Saturday, October 12, 2013


To celebrate the first anniversary of Unit 1012: The VFFDP. We, THE COMRADES OF UNIT 1012, will always remember Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom, a young couple from Knoxville, Tennessee who were slain on January 7, 2007.

One of the friends of the parents of the couple, LMC is a comrade of Unit 1012, she will represent the parents and she has a story on why the killers of Channon and Christopher must pay with their lives. 
Channon Gail Christian, 21, and Hugh Christopher Newsom, Jr., 23.
  The Death Penalty is Justice for those who brutally tortured and repeatedly rape their victims for hours and still not enough; they poured bleach down the victims’ throat! When the victims were still alive, put them in a trash can and put bags over their face and made them die a slow death! That was what had happened on January 7, 2007 to Channon Christian.

Her boyfriend, Christopher Newsom as taken to the railroad track near the Chip street in East Knoxville. He was raped, shot three times. The final shot was delivered in an execution style. After that, they set the body on fire with gasoline.

There was not drug used to ease their pain. The parents of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom wanted the murderers of their children to be punished for their Ungodly acts. They know it will never bring back their children but it would give them some peace of their mind to know that justice was given.

To celebrate the first anniversary of Unit 1012: The VFFDP. We, THE COMRADES OF UNIT 1012, will honor Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom and support their family members. 

Please go these Blog Posts to learn more:
1. The Case:

2. ‘Liberal Lies About the Death Penalty’ by Ashley Herzog

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