Tuesday, January 22, 2013


            On this day, 22 January 1988, English Child Killer, Colin Pitchfork was sentenced to life imprisonment for the rape and murder of two girls. I will post an article from one of his victims’ mother, Kath Eastwood. Let us not forget the two girls he murdered. 

Kath Eastwood

Mother of murdered schoolgirl backs the death penalty for child killers
Saturday, August 06, 2011

The mother of a murdered schoolgirl has backed a campaign to bring back the death penalty for child killers.

Kath Eastwood says capital punishment should be restored to protect the public from the likes of notorious murderer Colin Pitchfork.

Pitchfork raped and murdered Mrs Eastwood's 15-year-old daughter, Lynda Mann, near her home in Narborough in 1983.

He went on to kill another 15-year-old, Dawn Ashworth, three years later.

Mrs Eastwood, 62, from Braunstone, yesterday said Pitchfork should have been executed for the crimes.

He is currently serving a 30-year minimum prison sentence.

She spoke out following the submission of an online petition to the Government by right-wing political blogger Paul Staines.

It calls for the death penalty to be imposed on child murderers and the killers of on-duty police officers.

She said: "I have always felt he should have been executed for what he did. I have no doubt about that.

"I am not really a religious person, but I do believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.

"If someone is prepared to take another life, they should be aware they could lose their own. It would be a deterrent.

"I think it's important to protect people from murderers, because I do not believe that they can reform.

"Once they are released from prison, there is the risk they could do it again.

"Pitchfork has already murdered two girls and he will always be a danger as long as he is alive.

"I believe that it should be punishment over reform every time.

"There are killers who, if they got the opportunity, would kill again but the death penalty would prevent that.

"I have always been in favour of capital punishment even before Lynda's murder, but what happened to her reinforced how I felt."

Pitchfork was the first killer to be caught using DNA testing and Mrs Eastwood said the technique eliminated doubt in cases.

She said: "That is important because, while DNA can prove guilt, it can also prove innocence.

"It removes the doubt and there would have to be certainty of guilt for an execution.

"It may sound terrible, but, in the long run, it would also save the country a fortune. I heard it costs £40,000 a year to keep a person in prison."

If the petition is signed by 100,000 people, it will automatically trigger a parliamentary debate on the issue.

By yesterday, it had been backed by more than 6,000 people.

A rival petition calling for the law to stay how it is has been signed by more than 11,000 people.

Mrs Eastwood: "I welcome the campaign (for capital punishment). It will easily get 100,000 signatures and it should be debated.

"I know many people oppose it but, if there was a referendum on this tomorrow, the country would back it.

"I think the politicians should accept there is a public appetite for capital punishment."

Six of the 10 Leicestershire MPs the Leicester Mercury was able to contact said they are against capital punishment.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your time for writing this - kelvin donaghey
