Saturday, November 3, 2012


I created this blog: ‘Victims’ Families For The Death Penalty’ to show support for murdered victims’ families who want to see their loved ones’ killers put to death. There appears to be many websites saying that families of victims are against the death penalty. True! But these are only a minority. Look at those around and feel for them. As Adam Smith once said, “Mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent.”
            This Blog is updated weekly:
1. Pro Death Penalty Quote of the week – I will blog about a quote in favour of the death penalty once a week.

2. Essays (Rebuttal) – I will blog about any anti-death penalty essay that I disagree with it.

3. Murdered Today – I will blog about a victim who was murdered on that date.

4. Executed Today – I will blog about a killer who was put to death on that date.

            Please keep in mind, I am not racist and I am against any racism. I truly care for the victims’ and their families, regardless of their race and nationality. I will not hesitate but to remove any racist comments or hurtful comments to the victims and their families.

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