Saturday, January 25, 2014


            As some of us, the comrades of Unit 1012 are born again Christians. We would like rebut the 7 answers of Karen Clifton, who is the Executive Director of the Catholic Mobilizing Network to end the use of the Death Penalty. We will back up our rebuttal essay with different kinds of statistics with stories from blog posts and also Force 1109 Blog.

7 Questions: ending the death penalty

Michael J. O'Loughlin | Aug 11, 2013 - See more at: 

Karen Clifton is the executive director of the Catholic Mobilizing Network, a Washington, DC, based Catholic group that seeks to apply the Catholic Church’s pro-life mission to the abolition of the death penalty in the US.

Michael O’Loughlin: Your group, Catholic Mobilizing Network, fights to end the use of the death penalty. How does this fit in to the Catholic Church’s very active pro-life movement?

Karen Clifton: The death penalty is a pro-life issue. By educating Catholics on the death penalty, we close the loopholes on all of the life issues. If we can come to believe that those who have done heinous crimes have the right to life and redemption, it is logical to believe the innocent have a right to life. Abolishing the death penalty is a means of changing the mindset of our culture from using violence to solve problems.

REBUTTAL: Heinous crimes have the right to life and redemption??? Why do people like Karen keep silent on the victims and their grieving families? Recidivist murderers have murdered again and again and redemption does not seem to work at all. Kenneth McDuff is one great example in Texas.

Kenneth McDuff

"Abolishing the death penalty is a means of changing the mindset of our culture from using violence to solve problems."

George Orwell and Robert A. Heinlein have quotes for you in regards to the cycle of violence.

- Robert A. Heinlein

MO: Federal authorities may seek the death penalty against the alleged Boston marathon bomber, accused of killing 4, including a child, and injuring hundreds. Why should this person, and those who commit heinous crimes, be spared?

KC: Putting the Boston marathon bomber to death is not going to bring any of the four people who were sadly killed back to life. Two wrongs are not going to make a right, and using the death penalty just increase the violence. His death would just teach that killing justifies killing. Another way to think about it is, how does killing someone show that killing others is wrong? As a Catholic, I believe in redemption, which is all in God’s time.

REBUTTAL: As usual, abolitionists do not seem to realize that their argument, “Putting someone to death does not bring the victim back to life.” is the most flawed argument against capital punishment. Unit 1012 can also say that incarceration and any punishment cannot bring the victim back to life, why don’t we leave all evildoers unpunished.

"Two wrongs are not going to make a right, and using the death penalty just increase the violence. His death would just teach that killing justifies killing. Another way to think about it is, how does killing someone show that killing others is wrong?"

English Philosopher, John Stuart Mill was quoted in a Speech in favor of capital punishment in the House of Lords on April 21, 1865:

Does fining a criminal show want of respect for property, or imprisoning him, for personal freedom? Just as unreasonable is it to think that to take the life of a man who has taken that of another is to show want of regard for human life. We show, on the contrary, most emphatically our regard for it, by the adoption of a rule that he who violates that right in another forfeits it for himself, and that while no other crime that he can commit deprives him of his right to live, this shall.

The Boston Marathon Bomber will hopefully join the The Legion of Doom: The 13 Dead Terrorists. The 13 evil men were either executed or killed by military action. Are the soldiers or executioners all stooping to their level?

MO: You’re from Texas, home of what the New York Times called America’s busiest death chamber. What was it like fighting the death penalty there?

KC: It feels like you are invisible. The executions were on the newspaper’s back page when I lived in Texas, and they were never discussed. It was as if they weren’t happening at all. The good works of many, including attorneys, students, and religious, are raising their voices to make the facts and moral issues known. Texas can always surprise you.

REBUTTAL: Karen, we rather you obey God’s Justice than get wrongfully influenced by The ACLU. Unit 1012 prayed to Jesus Christ and we thank God he answered our prayers and Proposition 34 was defeated. Unit 1012 research the facts of capital cases and we DO NOT BELIEVE in whatever the ACLU says.

MO: Your group works with Sr. Helen Prejean, made famous for her anti-death penalty work in the movie ‘Dead Man Walking.’ What impact has she, and the film, had on America’s attitudes toward capital punishment?

KC: ‘Dead Man Walking’ was the perfect example of how film, theatrical performances and media can educate people about issues. Often, people don’t think about the death penalty unless it touches your family or someone you know. The book, which has many more facts, and the movie, which was beautifully written and acted, caught the nation’s attention. Other movies have done the same for mental illness, poverty, and racism, which are all issues that come to play in the death penalty. We need more movies that educate people about the realities that exist.

REBUTTAL: As usual, Karen needs to stop get wrongfully influenced by the media that love to lie and lie again. We know the facts of the case when we read the book, ‘Dead Family Walking’ instead. Unit 1012 prefers to watch movies like The Passion of The Christ, where the Director, Mel Gibson who is a Traditionalist Catholic is truly Pro-Life (where he is anti-abortion but Pro Death Penalty). Please see this blog post from Force 1109, ‘DEFENDING THE DEATH PENALTY: THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST’.


MO: In addition to fighting against capital punishment, you promote restorative justice. What’s the goal of restorative justice?

KC: Restorative Justice asks us to consider how we achieve justice and promote healing of the victim, the perpetrator, and the whole community. It’s not an easy out for the perpetrators; it’s actually more difficult. The offender has to recognize what they have done, own their actions, and then work to restore the harm they have caused. Through our retributive system of justice, all is focused on the offender. We need a system that gives the victim a voice, as well as the means to heal. The death penalty has proven not to be a source of healing, but a system that re-victimizes the victim’s family for many, many years.

REBUTTAL: If Karen claims that restorative justice works as well, meaning that those killers can be redeem and heal society, she should learn the case of Leonard Keith Lawson and Barry Gordon Hadlow, who were devout Christians and model prisoners, who won their parole for good behavior and went on to murder again. She should also learn about James Tramel who became an Episcopal priest after serving a prison sentence for murder, he is now suspended from church duties as he had been accused of sexual misconduct. 

"We need a system that gives the victim a voice, as well as the means to heal. The death penalty has proven not to be a source of healing, but a system that re-victimizes the victim’s family for many, many years."

Of course!!! The death penalty does give the victim voices, there are quite a number of victims’ families who felt justice was served years later after watching the killers of their loved ones get executed.

The D.C. Sniper, John Allen Muhammad was executed at Greensville Correctional Center in Jarratt, Virginia. Unlike other States in the America, he was executed in seven years after his murders and six years after being sentenced to death on November 17, 2003, he was not executed ‘voluntarily’ (state suicide assist). We hope that other states can follow Virginia’s example, as they did it with Michael William Lenz.

MO:  What’s more effective in converting people to your cause, moral arguments or economic ones?

KC: Depends on the audience. I would say initially, the economic arguments are more effective. People have usually not thought about the death penalty and often they don’t know the facts. If you give them the facts about cost, then they are often open to hearing the moral arguments as well. They often don’t know that execution can cost three times more than a life sentence in the highest level security prison, that poverty plays a major role in who gets the death penalty, as people with money do not sit on death row, that it’s racially biased, that one-third of all executions come from only 15 counties in the US, that there is a high probability of executing an innocent person. Once people hear this, they are open to hearing the moral arguments about a flawed system playing God, the lack of redemption, and the dignity of human life.

REBUTTAL: One of the main reasons why capital trials are more expensive than life sentence is because of the ACLU demons who made it expensive. Abolishing the death penalty will not save money at all.

The arguments that those Death Penalty opponents provide like racism and executing an innocent person can be rebutted here. Please see this blog post, “STOP THE RACISM, KEEP THE PUNISHMENT!

There are massive safeguards and strict guidelines to follow in capital cases, the chance of getting an innocent person wrongfully executed is close to nil. The innocence argument are just one of the scare stories used to frighten people to preserving the evildoers.

"A flawed system playing God, the lack of redemption, and the dignity of human life."

Unit 1012 wonders if Karen and her organization will cry for Nazi War Criminals?

Seyß-Inquart, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, and Heydrich in Vienna, March 1938
If we can send The Seal Team Six to kill Osama Bin Laden and other terrorists. Why can we not use them as the firing squad to kill all guilty murderers in America? The Seal Team Six were NOT PLAYING God when they assassinated Osama Bin Laden. They were meting out Justice and Protection.

MO: A majority of Hispanics in the US supports the death penalty, despite the overrepresentation of Hispanics on death row compared to the population. Why?

KC: Hispanics tend to be culturally pro-life, but Spanish-speaking Catholics usually come from countries that do not have the death penalty. When they arrive in this country, usually in the South, they try to assimilate into American culture.  They assume our values, which are predominately pro-death penalty. It is our job as Church to educate them that the death penalty is a pro-life issue and our laws are not always just.

REBUTTAL: Unit 1012 feels the death penalty is Pro Life please see this quote from Saint Thomas Aquinas and read one of his articles

            Unit 1012 advises you to stop showing support for evildoers, if you end the death penalty, you will be grieving more victims’ families and causing more innocent lives. Blood is on the CMN’s hands! If you see the case Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, people like us remember them every year on the date they die and on their birth dates. 

Channon Gail Christian, 21, and Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23.
             John Murray, Edmund Burke and Dietrich Bonhoeffer will explain more to you in their own quotes:

Nothing shows the moral bankruptcy of a people or of a generation more than disregard for the sanctity of human life. And it is this same atrophy of moral fiber that appears in the plea for the abolition of the death penalty. It is the sanctity of life that validates the death penalty for the crime of murder. It is the sense of this sanctity that constrains the demand for the infliction of this penalty. The deeper our regard for life the firmer will be our hold upon the penal sanction which the violation of that sanctity merit. 
- John Murray  


Dietrich Bonhoeffer (PHOTO SOURCE:

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