Monday, August 12, 2013


            On this date, 12 August 2011, the Cleveland Strangler Serial Killer, Anthony Sowell was sentenced to death by Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Dick Ambrose in Ohio. We, the VFFDP, personally doubt that Anthony Sowell was truly repentant of his crimes as he kept his eyes closed as though he was sleeping. Unlike Troy Davis, why do the abolitionists not wear T-shirts with the words, ‘I AM ANTHONY SOWELL’. We care for murdered victims and their families regardless of their race.
            Please go to this previous Blog Post to remember the 11 victims murdered by Anthony Sowell, we posted those quotes by the victims’ families who gave their victim impact statements. We will also post a news article from Vanessa Gay, who was a homicide survivor and also upload a video of the victims’ families giving their impact statements.  


Survivor of Anthony Sowell attack, Vanessa Gay, speaks out on East Cleveland killings (video, slideshow)

By Stan Donaldson, The Plain Dealer
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on July 24, 2013 at 6:35 PM, updated July 25, 2013 at 8:48 AM

EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Vanessa Gay -- who in 2008 survived an attack by notorious Cleveland serial killer Anthony Sowell and then bravely testified during his murder trial in 2011 -- spoke out this afternoon in the wake of the murders of three women in East Cleveland.

Gay was one of a few of Sowell's victims who survived a sexual assault.

Sowell was sentenced to death after being convicted of killing 11 women and burying their bodies in and around his Imperial Avenue home in the Mount Pleasant neighborhood of Cleveland. 

The Plain Dealer does not name rape victims as a matter of policy. But Gay said during an interview after her testimony in 2011 that she hopes to reach out to other survivors of sexual assault and expressed a wish for her identity to be known.

During her testimony then, Gay -- a recovering addict who had been sober for 16 months -- sobbed and recounted the memory of the night she crossed paths with Sowell. On Wednesday, she stood again in support of the families of more murder victims.

Gay was among more than 150 people, including East Cleveland residents and elected officials who attended a rally Wednesday evening.

Gay, 39, said she also knew Michael Madison, who has been charged in the East Cleveland case and is being held on $6 million bond.

She said she knew him and would speak to him in passing because she goes to some East Cleveland plazas where she would bump into him.

Gay said she attended the rally to show her support of the victims -- but that she also gains support from others to get through the pain she suffered. 

“Police need to be more vigilant about watching sex offenders and the community  needs to have more value for women,” she said. 


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