Friday, August 2, 2013


            On this date, August 2, 1999, A World War II veteran and a paraplegic, 80 year old Robert Pendley and his wife were stabbed and beaten to death outside their home by McElmurry and his wife. The Killer, Harold Loyd McElmurry III was executed for the murders by lethal injection in Oklahoma on July 29, 2003. He needed a suicide assist and he gave himself up to be put to death, it was good that he was repentant and apologized. 

QUOTE: The murder victims' grandson said he believed McElmurry's apology was sincere. "I forgave Harold about three weeks ago," Robert Pendley Jr. said after the execution. "It was kind of a hard thing to do, just knowing the brutality of the crime he had committed. "I felt like with Harold making the decision he had made tonight (waiving all remaining appeals), I felt like I needed to do that."

AUTHOR: Robert Pendley Jr. whose grandparents, Robert and Rosa Pendley were murdered by Harold Loyd McElmurry III on August 2, 1999. Harold Loyd McElmurry III was sentenced to death on June 16, 2000, he waived all his appeals of death sentence and executed by lethal injection in Oklahoma on July 29, 2003.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I will post a comment. Trae was my oldest son, and I need to say what really happened next For one thing, Vicky was not his wife, she was married to someone else. Second, Trae didn't do this, Vicky did. I was supposed to testify for the prosecution of Vicky, but when she found out about it, she confessed? She pleaded guilty to save herself from the death penalty. Trae had already been tried and received the death penalty. Little did he know, she had schizophrenia, no, he thought that she was bipolar, like the rest of us thought. I went to his trial, but I was escorted out by his attorney, because they thought that if I was seen, that my daughter would have been less likely to get up there and lie in court. She told about how she was always a good girl and never got into any kind of trouble. Well I will be the first to say, that's a lie. She lied to the court, I don't know why, I guess to make herself look better. At least Trae was a good enough person to admit when he did something wrong. You see, it's been almost twenty years now, Trae is dead and gone, but she still won't have the guts to say that she is a liar. Trae was the one that got into trouble, but, he was also the one to tell the truth about it. Why hasn't anyone ever tried to call me, and ask me about it? Vicky is not the innocent one, no, and I want everyone else to know, she was the one that did it. Trae said that he was guilty because he said that the worst thing that could happen in this case was, life without parole. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life in prison . He said that he would rather have the death penalty. He told me about what happened, and I know that he was innocent. I called the D.A. when Trae called me from prison. He told me about what happened and I called the D.A. to let him know. That's what made them want me to testify against Vicky for the prosecution. I don't know why you think that it happened the way you think,but, let me tell you that,Vicky,and Vicky alone, is the guilty one. I hope you're all happy that you executed the wrong person. And this is for you Vicky, I hope you're doing well now, because, when you die, God will be waiting to give you what you deserve. He asked for forgiveness because of the terrible crime that he was involved with. He helped her to get away. You didn't know my son, but I will always know that you executed an innocent man.I hope that God isn't so quick to judge you as all of you were to judge Trae. I don't have to worry about going to sleep at night with an execution on my conscience of an innocent man.
    Pam Lyles
