Wednesday, September 25, 2013


On this date, September 25, 2007, a rapist murderer parolee, Michael Wayne Richard was executed by lethal injection in Texas. He was convicted of the rape and shooting of 53 year old Marguerite Dixon on August 18, 1986.

Michael Wayne Richard
Summary: Two months after he had been paroled from prison, Michael Richard approached Marguerite Dixon’s son, Albert, in front of the Dixon home in Hockley and asked if a yellow van parked outside the home was for sale. Albert said the vehicle belonged to his brother who was out of town and suggested that Richard come back another time. Richard left. When Albert and his sister, Paula, left a few minutes later, Richard returned and entered the house. He took two television sets and put them in the yellow van, sexually assaulted Mrs. Dixon and shot her in the head with a .25 caliber automatic pistol. Richard admitted he was involved in Mrs. Dixon’s murder and offered to help find the murder weapon. Police found the weapon and testing revealed it to be the gun that fired the fatal shot.

QUOTE: "It means in this particular case, the system worked, it was thorough," Stephen Dixon, whose mother was killed in the attack, said after watching Richard die. "The person executed deserved what he got." Dixon said he wasn't too concerned with the delays. "I was told to expect such things," he said. "It's been a long 21 years."

AUTHOR: Stephen Dixon whose mother was murdered by Michael Wayne Richard on August 18, 1986. He was executed by lethal injection in Texas on September 25, 2007.

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