Sunday, August 31, 2014


“In sorrow, we mourn those lost. In gratitude, we embrace those around us. In sympathy, we reach out to those who grieve.”

            30 years ago on this date, August 31, 1984, Kermit Alexander’s mother, sister and two nephews, ages 8 and 13, were murdered in South Central Los Angeles during a home invasion by members of the Rollin 60’s Neighborhood Crips, whose intended victims lived two doors away.

            To Kermit and Tami Alexander, we will not forget your loved ones who were slain. We will support you by endorsing ‘Californians for Death Penalty Reform and Savings’. 

We will remember your loved ones every year on August 31 and we will pray that California will fix the death penalty

Kermit and Tami Alexander

Kermit’s mother, sister, and two nephews were murdered on August 31st, 1984. Here is his story.

Talking about the Death Penalty is not an easy topic to discuss. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a perfect world where we didn’t have to worry about protecting our family and loved ones from evil.  But we do! As many of our friends and family know, Kermit’s mother, sister and two nephews were murdered in 1984 in a home invasion murder for hire.  An 18 year old rolling 60′s Crips gang member, Tiqueon Cox, entered the home of Kermit’s mother, Ebora, and shot her in the head while she was drinking her morning cup of coffee.  He then entered the back bedroom and executed Kermit’s 24 year old sister, Dietra, while still sleeping in her bed and then shot his two nephews 8 and 12 while they slept near by.  The trigger man was hired to carry out an execution.  He went to the wrong house killing Kermit’s family in error.

The man that committed that murder has been on death row for over 27 years.  He will celebrate another birthday on December 1st.  He has exhausted all of his appeals on both the state and federal levels.  The only barrier to justice at this point is California’s failure to hold this killer accountable.

The State of California promised the citizens and the victims that this man’s crimes met the criteria necessary to impose death.  The jury found him guilty of his crime and backed the recommendation for execution.  The judge sentenced this killer to die in California’s death chamber and yet, he still waits to receive an execution date.

While on death row, this killer has continued to operate as a shot caller being classified the most dangerous man on death row.  In 2001, Tiqueon Cox attempted a violent takeover of the Super Max Adjustment Center at San Quentin.  His goal was not to escape but to “kill as many guards as possible.” He is also responsible for repeated assaults on fellow inmates and correctional officers.

As with many on death row, Tiqueon Cox, is the perfect example of the need to have a death penalty.  What greater sentence could there be for a guy who walks into a grandmother’s house and executes her and her family, by mistake, for a mere $3500.  His disregard for human life and values both before and during prison is justification for setting an execution date.  It is sad that the victims must continue to fight for their right to see justice.

Kermit's 24-year-old sister, Dietra, and his nephews, 8-year-old Damon and 13-year-old Damani, were in the wrong place at the wrong time. [PHOTO SOURCE:]

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