Thursday, October 16, 2014


On this date, October 16, 1946, 10 Nazi war criminals were executed by hanging in Nuremberg after being sentenced to death by the International Military Tribunal on October 1, 1946.

         We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, have a question for Sister Helen Prejean:

Unit 1012 challenges Helen Prejean to toll the bell for ten minutes every year on October 16 to protest the hanging of the 10 Nazi War Criminals, will she do it? 

She was once quoted as saying:

Explaining her opposition to the death penalty. As quoted in: N.Y. Times Magazine, May 9, 1993
Oh really? Would she dare to defend Nazi War Criminals by saying that? Most probably not. If she would to write letters to the Nazi War Criminals on Death Row, she should have heard the last words of the Beast of Nuremberg, Julius Streicher:

Last words of Julius Streicher, 10/16/46, quoted in The Quest for the Nazi Personality - Page 157 by Eric A. Zillmer - History – 1995

It will freak her out for sure!

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