Friday, September 5, 2014


            Similar to our previous Blog Post, ‘HELEN PREJEAN, PLEASE DENOUNCE THE ACLU DEMONS!’, We will post a Dossier on Helen Prejean that gives evidence that she is not just working for the ACLU Demons but she does not believe in God at all. We will give some Christian quotes to prove what it means to do good and overcome evil.

Pro-Life Groups Asks Bishop to Stop Sister Helen Prejean’s Fundraising for ACLU
By John-Henry Westen

 BOISE, September 27, 2007 ( - Idaho Choose Life (ICL) has issued a public call for Idaho’s Catholic Bishop, Mike Driscoll "to intervene quickly and forcefully in the brewing scandal involving Sister Helen Prejean." Sister Prejean is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at an event to raise money for the Idaho ACLU on Friday, September 28th.  (see ACLU website announcement:

 Speaking of ACLU, ICL Executive Director David Ripley said "This nefarious organization has played a pivotal role in undermining Christian morality and the sanctity of both family and human life."

"They proudly proclaim their tenacious opposition to laws like Parental Consent, which has caused untold damage to girls and families - but the larger harm has been the preborn children snuffed out by their accomplices at Planned Parenthood,"
continued Ripley.  "The Idaho ACLU has opposed every bill in the Legislature since its inception designed to protect preborn children."

The pro-life group points out that Sister Prejean, who has been made a celebrity by her work to end the death penalty, is also a keynote speaker at the state’s Catholic Fall Conference sponsored by the Bishop.

"It is obvious that she cannot fulfill both obligations without causing scandal and demoralizing countless Christians across Idaho," said Ripley.

"We ask Bishop Driscoll to intervene.  We respectfully and prayerfully urge him to ask Sister Helen to withdraw from Friday’s fundraising gig.  If she is unwilling to do so - then we believe it appropriate for Bishop Driscoll to remove her from the Fall Conference."

  To express concerns contact Bishop Michael Driscoll:
  303 Federal Way Boise, Idaho 83705-5925
  Fax: 208-342-0224 

God, ogre comparison doesn't fly with interfaith crowd
Paul A. Anthony, Rocky Mountain News
Published August 24, 2008 at 3:35 p.m.
Updated August 24, 2008 at 3:35 p.m.

COLORADO CONVENTION CENTER — Following the hot topic of abortion, Sister Helen Prejean tackled another: calling for abolition of the death penalty to raucous applause at the DNC's interfaith gathering.

She received nothing but a stony silence, however, when she questioned the basis of the biblical crucifixion story as a "projection of our violent society."

"Is this a God?" Prejeans asked about the belief that God allowed his son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for the sins of humanity. "Or is this an ogre?"

The audience -- to that point in strong agreement with the author of "Dead Man Walking" -- said and did nothing.

Ultimately, however Prejean received a standing ovation for her fiery denouncement of war and her tying it to desensitization caused by the allowance of capital punishment in American prisons.

"Practice of the death penalty on our own soil," Prejeans said, "has made it easier for us to kill those we designate as enemies or suspected enemies."

Prejean railed against what she called "shocking legalisms" used "to legitimize torture of suspected terrorists."

"We need to take death off the table as a punishment," she said, adding that it would allow the U.S. to criticize countries like China for their own human rights records and "hold our heads up high because we don't torture our citizens."

Posted on 08/28/2008 9:30:40 AM PDT by NYer
The preliminary pretense of Abrahamic piety over, the Dem leadership could then return to their New Age devotions. Yesterday, they held some interfaith gathering in which Sr. Helen Prejean made clear that she utterly rejects what the rest of us call "orthodox Christian faith":

Following the hot topic of abortion, Sister Helen Prejean tackled another: calling for abolition of the death penalty to raucous applause at the DNC's interfaith gathering.

She received nothing but a stony silence, however, when she questioned the basis of the biblical crucifixion story as a "projection of our violent society."

"Is this a God?" Prejeans asked about the belief that God allowed his son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for the sins of humanity. "Or is this an ogre?"

This is what happens when you take a particular enthusiasm of yours (for instance, abolition of the death penalty) and expand and exalt it into constituting the Entire Faith. I call it Truth Cancer. Sr. Helen's opposition to the death penalty is, like many laudable aspects of the Christian faith such as say, predestination, free will, the divinity of Jesus, the sanctity of property, the love of the poor or any other Christian virtue, a fine aspect of the Faith, but a lousy substitute for the Faith. Expanding Predestinarianism into the Whole Faith got us Calvinism.

Expanding Free Will ino the Whole Faith got us Arminianism. Expanding the divinity of Jesus into the Whole Faith got us Oneness Pentacostalism. Expanding the sanctity of property into the Whole Faith got us rapacious 19th Century Laissez Faire Capitalism.Expanding the love of the poor into the Whole Faith got us Communism. And expanding opposition to the death penalty into the Whole Faith is now giving us the denial that "he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that made us whole, and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all."

Not a lot of people are aware of it because this particular heresy is still relatively small, but Sr. Prejean is spouting a theological theory which flatly denies that Jesus' death was part of the divine will. How you square that with

Yet it was the will of the LORD to bruise him; he has put him to grief; * when he makes himself an offering for sin, he shall see his offspring, he shall prolong his days; the will of the LORD shall prosper in his hand

... I do not know. The apostolic teaching is abundantly clear, so clear that only a highly trained theological professional could not see it:

this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men. (Acts 2)


For there is no distinction; since all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as an expiation by his blood, to be received by faith. (Romans 3:23-25)


Sr. Helen is delusional if she thinks her New Age gospel starring a God without wrath who brings men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross is going to persuade serious Christians to trust her when she talks about the death penalty. Which is too bad.

Why in the world is the USCCB Blog promoting Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ?
Dec 03, 2013

Why in the world is the USCCB Blog promoting Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ? Despite what good work she might have done involving the death penalty she is also involved in serious errors. She is not an example to parade on the USCCB blog.

At the Democratic National Convention in 2008 she spoke to an interfaith crowd saying:

She received nothing but a stony silence, however, when she questioned the basis of the biblical crucifixion story as a “projection of our violent society.”

“Is this a God?” Prejeans asked about the belief that God allowed his son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for the sins of humanity. “Or is this an ogre?”

So much for St. Paul’s “we preach Christ crucified.”

The previous year in 2007, she had this to say:

(A)ccording to Sister Helen Prejean, author of the best-selling book Dead Man Walking, and internationally-renowned advocate against the death penalty, it is the Church’s doctrine on homosexuality that is sinful, as it fails to recognize “the full dignity of all human beings.”

Speaking on Sunday at the close of the symposium, Prejean noted that the first steps in denying and “removing” a human being is to declare them somehow “not quite human, not like how we are … to say that they’re ‘disordered’” – a reference to the language of the Vatican to describe the orientation of gay people. Such terminology, she said, fails to recognize the full dignity of all human beings and is the “greatest form of disrespect.”

Accordingly, “to not stand with LGBT people would be a sin,” declared Prejean to thunderous applause.

Prejean said that she is hopeful as she’s convinced that “people are waking and rising,” and that this will “change the Church.”

“When dialogue starts, the bread starts rising,” she said. “The yeast, the Holy Spirit, is in our hearts.”

In 2006 she was one of the signers of an ad in the New York Times that in part said “YOUR GOVERNMENT is moving to deny women here, and all over the world, the right to birth control and abortion.” After being disinvited by Duluth Bishop Dennis Schnurr to be a keynote speaker at an education dinner she later clarified “I believe that all of life is sacred and must be protected, especially in the vulnerable stages at the beginning of life and its end.” Yet she still managed to sign this document while at the same time saying: “ I stand squarely within the framework of ”the seamless garment“ ethic of life.” A year after this in the July-August 1997 St. Catherine Review: Sister Prejean “will not take a stand against abortion.” She has also said if she got a chance to talk to President Obama it would only be about his support of the death penalty. She can find nothing else to chide him about.

Sr. Helen Prejean Dossier

Profile.  Death Penalty Abolitionist, Social Justice Activist, and Community Organizer; Author and Lecturer.   Co-Founder of  the Catholic Mobilizing Network.  Sr. Prejean is based in the Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana.  She is a member of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Medaille.  Her bishop is Archbishop Gregory Michael Aymond – 7887 Walmsley Ave., New Orleans LA  70125-3496    Phone:  504-861-9521 .    Her blog.

This Dossier Exposes her BLINDNESS to the ABORTION holocaust; OBSESSION with GUILTY MURDERERS;  DEFIANCE against traditional Catholic teaching;  her connections with the NEW AGE FEMINISTS NUN MOVEMENTS and DISSENTING ORGANIZATIONS; and the ACLU.

“I’ve got to tell you what I’ve learned.  When you start talking about the death penalty, there’s a deep religious underpinning.  Who is God for us?   It is God who demands an eye-for-an-eye.  It is God who is pleased with sacrifice.

“And in the Christian tradition, there are those who say God allowed or even willed his own son, Jesus, to be sacrificed and killed on the cross in payment for our sins!  And when we kill criminals we have chaplains in death houses!  And when we kill criminals for their crimes God accepts their death in payment for their sins so they can go to heaven!  What kind of god do we believe in?!

What kind of father would demand the death of a son?  Is this a god?  Or is it an ogre, a monster, created by our own violent impulses?  We project so this is God who wants vengeance, like we want vengeance.  Truly there are contradictory images of God in the Bible.  On which one will we model our lives?”
Dr. Michael Savage responds to Prejean’s speech:

You [Sister Helen Prejean] are a clear and present danger, not only to the survival of America, but to the Democrat Party. … In my opinion, she is more closely associated with being a witch than a nun.
Heresy In Denver:  Ellis Washington spotlights Marxist tinge to Democrat’s nun speaker.
VIDEO of her infamous speech posted on her website.

July-August 1997 St. Catherine Review:  Sister Prejean “will not take a stand against abortion.”
“Pro-Life Groups Asks Bishop to Stop Sr. Helen Prejean’s Fundraising for the ACLU”


We issue a public call for Idaho’s Catholic Bishop, Mike Driscoll, to intervene quickly and forcefully in the brewing scandal involving Sister Helen Prejean. As we reported earlier, she is scheduled to be the keynote speaker at an event to raise money for the Idaho ACLU.
Catholic League president William Donahue writes:   It is no secret that the “peace and justice” crowd is soft on abortion. Sr. Helen Prejean and others like her can get quite worked up about the rights of serial murderers on death row, but they never seem to be quite as excited about the rights of innocent unborn babies. That’s because too many of them see abortion as merely unfortunate:   They positively do not believe it is “intrinsically evil.”

Sr. Prejean on Values Voting

quotes by Sister Prejean:

I don’t trust candidates who claim to be “pro life” simply because they publicly state their opposition to abortion. What good is that if they do not also work vigorously and consistently to create social conditions in which healthy babies are born, children cared for, and families thrive?

I look for “pro-life” politicians to list “eradication of poverty” as a top priority.  Poverty in our nation is on the rise. During the last six years those living at or below the poverty line in the U.S. rose 17 percent. To allow even the existence of poor people in this rich nation, much less poverty on the increase, is totally unworthy of us as Americans and certainly not pro-life.
Due to controversies surrounding Sr. Helen Prejean, Catholic bishop cancels appearance at conference – 1997

See also same article in NCR’s archives.


” . . . the bishop had based his decision on his reading of an article about Prejean that was published in Our Sunday Visitor last April [1996]. Datillo had two concerns, Lyons said:  that Prejean might be soft on abortion and might depart from official church teaching in a book she is writing about women in the church.  Lyons told Mayhew that the bishop would therefore be “uncomfortable” appearing with the famous nun.

“The article about Prejean in Our Sunday Visitor was written by Robert Holton, a senior 
correspondent, based on an interview with her. Holton led off with Prejean’s views on abortion.

“Sister Prejean indicated that while she is adamant about not taking human life when it comes to executing prisoners, she has an at best strained appreciation for the church’s teachings on the sanctity of unborn life, on birth control, and thinks the church is `appallingly’ unfair to women,” Holton wrote. The subhead on the article read, “Why the nun behind Dead Man Walking has a hard time seeing abortion clinics as another kind of death row.”

Prejean told Holton that she regards abortion as “much more complex than a mere choice.”
 “Sr. Prejean’s Spin Insults the Preborn”  by Judie Brown


As a Catholic, Prejean should understand the fundamental teaching of the Church on abortion and capital punishment because there is a nuanced difference.

On abortion, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states,”Direct abortion, that is to say, abortion willed either as an end or a means, is gravely contrary to the moral law”

On the death penalty, the Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Today, in fact, as a consequence of the possibilities which the state has for effectively preventing crime, by rendering one who has committed an offense incapable of doing harm without definitely taking away from him the possibility of redeeming himself the cases in which the execution of the offender is an absolute necessity are very rare, if not practically non-existent.”
In other words, abortion is a crime against God while the death penalty is the exercise of a type of civil punishment in response to a heinous crime that is to be used rarely, if at all.

Combox:  “I concluded that she would never touch abortion because she would loose support for her cause from those who support abortion, but oppose the death penalty, and she was not willing to take that risk. Can you imagine how differently she would be treated by the lamestream media if she publicly opposed abortion as well as the death penalty?”
Sr. Prejean was labeled pro-abortion by the Cardinal Newman Society — she gave the  commencement address at a Catholic U.

The ACLU and Sr. Prejean – she was given an ACLU award in 2005.  She spoke at an ACLU fundraising event.  A pro-life group wrote their bishop to stop her.  The Oregon ACLU announced Prejean’s October 2011 visit to Oregon.  One month later, the ACLU claimed a victory over Oregon voters when Oregon’s governor placed a moratorium on the death penalty.

‘CALL TO ACTION’ organization and Sr. Prejean – Prejean is a frequent speaker at this apostate organization.  Her 2000 speech at CTA’s national conference is available on CTA’s site.

Call To Action is a well-known dissenting group of “Catholics” who actively undermine the faith.  I have a copy of “Call To Action or Call To Apostasy? How dissenters plan to remake the Catholic Church in their own image” by Dr. Brian Clowes.  The book is available at Human Life Intl.  It is well researched with citations.

The Vatican excommunicated Call To Action – CNS NEWS
Sr. Prejean doubts the crucifixion of Christ:  her appearance at an interfaith gathering for the Democratic National Committee
  • COLORADO CONVENTION CENTER — Following the hot topic of abortion, Sister Helen Prejean tackled another: calling for abolition of the death penalty to raucous applause at the DNC’s interfaith gathering.
  • She received nothing but a stony silence, however, when she questioned the basis of the biblical crucifixion story as a “projection of our violent society.”
  • “Is this a God?” Prejean asked about the belief that God allowed his son, Jesus, to be sacrificed for the sins of humanity. “Or is this an ogre?”
  • The audience — to that point in strong agreement with the author of “Dead Man Walking” — said and did nothing.
FULL STORY:  ‘God, ogre comparison doesn’t fly with interfaith crowd.’
Mark Shea responds (scroll down that page):
  • “Sr. Helen is delusional if she thinks her New Age gospel starring a God without wrath who brings men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross is going to persuade serious Christians to trust her when she talks about the death penalty.”


On Feb. 16, Sister Helen Prejean and Franciscan Sister Marya Grathwohl will present “Joy in Danger: How Earth Mysticism Can Guide Us in Gospel Discipleship.” The “conversation” will offer “a retreat rhythm of storytelling, reflection, the arts, ritual and prayer” in which participants can attend to their “deep communion experiences as human-earth-beings, at home in the cosmos.”

Eco-Feminist Sr. Prejean appeared at A Sophia Center summer institute advertisement calls these speakers “mindful scholars of the new cosmology.” This “new cosmology” rejects any notion of human superiority over beasts, plants, and inanimate creatures.

“Sister Prejean’s Lack of Credibility” a New Oxford review of Prejean’s book, “The Death of Innocents.”


Prejean explains this focus on O’Dell’s girlfriend by positing this definition of “victim”: “the family of the murdered one and the family of the executed one” (italics added). There is thus a moral equivalence for Prejean between the family of an innocent victim and the newfound girlfriend of a convicted rapist and murderer.This curious definition of “the victims” suggests that her concern for “victims” seems to be more window-dressing for her cause than true concern. She acknowledges that after Sonnier (the Dead Man Walking murderer) was executed, she was stung by the criticism that she cared more for the criminal than for his victims.

Virginia Governor (now U.S. Senator) George Allen denied O’Dell’s clemency petition (thus earning Allen a comparison with Pontius Pilate by Sr. Prejean — what does that say about whom O’Dell represents?), and O’Dell was duly executed. The Italian government and the Vatican remained intensely involved in the O’Dell case, and his body was even shipped for burial to Italy, where Sr. Prejean and Lori Urs were received as heroines. Sr. Prejean herself claims that the high profile of the O’Dell case aided in the subtle shifts taking place in Catholic teaching on the death penalty.

Indeed, the latter half of the book is devoted to a summary of what she calls the “seismic change” in Catholic thought on the death penalty, and Sr. Prejean’s own role in it. She leaves the impression that Pope John Paul II further modified his death penalty stance after she wrote him a letter concerning the O’Dell case.

This part of the book is of particular interest to Catholics, and although Sr. Prejean acknowledges that the Church still maintains the moral licitness of the death penalty, she enthusiastically (and accurately) recounts the demotion of the death penalty from its traditional place as a vindication of the Fifth Commandment prohibition against murder by restoring the moral harm inflicted by murder, to a mere matter of self-defense of society.
In this discussion of Catholic teaching, Sr. Prejean recounts her confrontation with Justice Antonin Scalia in the New Orleans airport. She begins by describing how her brother and Scalia became hunting buddies by chance, and expresses skepticism when her brother “tried to convince me that Justice Scalia is a devout Catholic.” Indeed, she is skeptical, and defines Scalia as a “Traditionalist” who attends the Old Latin Mass “in a white suburban parish and sings Latin hymns,” a practice unfavorably compared to her own attendance at an inner-city black parish where spirituals are sung (never mind that Old St. Mary’s where Scalia sometimes attends an indult Mass is in a mixed black and Chinese area of Washington, D.C.).

She emphasizes this difference between Scalia’s “world” and hers by contrasting his Harvard education with her school of hard knocks education in the “inner city African American housing project in New Orleans.” She pictures herself, like Jesus, “on the ground” working for justice, which she says is why the Jews wanted to kill Jesus. She describes her religious order’s shift from school teaching to “social justice” in the early 1970s without apparent regret at the loss of vocations to her order.

This street education is what leads her to confront Scalia, and she warns him she will be taking him on in her book. He supposedly playfully raised his fist in response and told her he’d be coming right back at her. Sr. Prejean indeed does “take him on,” attacking Scalia for referring to the “God of Hosts” as justification for the idea that God sanctions the death of wrongdoers. Her protest would more profitably be lodged against the tradition of the Church, which has steadfastly supported the right of the state to exact the death penalty, as shown most persuasively in E. Christian Brugger’s recent book, Capital Punishment: Roman Catholic Moral Tradition. Scalia’s position is in line with what the Church has taught in the past about this issue. He is not alone in his reservations about recent admonitions of uncertain binding authority to execute rarely and only when other means are not sufficient to incapacitate the offender.

Sister Helen, who had just spent two hours discoursing on her infinite mercy and boundless compassion, proceeded to shout down the question of Dr. Charles.

“Sister Helen treated us to one of the most blatant performances of self-aggrandizement I have ever heard. We learned all about my book, my movie, my play, my opera. We listened to endless comments about Sister Helen’s friendships with movie stars (all of them pro-abortion, as best I could determine), her travels and political agitation on behalf of convicted murderers, her self-declared influence in changing the current pope’s position on capital punishment, her 1998 nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, and so on.

“The most conspicuous deficiency of Sister Helen’s presentation, however, was the total lack of any logical or rational coherence in her opposition to capital punishment. It was all emotion; in the course of her two-hour presentation I heard no two sentences that together formed a reasonably arranged argument on the subject. This intellectual deficiency was accentuated in the question and answer session afterwards, when J. Daryl Charles rose once again to query just how her opposition to the death penalty was to be adjusted philosophically with Western Christendom’s traditional position on this matter. This young professor from Taylor University, having endured a public browbeating by Judge Noonan the previous evening, was about to get slapped around again. Sister Helen, who had just spent two hours discoursing on her infinite mercy and boundless compassion, proceeded to shout down the question of Dr. Charles.
PREJEAN QUOTES in Human Life International’s Pro-Life Library CD:

Prejean, Sister Helen (anti-capital punishment activist)

“We really have to look seriously at the whole thing of birth control, family planning and not having unwanted pregnancies. … The crosshairs of this decision are in the woman’s body and the woman decides this. … To say that someone has a choice and the woman is all alone and the man is nowhere to be found, what kind of a real choice does that give these people?”
Sister Helen Prejean, quoted in Our Sunday Visitor, April 1996, also in The Truth from The Women of Truth, Autumn 1997, page 5.

“The movie Dead Man Walking was a bloomin’ miracle.  Like the virgin birth. It wasn’t supposed to happen. … My journey began with an awakening to the poor. An awakening to justice.  Here at CTA [Call to Action], I don’t have to awaken you to justice. …

“I haven’t met the death row inmates that aren’t human as we are. We create those stereotypes, so then it’s easy to kill them. It’s all about connection. When we don’t connect with each other, we can kill each other, we can do anything. And the death penalty is just one more military solution to a social problem. All the dymanics are there:  Target the enemy, dehumanize the enemy, terminate the enemy — whom we never see. …

“And I asked the Pope:  Are we just for the dignity of the innocent? What about the guilty? I told him that when I talk to people who call themselves pro-life, they make a distinction. Pro-life means the innocent. The guilty deserve everything they get.”
Helen Prejean, CSJ. “Dead Man Walking:  The Journey.”  This was Prejean’s opening address to the Call to Action National Conference in Milwaukee on November 3, 2000, and issued as a February-March 2001 Call to Action reprint [NOTE:  Prejean's astounding hypocrisy becomes obvious when we learn that she is strongly pro-abortion, and that the second paragraph in the above quote applies perfectly to preborn children in danger of abortion as well as to those people under the death penalty. But in Prejean's world, there is plenty of compassion for killers and absolutely none for the innocent preborn]
Your editor at FIDELITY and ACTION supports the death penalty.  Our courts are broken and rapists and murderers of children and adults who are released by uncaring judges DO RAPE and MURDER again!

Google the phrase:  “murderers released from prison who murder again”


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