Sunday, June 1, 2014


            On this date, June 1, 1996, Henry Schwarzschild, the founder of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty died of cancer. We know that Schwarzschild was all along a dishonest person. Abolitionists claim that it is wrong to take human life, when the only human life they treasure and cherished are murderers.

He is like the American version of Roy Jenkins. We got the information about Henry Schwarzschild from Wikipedia and we would like to respond to his thoughts.

Henry Schwarzschild (November 2, 1925 – June 1, 1996) was an activist for civil rights and human rights. He was a fighter for the American Civil Rights Movement and later on became involved in the fight against capital punishment. He founded the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty (NCADP), Lawyer's Constitutional Defense Committee, and headed up the American Civil Liberties Union's Capital Punishment Project.

Henry Schwarzschild [PHOTO SOURCE:]
Work With Capital Punishment

In 1972 he was appointed to head up the ACLU’s project on capital punishment which was named the Capital Punishment Project. From 1972 until 1990 he worked as the leader of this project and fought to get legislation passed to help with the opposition to the death penalty. For the first five years he ran this project completely on his own. After those five years they finally began to get funding and more volunteers into the program. The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union and they work to “extend rights to segments of our population that have traditionally been denied their rights, including people of color, women, lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people, prisoners, and people with disabilities.” The ACLU had groups who spoke up for those who were anti-death penalty through the Capital Punishment Project especially. Through his power in the ACLU he was able to organize and establish a structure called the National Coalition for Universal and Unconditional Amnesty to help pressure President Ford to pardon those who had left the United States to avoid military conscription.

In 1976, while also working with the Capital Punishment Project and with the other groups he was a part of, he created the NCADP which stands for the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty. Henry founded this organization in response to the Supreme Court decision Gregg v. Georgia which permitted executions to resume in the United States. Schwarzschild organized it in New York and then transferred its headquarters to Washington, D.C. where he could do more with the legislation process. The NCADP consists of several dozen state and national affiliates, mainstream Protestants, and other groups along with these. The opposition to the death penalty was obviously present before the creation of this group but that bond is what solidified the different members of this group. They attempted to create change in the death penalty topic by creating public policy campaigns, serving as an information contact for people who want to know more about the death penalty and a site to keep up with the updates on new conquests in the death penalty area. They did this through trying to influence state by state changes in their constitutions that ban the death penalty individually in each state one by one.

RESPOND: Henry, you spent your whole life with your criminal rights group and Pro-Choice group (ACLU is Pro-Choice) causing the death of millions innocent victims of crime and the millions of unborn. How many millions of dollars have you and your gang spent reducing America’s population? How many lies do you and your gang have spread to deceive the public into preserving murderers? The ACLU also wants to get rid of LWOP next and you keep quiet about it.

Here is a quote from the late Philosopher, Louis Pojman:

It is noteworthy that prominent abolitionists, such as Charles Black, Hugo Adam Bedau, Ramsey Clark, and Henry Schwartzchild, have admitted to Ernest van den Haag that even if every execution were to deter a hundred murders, they would oppose it, from which van den Haag concludes "to these abolitionist leaders, the life of every murderer is more valuable than the lives of a hundred prospective victims, for these abolitionists would spare the mur-derer, even if doing so will cost a hundred future victims their lives."


MarcusFabius Quintilianus (PHOTO SOURCE:
Opposition to Israel

Following the Israeli siege of Beirut in the summer of 1982, he wrote a public letter of resignation from the editorial advisory board of the journal Sh’ma, which was then published by Nation Magazine.

I will not avoid an unambiguous response to the Israeli army’s turning West Beirut into another Warsaw Ghetto. I now conclude and avow that the price of a Jewish state is, to me, Jewishly unacceptable and that the existence of this (or any similar) Jewish ethnic religious nation state is a Jewish, i.e. a human and moral, disaster and violates every remaining value for which Judaism and Jews might exist in history. The lethal military triumphalism and corrosive racism that inheres in the State and in its supporters (both there and here) are profoundly abhorrent to me. So is the message that now goes forth to the nations of the world that the Jewish people claim the right to impose a holocaust on others in order to preserve the State. I now renounce the State of Israel, disavow any political connection or emotional obligation to it, and declare myself its enemy....

The letter has been popular with left-wing Jews ever since. In 2003 it was included in Wrestling with Zion: Progressive Jewish-American Responses to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, edited by Tony Kushner and Alisa Solomon.

In 2003 the right-wing American newspaper The Jewish Press created an annual ‘Henry Schwarzschild Award' for "a person in the public spotlight who, by his or her statements, displays contempt for the Jewish people, disregard for historical truth, a desire to sup at the table of Israel’s enemies, or who otherwise plays into the hands of the enemies of Jews and Israel".

RESPOND: We believe that Henry is an Antisemitism. He should leave America as they are the friends of Israel. It is thanks to people like you, evil has triumphed around the world. We noticed that whenever a white supremacist gets executed for murder, even the ACLU and their anti-death penalty allies remain silent. We, the comrades of Unit 1012, are not antisemitic, we remember the 6 million Jews who died during World War II and we also honor people like Irena Sendler who saved Jewish children. 

Irena Sendler on saving children [PHOTO SOURCE:]
Retirement and Beliefs

After retiring from the ACLU in 1990 he began to help with problems in the Middle East between Israel, Palestine, and other third-world countries. He fought for the religious and political rights of these groups.

Schwarzschild has been opposed to the death penalty all of his life and has stated that “he is an advocate not for murderers but against the death penalty.” (Word and the Law) He wanted to clear up the controversy in society about him supporting murderers by not wanting the death penalty. He believed they still deserved to suffer, but not through death. Throughout the years he fought for the support of national political figures and for the most part he found none. Many lawyers and political figures supported the death penalty because their constituents and clients supported it. The one thing that Henry made clear was that he “could not live in a period of major moral, social events and be a bystander.”

RESPOND: As usual, Henry was a lifelong loser and liar; he did value the lives of murderers more than the victims and their families. He just wanted to keep them alive and they can go free to kill again. There are many pedophiles, prison killers, recidivist murderers, serial killers and terrorists that should had been send to his house and see if he could make them ‘suffer’. He does not want to review to the public that the ACLU wants to get rid of LWOP, once the death penalty is abolished.

If the death penalty is more merciful, why do many seek to avoid it?
Published: May 10, 2014

In her May 7 op-ed column, “An act that condemns us all,” Kathleen Parker said that life in prison appears “far more excruciating” than the death penalty. If the prospect of life in prison is more excruciating than the death penalty, then why does almost every convicted defendant in a capital case vigorously seek to avoid the death penalty at the trial level? And why do those sentenced to death vigorously appeal this sentence for years and years and years?

John Maney, Springfield
Joseph Goebbels on the big lie [PHOTO SOURCE:]


On June 1, 1996 Schwarzschild died in the White Plains Hospital in White Plains. He was 70 years old. His daughter said the cause was cancer.


His legacy is continued through a few different methods. In Berea, Kentucky at Berea College there is a collection in their library for Henry Schwarzschild. In 2000 the Lincoln Center of Henry Schwarzschild was added to the holdings in special collections. His important collections of “printed works, government publications, and other contemporary pieces” were added by his wife, Kathleen. Another way his legacy remains is through the annual Henry Schwarzschild Memorial Lecture which began in 1999. It is sponsored by the NYCLU and the Hogarth Center for Social Action at Manhattan College and the lecturers focus on critical issues of “human rights and human dignity.” Schwarzschild also contributed a few times to The New York Review of Books with letters titled “Help for Ben Chaney” (March 1971), “HUAC” (September 1966), and the article, “An Exchange on Racism” (December 7, 1967). Many people see his life as an example of how to fight for rights and use his example to take a stand for what they believe. His most recent legacy was his denouncement of the use of legal injections in executions. (NYSDA Defender News)

RESPOND: We see his life as an example of one who wants to reduce the world population by letting evildoers go and kill again. As Ted Nugent once said, “Do-gooders are more dangerous than a sow grizzly with cubs or a coiled rattlesnake, as do-gooders champion and sanction legalized barbarism.”

What Henry did on the earth, really fits what the late Charley Reese’s criticism about the ACLU Demons like him:

“When I think of all the sweet, innocent people who suffer extreme pain and who die every day in this country, then the outpouring of sympathy for cold-blooded killers enrages me. Where is your (expletive deleted) sympathy for the good, the kind and the innocent? This fixation on murderers is a sickness, a putrefaction of the soul. It's the equivalent of someone spending all day mooning and cooing over a handful of human feces. Sick and abnormal.” (Syndicated columnist Charley Reese made an interesting analogy while criticizing the way abolitionists typically behave)

Leonardo da Vinci on punishing evil [PHOTO SOURCE:]

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