Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Please read and hear this statement of apology from Kang Kek Iew, a former Khmer Rouge War Criminal on this date, August 20, 2009: 

Kang Kek Iew (also Kaing Guek Eav or Duch) before the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. He was responding to the testimony given by his former subordinate Him Huy who was a Khmer Rouge prison guard.

Kang Kek Iew or Kaing Kek Iev, also romanized as Kaing Guek Eav (Khmer: កាំង ហ្គេកអ៊ាវ), nom de guerre Comrade Duch or Deuch (មិត្តឌុច); or Hang Pin, (born 17 November 1942) is a war criminal and former leader in the Khmer Rouge communist movement, which ruled Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979. As the head of the government's internal security branch, he oversaw the Tuol Sleng (S-21) prison camp where thousands were held for interrogation and torture. The first Khmer Rouge leader to be tried by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for the crimes of the regime, he was convicted of crimes against humanity, murder, and torture for his role during the Khmer Rouge rule of Cambodia and sentenced to 30 years imprisonment. On February 3, 2012, his sentence was extended to life imprisonment by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia.

Please go to Force 1109 Blog post to learn more about him. 

Transcript (KH) of 20 August 2009,
[p. 32 Line 12 to p. 33 Line 5]

Mr. President, I would like to reiterate that first, many of my old friends were arrested and detained at S-21. There was another person who was not exactly a friend of mine because he was older than me. Perhaps Mr Chum Sirath knows Professor Kin Aun, the history teacher at Skun High School, who was arrested and sent to S-21 at the very beginning. I did not know he was being sent there and I only learned of it later when I read his confession. Quite frankly, I had to draw away from the friends I once worked with, respected and liked, for the sake of my own safety. I was betraying my friends in this way. Chum Narith was no exception. He was one among the friends that I had to pretend not to see because I did not dare face them and was not able to rescue them. As you said, Sir, everyone who was arrested and sent to S-21 was classified as an enemy, and when you talk about the eyes of more than 30, 000 dead bodies, I come to understand what you mean. Over these last few days, I have made it clear that I accept everything said by the civil parties and that I’m ready to see the civil parties pointing their fingers at me, as they did just now. They can inflict upon me whatever degree of punishment they would wish to, and I’m happy to accept that. I will take any kind of criticism and punishment with a smile without denial. I am very sincere now in bowing down before the families of victims, families who lost their fathers, mothers, and close relatives. I have said some harsh things over these last few days and won’t repeat them. The nation and people of Cambodia have already heard them. I genuinely do not have any ill feeling or wish to contest what you said before the Court and I humbly accept, without any intentionto provoke refutation, all the blame you wish to task me with.


Statements of apology 20 August 2009: Kaing Guek Eav
Published on Jul 2, 2012
In its judgement on appeals in Case 001 against Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch, the Supreme Court Chamber of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) affirmed the Trial Chamber's previous decision to compile and post on the ECCC's official website all statements of apology and acknowledgements of responsibility made by Kaing Guek Eav alias Duch during the course of the trial, including the appeal stage. This video clip is part of the audio and video version of this compilation. More information:

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