Saturday, December 15, 2012


I just read Susan Campbell’s article: Connecticut needs to fully abolish death penalty, even for Petit killers.’ and I felt very extremely disturbed even when I saw the title. I would like to explain why by rebutting what she said. 

There doesn’t seem to be much legislative stomach for full abolition, but I wish there were. We need it, as a state and a people.

Rebuttal: Most people in Connecticut did not want to see the death penalty abolished, please expect to see more homicide in your state. Look at the murder of Daniel E. Gonzalez which happened after the abolition of the death penalty in Connecticut.

I am not here to tell you I love those death row inmates. I don’t. They are murderers, rapists, and kidnappers. As for the men who killed the Petit women, I do not know how humans can be so evil.

Rebuttal: I agree that you do not love those death row inmates. However, please see Edmund Burke’s quote

It is precisely this kind of awful case that tests us, but beyond the morality (mine might not be yours), you could approach this thus: Killing is too good for the men on Connecticut’s death row. Keeping them in life-long incarceration allows them to live with their crimes. Add to that the high cost of state-sanctioned killing. The wheels of justice turn immeasurably slowly — as they should — when the state is considering ending someone’s life. Proceedings so often go off track with multiple appeals that rip open families’ wounds again and again.

Rebuttal: Killing is too good? Once they are dead, they will not be alive to kill again or to mock the victims’ families in prison. See Lech Aleksander Kaczyński's quote.

But Connecticut was considered the 17th state to abolish — sort of — the death penalty, and in late November, the Colosseum in Rome was lit to mark the occasion. 

Rebuttal: The European Union have no right to interfere with the U.S. affairs. Rome have their own criminals to take care off, the U.S. wants to protect their country from violent criminals. Indeed, can Rome tell the Islamic countries to abolish the death penalty? Connecticut should be listening to its people, not the EU countries.

Neither Kain nor Bermudez considers the battle won. Their organization, the Connecticut Network to Abolish the Death Penalty (CNADP), did not disband, even after the April vote. Funny thing: Kain said that the countries represented at the ceremony had moved far beyond the death penalty to engaging their youth, to preventing crime, to true prison reform. CNADP’s work continues.

Rebuttal: Preventing crime? True Prison reform? The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting on 14 December 2012 and the murder of Daniel E. Gonzalez totally discount that myth in preventing crime. Please see my blog post: Response to Connecticut's Repeal of the death penalty’.

Please empathize and sympathize with the Petit Family, if you let those 11 men on Death Row live, do not be surprised if they will go free and kill again. Joseph Green Brown is a perfect example.

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