Thursday, May 29, 2014


            We, the comrades of Unit 1012, chose this prayer as on this date, May 29, 1971, one of the Seven Archangels, Chief Justice Rayner Goddard, passed away. Although this prayer is praying for an end to abortion, we still chose it for our victims’ rights and Pro-Death Penalty movement, as it also prays for the judges and courts of the State to protect its good citizens. 

Prayer for Our Courts and Judges
A Prayer for Justice for the Unborn

In the United States, the national legalization of abortion occurred not through legislative action but through court rulings, especially the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court case, Roe v. Wade. This prayer, written by Priests for Life, one of the chief Catholic pro-life organizations, seeks wisdom for our judges and the politicians who appoint them, so that all unborn life may be protected.

Prayer for Our Courts and Judges

Lord God, I thank you today for the gift of our nation.
You alone rule the world with justice,
Yet you place in our hands the solemn duty
of participating in the shaping of our government.
I pray today for our President and Senators
Who have the responsibility of placing judges on our courts.
Please protect this process from all obstruction.
Please send us men and women of wisdom,
Who respect Your law of Life.
Please send us judges with humility,
Who seek Your truth and not their own opinions.
Lord, give all of us the courage we need to do what is right
And to serve you, the Judge of all, with fidelity.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen!

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