Monday, July 7, 2014


            We, the comrades of Unit 1012, will honor and remember 10-year-old Lorraine Pacifico who died on July 7, 1980.

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, will make her one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012, where we will not forget her. Let us remember how she lived and not how she died. We will always support her family members.

            Thanks to her brother, Anthony Pacifico, Parole has been denied for child killer Keith Vischio. Vischio will not have another hearing until May 2016. Thank you to everyone who submitted a petition to block this parole. Anthony, Comrades of Unit 1012 will always help you in blocking parole for the child killer.


November 13 1969, sadly was murdered on Monday July 7 1980.
Lorraine is much loved and is missed dearly by all her friends and family.

Rest in peace. ♥

 Lorraine Pacifico's Story

Lorraine Pacifico was abducted and murdered while on her way to play with her friends.

Inmate Name:
Keith Vischio

Inmate Number:

Lorraine Pacifico

Murder 2nd Degree

Min/ Max Sentence:
20 Years - Life

Next Parole Hearing:
May 2016

A Fun Summer

In the summer of 1980 Lorraine Ann Pacifico, age 10, was excited to be in the middle of her summer break from school. She was an avid swimmer, loved basketball, and spent hours riding her bike and playing hop-scotch with her many friends. She also loved animals and spent countless hours with her dog "Snoopy" and her cat "Bamboo."

Lorraine stood four feet ten inches tall, had long brown hair, hazel eyes and braces on her teeth. She was the only daughter of Peter Sr. and Ann Pacifico and Lorraine was her parents pride and joy. She was especially close to her mother and the running joke was Lorraine's mother would tell her she was her favorite daughter and Lorraine would respond "I'm your only daughter." Lorraine also looked up to her two big brothers, Peter Jr., age 21, and Anthony, age 18, and both of them were very protective of their little sister.

On July 7th 1980 Lorraine's mother called the house and told Lorraine she was heading home from her job at The New York Stock Exchange. Lorraine told her mother she was going to finish her peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then go out to play with friends. Moments later Lorraine headed out the door and as she left her brother Anthony told her to "be careful." She would never be seen alive again.

A Disappearance Turns To Tragedy

Lorraine's mother arrived home from work and started preparing dinner. When Lorraine did not return home to eat with her family Mrs. Pacifico searched the neighborhood however she could not find Lorraine. By 8PM Mrs. Pacifico became extremely worried and called police. Authorities knew immediately something was very wrong and a massive search began to find Lorraine. By the next day police had set up a temporary command post at the Pacifico home and helicopters began searching the area. The were no witnesses, no leads, and no motive for Lorraine's disappearance.

Three days later, on July 10, 1980, three auxiliary policeman found Lorraine Pacifico. Her beaten and mutilated body was found beneath a Staten Island Rapid Transit Overpass. Her body was found on a ledge 5 feet below street level. Her blue jumpsuit was pulled down to below her waist.

The coroner determined Lorraine had suffered six fractures of the skull after being struck multiple times in the head with a rock the size of a loaf of bread. The murderer also used a sharp object to slash Lorraine three times from her chest to below her waist. While there was no physical evidence of sexual assault police found a pubic hair on her body. Lorraine's corpse was badly decayed and had been eaten by maggots. The coroner determined she had been killed three days earlier, the day she went missing. Police then began the hunt for a killer.

An Arrest And A Confession

As police searched for the murderer, Lorraine's older brother Pete kept hounding them about an acquaintance named Keith Vischio. Pete told police that while on his way to a rock concert at Central Park he saw the 20-year-old Vischio loitering on the platform of the train station. He said he saw Vischio put his arm around a girl he did not know and when she pushed Vischio's arm away he then watched Vischio follow two girls off the platform. Pete said the next day, while searching for his sister, he spotted Vischio on the street and stopped to talk to him. Pete said Vischio kept rubbing his arms and neck nervously and he had scratch marks on his arms. On July 18, 1980, Keith Vischio was arrested and became the prime suspect in murder and attempted sexual assault of Lorraine Pacifico.

Almost immediately after his arrest Vischio admitted to police that he had killed Lorraine. He made four confessions both verbally and in writing. According to Vischio he left home the morning of July 7, 1980 and quit his job as a clerk at a brokerage firm. He then began drinking and took two Quaaludes. He hung out with friends and at one point briefly spoke to Lorraine's brother Pete. At 1PM he tried to pick up a high school girl however she rejected his advances and got on a bus. Vischio then began harassing two other girls who ran into the Guyon Market. The store manager chased Vischio away.

At 5 PM Vischio said he met Lorraine on the train station platform and spoke with her for five minutes. He then told Lorraine to follow him to an area "under the street." Realizing something was wrong Lorraine got scared and tried to leave. Vischio then grabbed her by the arm and when she screamed "let me go" he pulled her to the ground. Authorities believe at this point Vischio was attempting to sexually assault Lorraine. When she resisted Vischio hit her head "on the floor." According to Vischio, "She was alive but her head was bleeding. The next thing I knew I was hitting her in the head with a rock." He claimed he hit little Lorraine in the head twenty times. Vischio then grabbed a beer bottle from the ground and hit Lorraine in the head. He pulled her jumpsuit down to her waist, grabbed a pipe from the ground, and cut her three times from her chest to below her waist. When he realized Lorraine was dead Vischio threw the bloody pipe in some weeds and ran home. After throwing his bloody pants in the garbage he took and nap. The next day he hung out with his friends and acted like nothing had happened.

Lorraine's body was found behind one of the arches beneath the Oakwood Train Station. [PHOTO SOURCE:]

Overwhelming Evidence And A Murder Plea

In addition to Vischio's confession authorities also had solid physical evidence linking Vischio to the crime. His palm print was found on the bottom of the broken beer bottle and one of his bloody fingerprints was found on the side of the bottle. They also determined the pubic hair found on Lorraine was "comparable" to samples taken for Vischio. The manager at the Guyon Market identified Vischio as the man she chased away from two girls shortly Lorraine's murder.

Facing overwhelming evidence Vischio agreed to plead guilty to second degree murder. In exchange for his plea the attempted sexual abuse charge was dropped. The judge, New York Supreme Court Justice Norman Felig, sentenced Vischio from 20 years to Life in prison. Vischio was emotionless throughout his sentencing hearing.

At the time of Vischio's conviction New York law stated that in order to be adjudicated a sex offender a defendant must have been convicted of a sex crime. Since the attempted sexual assault charge was dropped Vischio was not labeled a sexual offender. Thus he cannot be listed on any sex offender registry and will have no sex offender reporting requirements. This means he can live anywhere and no one in the community will be notified of his criminal history.

A Lack of Rehabilitation And Responsibility

While Vischio has behaved in prison during the past several years there is still clear evidence that he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and that he is not determined to rehabilitate himself. Parole records indicate that as of 2010 Vischio continued to refuse to take any sex offender classes. Vischio told the parole board members "I don't remember" when they asked him questions about the sexual nature of his crime. Vischio also stated he had no ongoing mental health treatment.

The parole board concluded "due to the bizarre and violent nature" of the crime, "the vulnerability" of Lorraine, and the "lack of sex offender program completion" that Vischio's parole be denied. They concluded "There is a reasonable probability" that Vischio "would not live and remain at liberty without violating the law."

A young Lorraine Pacifico [PHOTO SOURCE:]
The Aftermath: A Mother's Pain (written by Ann Pacifico, Lorraine's Mom)

"To say Lorraine is missed is not enough. She was and still is loved by me and her brothers. It has been 34 years and the pain is still there as if it was yesterday. To me she will always be 10 years old. She never had a chance to grow up, or marry because someone else who had no right to do what he did decided otherwise."

"I have masses said for her every year for her birthday and each year on the day she died I put flowers on her grave. That is all I can do for my daughter now. I will never hear her laugh again, smile or just simply hug and kiss me like she did. She used to call me "Silly Mommy." We did things together. We played games together. Her brother taught her how to play chess. We sat together at night on the couch watching TV together, her in my arms and resting, safe and secure but that day I could not help her anymore"

No Parole

Keith Vischio is the perfect example of the most dangerous kind of sexual predator. After unsuccessfully stalking three young girls Vischio lured 10-year-old Lorraine Pacifico to a secluded area and attempted to sexually assault her. When she resisted he hit here in the head 20 times with a rock and mutilated her body. He then went home and acted like nothing had happened until the day he was arrested for Lorraine's murder. Although he has spent over 30 years in prison he still refuses to take responsibility for his actions and take classes critical to his rehabilitation.

Releasing Keith Vischio would be a complete injustice to Lorraine Pacifico and her family. It would also demean his cruelty to Lorraine. In addition, placing Vischio back on the streets would create a profound and imminent risk to the community, especially to young girls. Based on the horrific and brutal nature of his crimes, his refusal to take responsibility for his actions, and the fact Lorraine Pacifico is not alive as a direct result of his actions, we believe Keith Vischio should receive the maximum continuance of two years at his current parole hearing and all subsequent hearings until he dies in prison.

Online petition launched to deny parole to 10-year-old Lorraine Pacifico's killer, Keith Vischio (with photos)
Frank Donnelly | By Frank Donnelly |
on April 10, 2014 at 3:02 PM, updated April 11, 2014 at 12:35 AM 

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Anthony Pacifico treasures the memories. 

More than three decades later, the former Oakwood resident still fondly recalls how his little sister, Lorraine, bundled in sweaters and scarves, piled into the family car on frigid winter mornings, to tag along on his pre-dawn hockey practices. 

But those are among his last recollections of the vibrant 10-year-old girl, a gifted swimmer and animal lover whose life ended in a way no one could ever have imagined. Lorraine was brutally beaten and slashed to death 34 years ago in their community by a young man, Keith Vischio, who lived nearby.  

For the past 14 years, Pacifico, his family and friends, have campaigned to keep Vischio, 53, who is parole-eligible, behind bars. 

This year a new ally has joined their fight --” a website called, run by a Columbus, Ohio, man, Bret Vinocur, who was touched by their cause. The website contains a page on which individuals can petition the New York state parole board to deny Vischio's bid for freedom. 

"I have to be my sister's voice. A person like this, if he ever hit the street again, will commit another crime," said Pacifico, a Florida resident, in a recent telephone interview. "I think of my sister every minute of every day, 365 days a year. It never goes away. It's brutal." 

Vinocur said he launched the website 12 years ago in response to the paroling of an Ohio man who raped and murdered the 3-year-old daughter of the parolee's girlfriend. 

While he mainly limits the site to Ohio cases, Vinocur said he and Pacifico had connected online, and he felt compelled to help. 

"This is a vicious child murderer," said Vinocur. "We focus on Ohio, but we have to keep the worst of the worst in jail, no matter what state they're in." 

Lorraine was savagely slain on July 7, 1980. 

Authorities said Vischio, then 20, smashed her skull 20 times with a rock and slashed her stomach, from neck to waist, several times with a broken beer bottle, said authorities. 

Her body was found three nights later underneath the Guyon Avenue overpass of the Staten Island Railway station in Oakwood. 

At the time of the attack, Vischio was under the influence of a mix of Quaaludes and alcohol, after quitting his job as a clerk for a Manhattan stock-brokerage firm earlier that same day, said Advance reports. 

Vischio later pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced in January 1981 to 20 years to life. He admitted he killed Lorraine once she began screaming after he refused to let her leave. 

The Pacifico family believes it was a sex attack and Lorraine fought back. Vischio's fingerprint was found embedded in Lorraine's blood on a piece of glass and one of his pubic hairs was next to the little girl. 

Vischio has been denied parole each of the seven times his case has come up since 2000. Parole-eligible inmates go before the board every two years. 

Vischio will make his eighth appearance during the week of May 12. 

In Vischio's most recent rejection in May 2012, the board said he provided "little insight" into his motive for killing Lorraine. 

"Your crime was brutal and a total disregard for human life," said the board. 

Commissioners said they also considered Vischio's "good" disciplinary record, his release plans and the fact he had no prior felony convictions in reaching their decision. 

But on the whole, the board said his release would be "incompatible with the welfare and safety of the community." 

Linda Foglia, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Corrections and Community Supervision, said many factors weigh in commissioners' decision, including letters opposing or supporting an inmate's parole request. 

Attempts to reach members of Vischio's family were not immediately successful. 

Pacifico said Lorraine's violent and senseless death has fractured their kin. 

To this day, he can picture her walking down the stairs with a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich before leaving their home for the very last time. 

"It has put family members into early graves," he said. "It never goes away. It's heart-wrenching. "There's no getting over it. It's just through it." 

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'I want him to die in prison'; child-victim Lorraine Pacifico's killer denied parole for 8th time (with photos)
Frank Donnelly | By Frank Donnelly |

on May 20, 2014 at 5:40 PM, updated May 21, 2014 at 10:41 AM 

STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Anthony Pacifico's work is done – for now.

For the eighth straight time, a state parole board has denied the release of Keith Vischio, who savagely slayed Pacifico's 10-year-old sister Lorraine, 34 years ago near their Oakwood home.

"I'm relieved, but I got to do it again in two years," said Pacifico, who campaigned  with an anti-parole website to keep Vischio behind bars. "It's very important to my family. I want him to die in prison."

Vischio is eligible to reapply for parole in May 2016.

The parole board said springing him now would put the public at risk.

"Your release would so deprecate the serious nature of your crime as to undermine respect for the law," wrote the board. "You brutally killed a young innocent girl and left her naked. ... Your crime demonstrated a total disregard for the rules of society and the value of human life.

"You showed no insight and fail to realize the effects of your crime on the community."

Pacifico's relentless bid to keep Vischio behind bars was bolstered by more than 800 petitions from family, friends, former neighbors and even strangers.

The petitions were available on a website, run by a Columbus, Ohio, man, Bret Vinocur, who was touched by Pacifico's cause.

"It means a lot," Vinocur said of the response. "We'll be back every two years."

Vischio, who turns 54 on Sunday, is eligible to reapply for parole every other year.

Vinocur said he launched the website 12 years ago in response to the paroling of an Ohio man who raped and murdered the 3-year-old daughter of the parolee's girlfriend.

While he mainly limits the site to Ohio cases, Vinocur said he and Pacifico had connected online, and he felt compelled to help.

Lorraine was brutally killed on July 7, 1980.

Authorities said Vischio, then 20, smashed her skull 20 times with a rock and slashed her stomach, from neck to waist, several times with a broken beer bottle.

The body of the gifted swimmer and animal lover was found three nights later underneath the Guyon Avenue overpass of the Staten Island Railway station in Oakwood.

At the time of the attack, Vischio was under the influence of a mix of Quaaludes and alcohol, after quitting his job as a clerk for a Manhattan stock-brokerage firm earlier that same day, said Advance reports.

Vischio later pleaded guilty to second-degree murder and was sentenced in January 1981 to 20 years to life. He admitted he killed Lorraine once she began screaming after he refused to let her leave.

The Pacifico family believes it was a sex attack and that Lorraine fought back. Vischio's fingerprint was found embedded in Lorraine's blood on a piece of glass and one of his pubic hairs was next to the little girl.

Vischio had previously been denied parole each of the seven times his case had come up since 2000.

With respect to Vischio's most recent request, parole commissioners said they considered his lack of a prior felony or misdemeanor conviction and his completion of several programs in prison.

But he has yet to take a sex-offender program, the board noted, and needs to work on his release plans.

"It is the determination of this panel that your release is incompatible with the welfare and safety of the community," said the board. 

© 2014 All rights reserved.

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