Sunday, May 27, 2012

PRO DEATH PENALTY QUOTES OF THE WEEK [SUNDAY 27 MAY 2012 TO SATURDAY 2 JUNE 2012] (Victims' Families whom justice was served in the U.S.A from 2002 to 2004)

QUOTE 1: During a press conference just after 10 p.m., Dawn Marie Garvin's mother, Betty, said Oken "has been brought to justice." "It has been a long 17-year rollercoaster ride. My family has been put through hell in the past 17 years," Betty Romano said. "This past two weeks has been the worst two weeks since we lost Dawn." She thanked God, family members, the state attorney general and the U.S. Supreme Court. 

She also thanked the governor for his unwavering support. "From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank that man [Ehrlich] very much because he stuck to his word. He kept his word. He didn't wimp out at the last minute. He's a very strong man and I don't have any problems supporting him in the future, ever," Mrs. Romano said.

QUOTE 2: At one point during the execution, Oken's toe twitched a "mile a minute," Mrs. Romano said. She said she saw little else, commenting that her view of the inmate was his toes and his stomach. "He was aware until he got that first shot," she said. "I could tell by the reaction of his body." Garvin's brother, Fred A. Romano, said justice has been served. He said the families of the victims are elated, and it's time to move on. 

Asked whether Oken's death would bring any healing to his family, Fred Romano said: "It started at 9:18. The burden's been lifted. Oken is dead."

AUTHOR: Family members of Dawn Marie Garvin who was murdered by Steven Oken on 1 November 1987. He was executed by the state of Maryland on 17 June 2004.

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