Friday, February 8, 2013


            On this date, 8 February 2010, Vanessa Pickering was murdered in New Zealand by Malcolm George Chaston. Let us not forget her and her family.

Vanessa Pickering
20-year minimum for Vanessa Pickering's killer
Last updated 05:00 19/04/2011

One of New Zealand's most dangerous criminals has been jailed indefinitely for the brutal murder of a young mother. 

In the High Court in Rangiora yesterday, 41-year-old Malcolm George Chaston, a criminal with a history of violence spanning two decades, received a 20-year non-parole sentence for murdering Christchurch mother-of-one Vanessa Pickering, 27. 

Justice French also sentenced Chaston to preventive detention with a minimum nine-year non-parole period on two unrelated charges of a sexual nature. 

The judge noted Chaston had 71 previous convictions, including violent assaults. 

Pickering's family yesterday brought her ashes, resting in a wooden box, to court. 

A balding, bearded Chaston was accompanied by three prison guards. 

As members of the Pickering family read their victim impact statements, he placed his head between his knees and closed his eyes. 

For Pickering's mother, Rachel Kitson, it was too much. 

While reading her victim impact statement – the first of eight read to the court – Kitson broke down in tears. 

"You have no idea how your `bad day' on February 8, 2010, has affected Vanessa's family. Through your cold, calculating actions, our world has turned," she told the court. 

"You meant nothing to Vanessa. Why, oh why, your prolonged premeditated attack? 

"You could have stopped after inflicting that first cut, but you chose not to. 

"Vanessa wasn't an animal, but you, Chaston, are. Her murder should never have happened." 

The court also heard that Chaston had assaulted another woman on the same day, before returning to his home and grabbing a 15-centimetre serrated-blade knife he used to kill Pickering. 

He went to Pickering's home, and drove her to the Godley Head road, where he had attacked the other woman earlier. 

Chaston stabbed Pickering in the face, neck, chest, abdomen and on both hands. 

The attack was so fierce, the knife handle broke. 

Days later, after being caught by police, Chaston brought them to Pickering's body. 

He told officers, "she's dead" and "I stabbed her in the eye 'cos she was staring at me", a police summary said.Pickering's younger sister, Loana Pickering, also read a victim impact statement, saying Chaston had "torn my heart apart", before also breaking down. 

Rachel Kitsen

Tuesday 15 February 2011: The mother of slain Christchurch woman Vanessa Pickering has called for a referendum on restoring the death penalty in New Zealand.

Rachel Kitsen told TV ONE's Close Up tonight she wanted the referendum to be included in this year's election.

"Either yes or no. And when I say that I mean 'beyond reasonable doubt'," she said.

Speaking to Close Up tonight from her Greymouth home, Kitsen said Chaston had cost New Zealand thousands of dollars and asked "why the hell are they still keeping him?"

She said before her loss she had considered the use of the death penalty. Capital punishment for murder was abolished in 1961.

Kitsen said Chaston was "pure evil" and that knowing his past "really churns my stomach".

"I know that he was out to get someone and unfortunately it was Vanessa," she said.

Chaston has been remanded in custody until April 18 for sentencing with two medical reports pending.

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