Anti-Terrorist Front endorses the Bullet for Bullet Policy. Please see the following news sources:


Members of the All India Anti-Terrorist Front (AIATF) hold portraits of U.S. President Barack Obama and al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden during a pro-U.S. rally. ©REUTERS/Parivartan Sharma

Anti-Terrorist Military Court needed in India: M.S.Bitta

Aurangabad, Maharashtra, Jul 26 : All India Anti-Terrorist Front president M S Bitta today advocated the establishment of an Anti-Terrorist Military Court, that will be free from political interference.

Addressing a crowded press conference here, Mr Bitta also demanded that all countries should come together and declare Pakistan a terrorist state. ''India should adopt a bullet for bullet policy with Pakistan, which must hand over the masterminds of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks and all other strikes in the country,'' he said. 

The former All India Yuva Congress president, citing the example of Sri Lanka, which has ended the 35 years long conflict with the LTTE, headed by M Prabhakaran, said India should adopt the same policy to deal with terrorist activities in the country.

Maharashtra is the financial capital of the country and there is a need to provide latest guns and other equipment to policemen and jawans so that, they are able to handle the terrorists whenever needed, he said.

Mr Bitta said security in the border states should be beefed up to prevent terrorist activities. 
''Terrorism will end in the country if all political parties come together to fight it,'' Mr Bitta added.

Making a frontal attack on former Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Mr Bitta said he was not able to handle terrorism properly during his tenure. 

MS Bitta’s quote

Bullet for bullet can counter terrorism: AIATF chief
Published: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 23:02 [IST]

Ahmedabad, Jul 29 (UNI) All India Anti-Terrorist Front (AIATF) chairman Maninandersingh Bitta today asserted that bullet for bullet policy should be applied against terrorists to counter their activities.

''When two decades of terrorism was put to an end in Punjab in less than a couple of years, why shouldn't it be done all across the nation?'' he asked, while addressing mediapersons here.

Mr Bitta decried the ''vote bank politics'' of the political parties, saying that every political party was involved in vote bank politics and was not ready to take any tough decisions that would contain the terrorists.

He demanded that an ''Anti-Terrorist Military Court'' be constituted for the speedy and effective trial of terrorists. Any judgement given by the Supreme Court should not be referred to the President of India for clemency.

Praising people of Gujarat for showing exemplary bravery in the time of terror attacks, he said ''In my 28 years of fight against terror, I have not seen people like of Surat who, without fearing explosions, are helping police to locate bombs.'' Mr Bitta alleged that the Central intelligence agencies have been politicised and have become a stooge of political powers. These intelligence agencies should be directly under the supervision of the President and Prime Minister, he said.

He said in Gujarat, all political parties should unite and stand by Chief Minister Narendra Modi in his efforts to counter terrorism.

Political rivalry should not come in the way of fight against terror. ''How long we, the politicians, play politics on the bodies of innocent people? What will be the fate of the nation if the decision can not be taken against terrorists, like Afzal Guru, just for the sake of votes? Not only the terrorists but also the politicians pampering these elements should be tried under the anti-terrorist military court,'' he added.


AIATF Chairman MS Bitta celebrates Afzal Guru’s execution

Use bullets to end Kashmir terror: Bitta

TNN | Dec 24, 2011, 04.25AM IST

PANAJI: India should adopt a "bullet-for-bullet" policy to end terrorism in Kashmir like it did in Punjab, said M S Bitta, chairman of the All India Anti-Terrorist Front (AIATF) on Friday.

Bitta, who is in Goa, told TOI that India should also set up an 'Anti-Terrorist Military Court' to mete out speedy punishment to terrorists within six months. He also advocated setting up a 'terrorist victim commission' to deliver justice and compensation to victims of terrorism within six months.

Himself a terrorist target, Bitta said the government should introduce a quota system for the education, employment and other social benefits for the victims of terrorism in India.

Bitta said eliminating terrorism is not the responsibility of the police or the home ministry alone, but of the entire political class. Citing Punjab as one example, Bitta said Punjab suffered from terrorism for 25 years where 30,000 people lost their lives. "But when the Congress, BJP, CPM and CPI united, we finished terrorism from Punjab within one year. It can be done if there is political will. Today, I am pained to say that the mindset of all political parties is focused only on money, votes and power politics," Bitta said.

Elaborating on the need for setting up an 'Anti-Terrorist Military Court' for the early delivery of punishment to terrorists, Bitta pointed to the "lazy handling" of various cases like Afzal Guru, Rajiv Gandhi assassination, the terrorist attack on himself and alleged Pakistani terrorist Ajmal Kasab.

Said Bitta, "There is confusion on whether the Supreme Court is higher or the politicians are higher. Supreme Court judges pronounce judgments by putting their lives at risk because unlike politicians, they have no security during their retirement. Yet politicians sit on their judgment files. This is an insult to the Supreme Court."

Bitta also extended his support to anti-corruption crusader Anna Hazare and his movement, but warned against some of Anna's associates including Prashant Bhushan and Medha Patkar.

Objecting to the views of these two and also writer Arundhati Roy on Kashmir, Bitta said if they were allowed their way, they will allow states like Kashmir and Manipur to secede from India.

Earlier in the day, Bitta laid a wreath at the martyrs' memorial at Azad Maidan, Panaji.

All India Anti Terrorist Front activists shout slogans as they celebrate the execution of Mohammed Afzal Guru. Fire works were also set off in the busiest intersection. (PHOTO SOURCE:

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