Saturday, February 15, 2014


            Similar to our rebuttal essays and also our response to the abolitionists in West Virginia, We, the comrades of Unit 1012 would like to rebut the Abolitionist Nun, Helen Prejean in regards to her speech in West Virginia. 

September 27, 2012 · Wheeling Jesuit University hosted a talk by Sister Helen Prejean this week. Prejean is the author of the book Dead Man Walking that was turned into a film in 1995 and later into an opera. She spoke to a crowd of more than 250 students and members of the public about capital punishment.

Sister Helen Prejean applauded West Virginians who have maintained their death penalty-free policies for more than fifty years now despite being surrounded by states who employ capital punishment including Virginia, notoriously referred to as one of the “killing states.”

“I don’t know how West Virginia did it,” Prejean says to an attentive audience. “I call you like a little energizer bunny for human rights, because you have the death penalty all around you in West Virginia and you never went for it. I don’t know why. I’m sure it’s because the people are so wonderful. You got good people, salt of the earth people.”

OUR RESPONSE: The salt of the earth people??? Good People??? Wonderful??? NO WAY! Murderers have chosen West Virginia to commit murders because they know they will not be executed for it. Please see our previous blog post.    

A self-proclaimed southern storyteller, Prejean told a crown of more than 250 people about how 30 years ago she came to work towards abolishing capital punishment. She described her experiences as a spiritual advisor to death row inmate Patrick Sonnier that lead her to write the book Dead Man Walking.

“You know William Faulkner, when he got the Nobel Prize for literature—a southern author—and in his speech, when he got the Nobel Prize, he said the only thing worth writing about is the human heart in conflict with itself. Well here’s a human heart in conflict. My own.”

Prejean also talked about her second book published in 2004, Death of Innocents: An Eyewitness Account of Wrongful Executions. In it she describes more encounters with death-row inmates including time spent as a spiritual advisor to Joseph O’Dell in Virginia, a man many now believe was wrongfully convicted. Prejean described how thousands of Italians inundated the Virginian Governor with letters trying to convince him to stay the execution. She says even Mother Theresa called.

“He had Mother Theresa on the phone! Mother Theresa of Calcutta! The people in the office—I wasn’t there—but the people in the office said he was holding the phone and saying, ‘but Mother…but Mother,’ and she’s letting him have it! We think, Mother Theresa, servant of the poor, but when it came to killing a human being, she’s letting him have it on the phone!”

OUR RESPONSE: Please see this Force 1109 Blog Post about Mother Teresa. Unit 1012 respects Mother Teresa in some ways but disagree with her stance in ending the death penalty.
Prejean said it was through this experience that she gained an audience with Pope John Paul II. She and many other Catholics appealed to the pope to take a stronger stance against the death penalty. Soon after, the pope did change the wording of the Catholic catechism, so that according to Catholic doctrine, the death penalty was no longer an acceptable form of punishment.

OUR RESPONSE: All thanks to people like Helen Prejean and the ACLU Demons, who obviously manipulated the Pope to change the wording of the Catholic Catechism.

Please see The Catechism of Trent on THE FIFTH COMMANDMENT: "Thou shalt not kill" on the section: Execution of Criminals

“Another kind of lawful slaying belongs to the civil authorities, to whom is entrusted power of life and death, by the legal and judicious exercise of which they punish the guilty and protect the innocent. The just use of this power, far from involving the crime of murder, is an act of paramount obedience to this Commandment which prohibits murder. The end of the Commandment is the preservation and security of human life. Now the punishments inflicted by the civil authority, which is the legitimate avenger of crime, naturally tend to this end, since they give security to life by repressing outrage and violence. Hence these words of David in Psalms 101 verse 8: In the morning I put to death all the wicked of the land that I might cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.”


Over the years, Prejean says the public has been conflicted when grappling with the subject of capital punishment.

“Most people have this ambivalence, on the one hand, outraged over the crime, want to see justice done, but on the other hand, know that you can barely trust government to get the potholes filled much less set up a system where you’re gonna decide who lives and who dies. And more and more now we’re conscious of the mistakes.”

“139 lucky people who’ve been able to come off of death row that could show their innocence—but how many people are gone?” Prejean wonders. “Because it’s only poor people selected. So you have innocent and guilty mixed up together, and that’s impacting the consciousness of the American public.”

OUR RESPONSE: Please see two of our previous blog posts to rebut her arguments on the innocence issue.



Prejean says since the days she began working to educate the public about the realities of capital punishment, she and others have seen changes in policies throughout the county.

“Beginning in 2001, death penalty sentences were cut in half. Prosecutors are seeking it less, juries are voting for it less. Even Texas, like Harris County in Houston used to get 48 death sentences a year. And now that there’s life without parole, and the jury has to be told that, even when it’s a horrendous crime, they don’t want it in their hands that they’re killing a fellow human being.”

“And they know that we can be safe,” she continues. “The public can be safe because they will really get life without parole. The public can be safe without imitating the killing! When you think of it, we’re letting their behavior determine how we respond. Where else in the criminal justice system do you do that?”

OUR RESPONSE: Life without parole does not keep society safe at all. The ACLU Demons do not support LWOP at all. Thomas Sowell has a message for you:

At the same time, please see this Force1109 Blog post, ‘A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE ON THE EXECUTION OF THE SMILING ASSASSIN’.

When LWOP is the most you can get, ever, you have handed dangerous and violent inmates a license to kill.” – Bill Otis
Prejean’s next stop is California to help push Proposition 34, which would abolish the death penalty. She says 700 people in the state are on death row waiting an average of 20 years for their executions, and if the death penalty is abolished, California stands to save a billion dollars in the first five years.

“It’s counter intuitive that the death penalty could be more expensive than somebody in prison for life without parole, but every fiscal study that’s been done and even the prosecutors themselves say that a capital case is the Cadillac of the criminal justice system.”

OUR RESPONSE: The Comrades of Unit 1012 prayed to God to defeat the ACLU Demons from destroying California. We do not buy the lies of that satanic organization. Helen Prejean just refuse to admit that her allies, the ACLU Demons made the death penalty more expensive and that America will not save money even if LWOP was an option too.  

            Unit 1012 endorses this Victims’ Rights group, CALIFORNIANS FOR DEATH PENALTY REFORMS & SAVINGS. Please support them and do not get wrongfully influence by Helen Prejean and the ACLU Demons.  

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