Sunday, February 17, 2013


           On this date, 17 February 2004, a psychopath by the name of Cameron Todd Willingham was executed by lethal injection in Texas for the arson murder of his three children. As usual, the abolitionists in the U.S.A claim that he is innocent, but I doubt it after going through the facts of the case. To learn more, please go here.

            Let us not forget the three children, we must hear from the mother, Stacy Kuykendall. As much as I have great empathy and sympathy for victims and their families, I have feeling for her too. I personally wish the media can stop portraying Willingham as a gentle lamb when he is a violent psychopath. It is time to leave Stacy alone, she was satisfied that justice was served and not live in fear of her violent ex-husband.

Stacy Kuykendall press conference

|Kent Scheidegger| 1 Comment | No TrackBacks
Corsicana -- The  Associated Press is reporting that Stacy Kuykendall, former wife of Cameron Todd Willingham, will hold a press conference today before an Austin judge is scheduled to begin a hearing on whether or not Cameron Willingham was wrongly executed for the deaths of his three daughters in a 1991 fire ruled as arson.

Judge Charlie Baird is scheduled to begin the hearing at 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in Austin, at the request of the Willingham family.

Navarro County District Attorney Lowell Thompson filed a motion Monday asking that Baird recuse himself from the case due to his involvement in a prior appeal, and the judge's connections with an anti-death penalty organization.

Stacy Kuykendall's press conference is scheduled for 11 a.m. Wednesday.

That is a few minutes after the writing of this post.

Update (noon Austin time): Jeff Carlton reports on the press conference for AP:

Stacy Kuykendall read a prepared statement to reporters outside the Travis County courthouse. She told reporters that Cameron Todd Willingham set the fire that killed the girls "and watched while their tiny bodies burned."

*                             *                            *
"My ex-husband murdered my daughters, and just before he was executed, he told me he did it," Kuykendall said.

Kuykendall voice began quavering early in her statement, as she noted her oldest daughter would be 21 and her twins would be 19. "I think about my girls every day and I miss them," she said.

Update 2: Steven Kreytak continues his coverage in the AA-S.

Update 3:  The text of Ms. Kuykendall's statement, courtesy of Johnny Sutton, her attorney, follows the jump. 

My name is Stacy Kuykendall and I was married to Todd Willingham.

Time and time again, I have been asked to speak to the public about the murder of my daughters.  

Amber would be 21 years old today and the twins, Karmon and Kameron, would be 19.

I am here today to stand up one last time on behalf of my daughters.  After today, I hope that you will leave me in peace and let me deal with my grief the best that I can.  

I think about my girls everyday and I miss them.  

My ex-husband murdered my daughters, and just before he was executed, he told me he did it - he stood and watched while their tiny bodies burned.  

I am here to make sure that my girls' voices are heard: Todd murdered Amber, Karmon and Kameron. He burned them, he admitted he burned them to me, and he was executed for his crime. 

That's the closest to justice that my daughters will ever get.

Cameron Todd Willingham's Ex-Wife Stacy Kuykendall Says Texas Shouldn't Pardon Him [EXCLUSIVE]
Posted: 11/01/2012 4:08 pm EDT 

Standing in the way of a pardon for a Texas man that his family considers was wrongly convicted and executed is his ex-wife.

For years, Stacy Kuykendall advocated for Cameron Todd Willingham, stating repeatedly that she believed he didn't deliberately start the house fire that killed their three daughters in 1991. 

She reversed herself shortly before his 2004 execution, declaring that she now considered him guilty for murdering their 2-year-old daughter and her 1-year-old twin sisters.

As Willingham's relatives seek to erase his conviction, with experts dismissing the original fire investigation as primitive and conducted using out-of-date techniques, Kuykendall renewed her insistence that her ex-husband started the blaze. 

"Todd is guilty, the criminal justice system and the courts confirmed his guilt, and he should not be pardoned for his crimes," Kuykendall said in an exclusive statement to The Huffington Post. "My girls would have been 23 and 21 years old today. I miss them so much."

Her words could hinder the latest attempts by Willingham's stepmother Eugenia Willingham and cousin Patricia Willingham Cox to alter his record. Last week, the pair filed a petition with the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles to recommend a pardon for Willingham.

The Texas parole board checks with victims' families, the prosecutor and other people involved in the original murder case before deciding whether to recommend that the governor issue a pardon. That process could take months. 

"I read that Todd’s stepmom and cousin are asking the governor for a pardon. I don’t blame Todd’s stepmom for fighting for her son," Kuykendall said in her statement. "Mothers love their children and always will, no matter what happens in their lives.

"Eugenia loved Todd, and I understand why she does not want to face the facts of what he did to our girls," Kuykendall said.

Willingham maintained his innocence until the day he died, but his conviction was upheld on appeals in state and federal court. A leading arson expert in 2004, however, concluded in a report that the testimony from fire investigators used against Willingham was no longer scientifically valid. Gov. Rick Perry turned down an eleventh-hour request to stop the execution. 

The case was originally prosecuted by the Navarro County district attorney. The current DA, R. Lowell Thompson, told HuffPost he doesn't plan to challenge the pardon request.

Saying that Willingham is guilty is not new for Kuykendall, but it's a 180-degree change from the early years of the case. 

At the time of the fire, Kuykendall and Willingham were newlyweds. She told investigators that they hadn't been fighting and that her husband would never hurt their children. 

Even after their divorce, she continued to proclaim Willingham's innocence, as in a 1999 recorded interview with a teacher researching the case.

But by 2004, she had declared Willingham guilty. She told the Corsicana Daily Sun that a close examination of the evidence persuaded her that Willingham was not innocent. 

In 2009, she unleashed a startling accusation that Willingham confessed the crime to her when she visited him on death row. Though she hadn't said this to investigators or during his trial, Kuykendall said she threatened to divorce Willingham the night before the fire. 

She stood by that claim in her statement to HuffPost 

"I did not want to believe that he could kill our children either, but he did," she said. "Shortly before his execution, I spoke to Todd about the murders and he admitted his guilt to me."


  1. She's a vengeful piece of shit who is getting back at him, but the death penalty isn't given for domestic violence. What's wrong with these people in Corsicana Texas don't they know anything about forensics. Don't worry Stacy you'll get yours when you meet your maker.

    1. You are very sick in defending a remorseless killer. CTW is burning in hell, think of the 3 children, Do not behave like the ACLU

    2. Your ignorant have you looked into the the case of CTW? Well I have and i'm a huge proponent of the death penalty, but there is irrefutable evidence that CTW is innocent. Those backwoods cops & wannabe Fire Marshalls botched the case. Then after years of sticking by her man Stacy Kuykendall the ex-wife all of a sudden says he confessed. She did that only after they had an argument about him being buried next to his children. She moved on as soon as those prison doors shut and remarried. So she lies and said he confessed. They had something like 14 renown Fire arson experts say it was an electrical fire. So really the only sick one here is his ex-wife because she as much killed him as the lethal injection did. Why don't you do a little research before you start calling names.

    3. His ex-wife is sick and so are you? You work for the ACLU Demons don;t you.

  2. Are you ignorant or what? There is irrefutable evidence that he did not commit the crime. As I said I am a firm believer in the death penalty, I beleive it works but in this case it didn't. Are you so opinionated that you can't even read or watch something that may enlighten you to the fact that your wrong. Watch this then comment;

  3. The ACLU is anti-Christian and I am very much Christian.

  4. I never have or never will have anything to do with the ACLU, but right is right they made a mistake and now they need to say so but what Gov. Rick Perry did was hire outside people to conduct the fire and arson tests and when it came back that there had been no arson Gov. Perry fired anyone who said that there was a possibility that that house wasn't set by CTW. Don't take my word for it watch the short PBS link I left you. They also had something like 14 different fire and arson companies check it and they all came back saying it was wiring. The worlds leading authority even said the locals messed it up bad. See for yourself, I read yours but it's all old stuff.

    1. I did watch it before and I do not believe it. I know the full facts of the case. I don't trust the innocence project at all. They also make mistakes in letting the guilty go free.

  5. Maybe you should both check out stacy willinghams Facebook page.

  6. Please this woman along with the police prosecution and defense attorney all belong on death row. She was a known liar and money hungry female and the ones who should have been doing their jobs and didn't and put people in jail need put there themselves. Not one of them told the truth period..... Get real some of you need to wake up already.

    1. LOL! Cameron Todd Willingham is guilty.

    2. Really? A known liar and money hungry??? That not me and never was! Sounds like you need to wake up.... #willinghamgirlslivesmattered #risingfromtheashes #theuntoldtruth #standup #speakout #mountaintops #domesticabuseawernes #camerontoddwillingham #guilty #murder #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #texas #oklahoma #ardmoreoklahoma #corsicanatexas @stacywillingham on Facebook

  7. Saint Michael2012 you are correct Cameron todd Willingham is guilty and even told me why he murdered my daughters. #willinghamgirlslivesmattered #risingfromtheashes #theuntoldtruth #standup #speakout #mountaintops #domesticabuseawernes #camerontoddwillingham #guilty #murder #deathpenalty #capitalpunishment #texas #oklahoma #ardmoreoklahoma #corsicanatexas

  8. There was updated verified evidence, that Todd was innocent. How can anyone involved in that case sleep at night. Those involved will have to live with what they did and didn't do. We all will die one day and will face God in knowing and confessing our sins before him. It is hard to know of any child dying a tragic death and losing one as a parent. I can have sympathy for both Todd and Stacy. I pray, that the chain of fear Stacy has carried with her and imprisoned her all these years will be released by God's great mercy, forgiveness, and grace. That is a heavy burden to bear and carry in having peace in one's life. God doesn't wants us to live in fear and he can restore anyone's life if they let him with open, loving arms! Stacy, I pray that one day you will be able to seek God in giving you courage to speak the truth without any outside influence, guilt from others, and free from harmful intentions. God can set anyone free!

    1. “What honors the victims of the crime, what helps the families, is to know that the public is informed. So if you are going to take a position that somebody is actually innocent, read the case transcripts before you just hop on a bandwagon because what you are really doing is dishonoring a victim of a crime. If you’re not familiar with the case, don’t advocate for something you know nothing about.”

      Please go here to learn the full facts:
