Friday, May 9, 2014


            Thirty years ago on this date, May 9, 1984, 13-year-old Christy Fornoff was murdered by a pedophile, Donald Beaty. Justice was finally served later 27 years later on May 25, 2011, when the pedophile was executed by lethal injection in Arizona.

Christy Ann's parents, Carol and Roger Fornoff, became involved in victims support groups such as Parents of Murdered Children and created "Christy's House in the Pines," a mountain retreat for victims' family members. They also worked for the passage of a Victim's Bill of Rights in Arizona in 1990. They described Christy Ann as a "dream child" and decorated their cabin with butterflies, which remind them of Christy.

            We, the comrades of Unit 1012, not only thank God that justice was served but we will remember Christy and make her one of the will be one of The 82 murdered children of Unit 1012, where we will not forget him.

Let us hear from her mother, Carol Fornoff after she witnessed the execution of the pedophile:

Christy Ann Fornoff
QUOTE 1: "I know we have forgiven him and it's our faith that allows us to do that. If this goes on tomorrow, we'll be praying for his soul."

QUOTE 2: "We are here for many reasons," Carol Fornoff said. "Some for closure, some to pray for Mr. Beaty's soul with the hope that he has asked to be forgiven, all of us to represent Christy and the love our family shares as we travel the ups and downs of our lives. We would like to thank all of our friends and family who have given us support and love throughout the years."

She added, "We just, as a family, are going to be peaceful about this, and we just want you to know that we feel peace right now."

A photo of Christy Ann Fornoff hangs on the wall in the home of Carol and Roger Fornoff, a home used for grief retreats in Pine. Christy was murdered 25 years ago at the age of 13.
PHOTO BY: Cheryl Evans/The Arizona Republic

A sign welcomes visitors.
PHOTO BY: Cheryl Evans/The Arizona Republic

The Fornoffs say the house in the pines helps them with their grief.
PHOTO BY: Cheryl Evans/The Arizona Republic


  1. the Fornoff family, in statements to the media immediately following the execution of Donald Beaty, said that they do not condone the death penalty. It is extremely disingenuous of you to use them and the fact of their daughter's murder to advocate for capital punishment.

    1. You misunderstand our blog. We are not always focusing on DP but remembering murder victims and supporting victims' rights.
