Wednesday, July 2, 2014


            Please read this news letter from Pro Death Penalty and Victims’ Rights Organization, ‘Californians for Death Penalty Reform and Savings’. Please check this prayer and pray for success.  

Death Penalty Reform Proponents Switch Focus To 2016

(Sacramento, CA)-Californians for Death Penalty Reform and Savings, a coalition of law enforcement, prosecutors and crime victims announced today that they will not seek to qualify the proposed death penalty reform initiative for the November 2014 ballot, and instead plan to qualify the initiative for the November 2016 ballot.

The initiatives proponent Kermit Alexander, whose mother, sister and two young nephews were murdered in 1984 by a gang member who is still serving on death row, issued the following statement:

“Our polling indicates that Californians from all walks of life overwhelmingly support an initiative that will end the unnecessary delay in executions for the state’s worst murderers.  Over the next two years we will reach out to voters to educate them on our initiative and how these common sense changes will fix a broken system bringing justice to victims and accountability where none exists today.  We will take this time to broaden our coalition, raise the funds and gather the necessary signatures well in advance of the 2016 election.”

The initiative makes several major changes in California’s death penalty process, ranging from the appointment of attorneys for appeals to the method of execution.  The objective is to remove at least a decade of unnecessary delay from the time between the trial, sentencing and a murderer’s execution.  It currently takes over 20 years and in some cases far longer to carry out the execution of a murderer whose guilt is not in dispute. 

“Other states carry out executions five to ten years after conviction, without sacrificing anyone’s constitutional rights.  There is no good reason for Californians to put up with the decades and millions in tax dollars wasted by our state in order to deliver justice for the very worst criminals,” said Alexander.   “We have the blueprint to fix this and we are going to implement that blueprint in 2016.”

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