Sunday, May 13, 2012

PRO DEATH PENALTY QUOTE OF THE WEEK [SUNDAY 13 MAY 2012 TO SATURDAY 19 MAY 2012] (Victims' Families whom justice was served in the U.S.A from 1997 to 2002)

QUOTE: Although never a supporter of the death penalty, Apple feels now that anything less than death would be a slap in the face to her brother and the 167 others who were killed in the bombing. To her, she says, it boils down to the concept of making choices—one of the most important, basic parts of life: [Timothy McVeigh] chose to park that truck, put in his earplugs, and walk off. When he did that, he took away the rights of 168 people to ever make decisions of their own again. My brother and the others can't elect to work, or play, or spend time with their families. So I don't want McVeigh to have the freedom to even get a drink of water in his cell. If those 168 victims can't make the most basic of choices, why should he? [He] has to pay for the choice he made on April 19, 1995—and he has to pay with his life.

AUTHOR: Donnetta Apple whose brother was killed in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma.

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