Tuesday, June 3, 2014


            On this date, June 3, 1999, Stephanie Neiman was murdered by Clayton Lockett. The Killer was executed in Oklahoma on April 29, 2014. We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, wants the media and the public to know who the real victim was and not focus on the ‘botch’ execution. As mention in a previous blog post, why did nobody condemn the executions of the 10 Nazi War Criminals on October 16, 1946? They each took more than 10 minutes to die by a short drop hanging.

            Nevertheless, We the comrades of Unit 1012, will post information about Stephanie Neiman and her loved ones from different news source.

Remembering Stephanie Neiman: Oklahoma Murder Victim's Tragic Story

Posted: May 01, 2014 2:56 AM Updated: May 01, 2014 10:54 PM
Richard Clark, NewsOn6.com - email

PERRY, Oklahoma -
The teenager whose murder led to a controversial execution on Tuesday was known for her sweetness and her fondness for her pickup truck. 

The parents of murder victim Stephanie Neiman have not spoken publicly since the execution of Clayton Derrell Lockett went awry. But a letter they wrote for Lockett's clemency hearing in February indicates what they were feeling leading up to Tuesday night.

Lockett murdered Neiman on June 3, 1999. Stephanie, 19, had just graduated from Perry High School, where she played the saxophone in the band, two weeks earlier.

Neiman and a female friend had stopped to visit another friend named Bobby Bornt, 23, who was at his Perry home with his 9-month-old son. 

Clayton Lockett, 23, his cousin, Alfonzo Lockett, 17 and Shawn Mathis, 26, were already there. While Bornt's baby son slept in another room, they had tied up and were beating Bornt because he owed money to Clayton Lockett. 

When Neiman's friend went inside the home they hit her with a shotgun then forced her to call Neiman into the home. 

They repeatedly raped Neiman's 18-year-old friend, tied up the two women then used Neiman's truck to take the adults and the baby to a rural part of Kay County. When Neiman refused to give Clayton Lockett the keys to her truck or provide him the alarm code, he ordered Stephanie to kneel while Mathis dug a grave.         

Lockett shot her and the gun jammed. While Neiman lay there screaming, the attackers cleared the jam and Lockett shot her a second time. Even though she was still breathing, he ordered the other two attackers to drag her into the grave and bury her. 

They threatened to kill Bobby Bornt and Neiman's friend if they went to police, but they did anyway. Perry police arrested the three attackers just three days later.

Alfonzo Lockett and Shawn Mathis are each serving life terms for their parts in the crime.

On February 28, 2014, the Oklahoma Attorney General's office presented a packet of information at a clemency hearing for Clayton Lockett. The packet contains details of the case, as well as the results of Lockett's appeals to that point. 

It details his long criminal history and the punishment he's received for making threats and misbehaving since being convicted of the murder, including throwing urine and feces at the corrections officers bringing him food.

It also contains heartwrenching victim impact statements from Bornt, Neiman's friend and fellow victim, Neiman's parents and law enforcement officers involved in the case.

Writing on behalf of her husband, Steven, Susie Neiman said that the last 15 years have been "HELL."


Photo of Stephanie with her grandparents. Photo of Stephanie Neiman with her parents. [PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.newson6.com/story/25392928/remembering-stephanie-neiman-oklahoma-murder-victims-tragic-story]

"Every day we are left with horrific images of what the last hours of Stephanie's life was like. Did she cry out for us to help her? We are left with the knowledge that she needed us and we were not aware of it therefore unable [to] help her."

"We go through the motions of living, we eat, we sleep, Steve goes to work and comes home again. We do what we have to do to make it through the day and we start all over again the next. We exist," she wrote.

"We were left with an empty home full of memories and the deafening silence of the lack of life within it's [sic] walls. We have moved, but in our new home Stephanie also has a bedroom which is filled with her treasures and belongings."

She also writes that she and her husband will never know the joy of grandchildren because Stephanie was an only child.

"Clayton Lockett made choices on June 3, 1999. Actions have consequences. It is time that he face the full consequences of murdering our daughter Stephanie. She deserves that. A jury decided Clayton Lockett's fate and we believe it is time for justice to finally be carried out."

Susie and Steve Neiman released a statement Tuesday night and said they do not wish to issue any further statements on their daughter's murder or the execution and ask their privacy be respected.

"God blessed us with our precious daughter, Stephanie for 19 years. Stephanie loved children. She worked in Vacation Bible School and always helped with our church nativity scenes. She was the joy of our life. We are thankful this day has finally arrived and justice will finally be served."

Stephanie with her pride and joy, a Chevy pickup with a personalized license plate that said TAZZZ, for the Tasmanian Devil cartoon character. [PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.newson6.com/story/25392928/remembering-stephanie-neiman-oklahoma-murder-victims-tragic-story]

He deserved it! Friends of victim have no sympathy for botched execution as video surfaces of the chilling 1999 taped confession of Oklahoma murderer who showed no remorse
·         Clayton Lockett took more than half an hour to die of a heart attack after his execution failed
·         He was sentenced to death for the 1999 beating, shooting and burying alive of Stephanie Neiman
·         Residents of the small town she's from say Lockett deserved his tortured last minutes
·         It is not clear if Oklahoma officials will seek a new lethal injection drug or halt executions for the foreseeable future

Published: 02:08 AEST, 3 May 2014 | Updated: 07:42 AEST, 3 May 2014

Those who knew the victim of a convicted killer who died in a botched execution this week have spoken out to say he deserved the painful death - in which he took 47 minutes to die after periods of writhing in pain.

They expressed their lack of remorse as a disturbing video emerged of Clayton Lockett confessing, and calmly described shooting a teenage girl and watching his partners in crime bury her alive.

Lockett was sentenced to death for the killing of 19-year-old Stephanie Nieman 15 years ago in Oklahoma.

His execution was carried out with three previously untested drugs, and saw Lockett die of a heart attack 47 minutes after the execution began.

The vein in which doctors were trying to administer the drug had exploded, meaning the lethal dose was slowly absorbed through his body tissue instead of going directly into the blood stream.

‘What that guy got he deserved,’ Marilee Macias a friend of Nieman's, told KFOR.

‘I have no sympathy at all,’ Tiajuana Hammock added. ‘None whatsoever.’

Their words came after police released Lockett's confession video in which he calmy described his victim's final moments.

'I could hear her breathing and crying and everything,' Lockett says in the video made public by KFOR while casually smoking a cigarette.

The footage was shot only two days after a break-in led to the shocking murder.

'I had the shotgun in my hand and I popped [the homeowner] in the head with the barrel, and he looked and seen the shotgun and calmed down and he said don’t kill me, don’t kill my son,' Lockett continued.

Neiman happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong timeshe stopped at the home to drop off a friend in the middle of the robbery.

All witnesses agreed to secrecy except Neiman, Lockett had a solution.

‘Let’s take them out in the country and leave them,' Lockett recalled saying. They said, ‘No. We can’t do that. We’ll still get caught.

'I said, ‘The only thing we can do is take them to the country, and kill them... I couldn’t convince her not to tell.'

Lockett shot Neiman twice with a sawed-off shotgun and watched two other men bury her alive, he confessed.

His menacing wasn't done there, he even wrote a letter from jail threatening one of the witnesses saying 'cause I'm an assassin - point blank!'

Residents of Perry acknowledge that he did suffer – but not nearly as much as Neiman.

‘Stephanie was beat up, she was shot, she was thrown in a grave when she was still alive,’ Macias added. 

‘His little 30 minutes of lying there in anguish, if he was even feeling any anguish for 30 minutes does not compare at all to anything Stephanie went through or her family.’

Handwritten: The statement released by Neiman's parents says the family is thankful 'justice will finally be served' [PHOTO SOURCE: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2618893/He-deserved-Friends-victim-weigh-botched-execution-video-surfaces-chilling-1999-taped-confession-Oklahoma-murderer-showed-no-remorse-did.html]


  • 6.23pm - The injection process begins as authorities cover Lockett's groin with a towel and inject the first of three untested chemicals into a vein after they were unable to find a suitable site elsewhere
  • 6.29pm - Consistently closed his eyes
  • 6.30pm - First check of consciousness; still conscious
  • 6.33pm - Announced Lockett was officially unconscious
  • 6.34pm - Lockett started to move his mouth
  • 6.36pm - Lockett began convulsing and mumbling
  • 6.37pm - Lockett sat up and said 'something's wrong'
  • 6.39pm - Prison officials lowered the blinds
  • 7.06pm - Lockett dies of massive heart attack
The suffering may have only been half an hour, but it must have felt like an eternity to Lockett.

Guards had to shoot him earlier in the day with a Taser gun after he refused to submit to an x-ray mandated by law for all death row inmates.

He then refused to eat or speak with his attorneys before being brought to the death chamber.

Things went from bad to worse when prison staff determined the only groin suitable for the death drip IV was in his groin – which was covered by a sheet to prevent the viewing public from seeing it, according to reports.

The four-time felon soon began writhing, clenching and gnashing his teeth while trying to life his head up after the point he was expected to have been rendered unconscious by midazolam, the first of three drugs administered.

He soon died of a heart attack, but only after 30 agonizing minutes.

Despite the execution not playing out as humanely as expected, Lockett would not find sympathy in the small town 65 miles north of Oklahoma City.

‘Who cares if he feels pain,’ stylist April Sewel told KFOR. ‘You know honestly, he’s getting away a lot easier than how his victim did, how Stephanie did.’

Hammock agreed.

‘I want them to sit back and think,’ she said. ‘If that were your child, would you have sympathy?’

Neiman’s family released the following statement.

‘God blessed us with our precious daughter, Stephanie for 19 years. Stephanie loved children. She worked in Vacation Bible School and always helped with our Church nativity scenes.

‘She was the joy of our life. We are thankful this day has finally arrived and justice will finally be served.’

Justice has been served in the eyes of many, but not to federal government officials in Washington, D.C.

White House spokesperson Jay Carney said Wednesday that Lockett’s execution failed to meet that standard.

A lawyer for Charles Warner, also sentenced to death in the state, argued for a stay in her client’s execution after the debacle that was Lockett’s.

'After weeks of Oklahoma refusing to disclose basic information about the drugs for tonight's lethal injection procedures, tonight, Clayton Lockett was tortured to death,’ said Madeline Cohen.

That motion was granted after originally being denied.

States are being forced to find new methods for carrying out death by lethal injection after European drug makers began cutting off access last year to the drug pentobarbital over human rights concerns.

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