Sunday, October 27, 2013


Note: Please read this previous post before reading this post of ours.

       On this date, October 27, 2011, Kelli O'Laughlin, a 14 year-old freshman at Lyons Township High School was murdered. She was stabbed to death in an apparent burglary. This is believed to be the first murder in Indian Head Park history. She was a sweet innocent young girl with so much of life to go with but it ended, now her family and her dreams are all shattered and gone. We do not know if her parents are for or against executing this killer of theirs, but nevertheless, we will post it here. 

We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, personally wished that John L. Wilson Jr. was not paroled at all from prison and this homicide may never have occurred. However, Unit 1012 feels that Governor Pat Quinn has to be partly blamed for all these chaos in Illinois after he signed the bill to abolish the death penalty, letting all the violent murderers be kept alive. The homicide rate had risen from 60% since the abolition of the death penalty. He also ignored the cries of the murdered victims’ families who wanted to see justice done. The family members of Diann Hoagland, who was murdered by a recidivist murderer, Steven Pryer, will never get justice served. So, are the family members of Jitka Vesel, whom her killer confessed that he waited for the death penalty to be abolished before shooting her dead. This year, Pat Quinn has also released criminals from prisons. 

 There was a petition to restore capital punishment in Illinois after Kelli’s murder, but sadly it is now closed. There will be an event call Run For Kelli on November 16, 2013, please attend it if you are from Illinois. We want to say with joy that we appreciate those people who show support for her and her family, we respect you all for showing support to a grieving family. 

The playground at Sacajawea Park in Indian Head Park will be dedicated to Kelli O'Laughlin on Oct. 27.
There are some abolitionists who say, “Our opposition to the death penalty does not mean that we do not care for the murder victims and their families.”

OH REALLY? we did not see any anti-death penalty organization mention Kelli O’Laughlin and her families’ name. We did not hear any of them from those criminal rights organization attend the candlelight vigil last year. They do not care but Unit 1012 does, that is why we blog in loving memory of Kelli O’Laughlin. Unit 1012 do encourage everybody to donate and show support Kelli Joy O’Laughlin Memorial Fund. Tomorrow, there will be a post in the other blog about an article from DA Bob Berlin. May you R.I.P, we will not forget you. 

To the O’Laughlin family, we recommend Marsy’s Law for Illinois for you, a Victims’ Rights Law we support. We also will think of how you live and not how you died, we will have good memories for you.

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