Friday, June 6, 2014


            On this date, 6 June 2009, Barry Douglas Philips was murdered by his own son, Christopher Edward Philips, in Frankston, Melbourne, Australia. The family members of both the murdered man and the murderer, wanted to bring back the death penalty. 

Raymon Phillips calls for execution of Christopher Edward Phillips over murder of dad, Barry Douglas Phillips
THE stepbrother of a man jailed yesterday for killing their defenceless father, 73, believes he should be executed.

Christopher Edward Phillips, 37, was jailed for at least 19 years after pleading guilty to the murder of Barry Douglas Phillips on June 6 last year.

Phillips, who has a long history of drug and alcohol abuse and violent crime, bashed and stabbed his father after an argument about the sale of the family home.

As Phillips was led from the dock, sobbing family members screamed, "Rot in hell, you mongrel!"

One man yelled "Let me at him" and was held back by loved ones.

As he reached the exit, Phillips yelled back, "Grow up!"

Outside court, Raymon Phillips said he believed his half-brother should be executed for his crime.

"I believe bring back the electric chair or hang him. Anything like that," Raymon said.

"He (Barry Phillips) was a gentle man, and all that coward, mongrel, canine done in there was lie."

The Supreme Court heard Phillips had attacked his father on many occasions.

In 2001, he bashed him twice on the same night, leading to the older man being treated at Frankston Hospital twice within hours.

Between 1998 and 2004, Phillips' attacks on his father resulted in three jail terms for him and four hospital admissions for his father.

Lawyers told the court Phillips' childhood was marred by his father's violence and alcoholism.

But this was disputed by family members who described the family patriarch as kind and generous.

Justice Simon Whelan said Phillips' intoxication on the day of the murder was not a mitigating factor.

"This was a shockingly violent attack on a basically defenceless old man who had, at least in recent years, shown generosity and indulgence towards you," Justice Whelan said.

"The attack was a culmination of a history of violence by you towards him."

Justice Whelan said Phillips' lengthy time in jail had done nothing to curb his violence.

Phillips was jailed for a maximum of 23 years.

Repeal the Death Penalty Abolition Act

Petition by
Gold Coast, Australia

As the recent cases of the rape and murder of Jill Meagher in Victoria and Daniel Morcombe in Queensland have shown, there are cases in which the perpetrators are beyond redemption and the chance for them to ever be rehabilitated in a way that they can be allowed to return to society is non-existent.

In instances such as this, it is illogical and counter-productive for the tax payer to fund their meals, accommodation, clothing and healthcare for the rest of their natural lives.

Furthermore, with the existing life sentence regime in Australia, there is always a risk of the perpetrators being granted parole and released back into society, causing significant additional grief to the families of their victims.

This means that life sentence for people such as the murderers of Jill Meagher & Daniel Morcombe is counter-productive on both the justice and cost aspects.

Jail sentence is designed for rehabilitation and removal of criminal tendencies whenever possible. It makes no sense to keep in there psychopaths who are beyond redemption and where it is the intention of the state to never let them out.

We the undersigned call upon the Attorney-General of Australia, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, to introduce legislation to federal parliament to repeal the Death Penalty Abolition Act (Cth) and allow the governments of the various Australian states and territories to make their own decisions on the matter.

The legislation to repeal the Death Penalty Abolition Act (Cth) should state that if Capital Punishment is introduced by any Australian state or territory, the only allowable method of execution will be a lethal injection as it is fast, causes no suffering and is extremely cost effective to the taxpayer (around $200 per injection according to research conducted in the US).


Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, Attorney-General for Australia

Repeal the Death Penalty Abolition Act as it is illogical and counter-productive to keep criminals who are beyond redemption in jail for the rest of their natural lives.

This means that life sentence for people such as the murderers of Jill Meagher & Daniel Morcombe is counter-productive on both the justice and cost aspects.

Jail sentence is designed for rehabilitation and removal of criminal tendencies whenever possible. It makes no sense to keep in there psychopaths who are beyond redemption and where it is the intention of the state to never let them out.

Please allow the individual states and territories to make their own decisions on this matter.

[Your name]


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