Wednesday, November 26, 2014


On this date, 26 November 2008, ASI Tukaram Omble was killed in the line of duty during the 2008 Mumbai Attacks. Let us honor this fallen cop and thank God that some justice was served, as the terrorist who caused his death had been executed on 21 November 2012. We, the comrades of Unit 1012 and our ally, All India Anti-Terrorist Front will honor him and remember him as a hero against terrorism. 

We got the information about him from Wikipedia and do hear from his loved ones.

Tukaram Omble

Tukaram Gopal Omble
26 November, 2008
Ashoka Chakra
Police career
Mumbai Police

Tukaram Omble AC was an assistant sub-inspector (ASI), and a retired army man who had entered the Mumbai police. He sacrificed his life during the 2008 Mumbai attacks, fighting terrorists at Girgaum Chowpatty and played a pivotal role in catching Ajmal Kasab alive, the lone survivor who later was convicted and sentenced to death for committing the crime. The Indian government honored Omble, on 26 January 2009, with the Ashoka Chakra – for the most conspicuous bravery or an act of daring or pre-eminent valour or self-sacrifice.


Omble was an ASI with the Mumbai Police. His team was under-equipped for the attack, but managed to kill one terrorist and arrest the only terrorist taken alive - Ajmal Kasab. Unarmed, Omble held onto the rifle of the injured Ajmal Kasab, enabling other officers to apprehend him. In the process, Ajmal fired several shots, killing Omble.

Awards and Honours
  • Tukaram Omble was awarded the Ashoka Chakra, which is the highest peacetime gallantry award.
  • He was also awarded CNN Indian of the year award under the category 'Extraordinary service to the nation'
  • Omble is memorialized by a bronze statue in Chowpatty.

QUOTE 1: Mr Eknath Omble, brother of assistant police sub-inspector Tukaram Omble who died while capturing the terrorist, said, “I am proud and very happy that my brother's efforts have paid off.” 

“We are very happy and satisfied. Ajmal Kasab should have been hanged in public, but I know our law does not permit this,” he said. 

QUOTE 2: Eknath Omble, brother of police officer Tukaram Omble, who was also killed in the attacks, also welcomed the execution. “We are glad he met his end. He deserved to be hanged in public to set an example for others who intend to attack us,” he said.

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