Saturday, April 12, 2014


On this date, April 12, 1987, Trooper David Bruce Lader was shot dead by Tracy Alan Hansen. The Cop killer was executed on July 17, 2002 by lethal injection in Mississippi. Unit 1012 honors this fallen police and thank God that justice was served.

            Please go to the Force 1109 Blog to hear learn more about the fallen cop. Let us hear from the fallen cop’s family member:

Trooper David Bruce Ladner
Summary: On Friday, April 10, 1987, Mississippi Highway Patrol Officer David Bruce Ladner, was patrolling on Interstate 10, when he pulled over a Lincoln driven erratically and speeding. Hansen was driving the Lincoln and his girlfriend, Anita Louise Krecic was also in the vehicle. During the stop, Trooper Ladner asked for permission to search, and both Hansen and Krecic consented, giving fictitious names. In the process, Ladner took the keys to the Continental and placed them in his pocket. It is unclear exactly what happened next, but, at some point, Hansen drew a .38 caliber pistol and shot at Trooper Ladner. To avoid the fire, Ladner ran around the car and dropped to the ground, in an apparent attempt to roll underneath. Hansen managed to get off two shots at close range, each striking Ladner in the back. Still, Ladner managed to get up and make it to the median strip, where a passing motorist took him to the hospital. He died two days later. Hansen had 10 prior felony convictions and had served time in Florida. Krecic was also convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment.

"I don't want my two children to grow up in a world with no justice," Damon Ladner said last week as his stood beside the manicured grave site where the slain trooper is buried. "My father gave his life so we could have freedom and justice." And after 15 years, the Ladner family says justice will be done. Ladner's killer, Tracy Alan Hansen, 39, has run out of appeals and, barring a last-minute reprieve, will die Wednesday for his crime. Bruce Ladner's family members say they take no joy in his execution, but his death by lethal injection is justified.

Damon Ladner said he's not looking for vengeance. Hansen should be put to death not only for what he did to Bruce Ladner and law enforcement, Damon Ladner says, but because the justice system has deemed it so.

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