Thursday, March 29, 2018


Rodrigo Duterte versus Donald Trump on Gun Rights

"Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun - you have my support," Duterte said.
If a drug dealer resists arrest or refuses to be brought to a police station and threatens a citizen with a gun or a knife, "you can kill him", Duterte said.
"Shoot him and I'll give you a medal."
He also said  that drug addicts could not be rehabilitated and warned, "If you are involved in drugs, I will kill you. You son of a whore, I will really kill you."

The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period. – Donald Trump

Trump says Second Amendment ‘will never be repealed’
Posted 1:21 PM, March 28, 2018, by Associated Press and Simone Del Rosario, Updated at 09:56PM, March 28, 2018

WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday that the Second Amendment "WILL NEVER BE REPEALED" and called on voters to elect more Republicans in this fall's congressional elections because the GOP "must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court."

Trump's statements came a day after retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens wrote in an essay in The New York Times that repealing the amendment would make it easier for Congress to enact gun control legislation.

Last month's shootings that killed 17 people at a high school in Parkland, Florida, have galvanized young people, liberals and Democrats for a renewed push to curb firearms. That has included demonstrations that have drawn hundreds of thousands of marchers in cities across the country.

"THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED!" Trump tweeted early Wednesday. "As much as Democrats would like to see this happen, and despite the words yesterday of former Supreme Court Justice Stevens, NO WAY. We need more Republicans in 2018 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!"

In response to former Supreme Court Justice Stevens the President said the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms “will never be repealed.” What do you think?

THE SECOND AMENDMENT WILL NEVER BE REPEALED! As much as Democrats would like to see this happen, and despite the words yesterday of former Supreme Court Justice Stevens, NO WAY. We need more Republicans in 2018 and must ALWAYS hold the Supreme Court!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 28, 2018

As with many issues, Trump's stated position on guns has been inconsistent. In a televised meeting after the Parkland massacre with shooting survivors, lawmakers and others, he suggested letting authorities confiscate guns from people considered dangerous even without court permission and expanding required background checks to also cover private gun sales. He's since abandoned those views.

Donald J. Trump released a statement in the wake of the horrific #OrlandoShooting.

There is no current, major push to repeal the Second Amendment. Any effort to do so would be unlikely to succeed in today's divisive political climate. Under the most common way to amend the Constitution, the House and Senate would both need to approve the proposal by two-thirds majorities. It would then need to be ratified by three-fourths of the states.

Political parties do not technically "hold" the Supreme Court like they control Congress.

Justices are nominated by presidents and must be confirmed by the Senate. It is true justices often reflect the political views of presidents who select them, but that is not always the case.

Of the current nine justices, the four considered to comprise the court's conservative wing were appointed by GOP presidents and the four more liberal judges were selected by Democratic presidents. The ninth, often considered the crucial swing vote, is Anthony Kennedy, who was nominated by Republican President Ronald Reagan.

Trump would have an easier time filling the next Supreme Court vacancy if Republicans can expand their current 51-49 Senate majority in November's elections.

The Supreme Court ruled in 2008 that the Second Amendment lets people own guns for self-defense.

FIRING AWAY– President Duterte fires an AR-15 sniper rifle during the opening ceremony of a competition of Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) teams in Davao City Thursday. Sixty teams from police and military units are vying in the competition. (Keith Bacongco)

President Duterte to cops, soldiers: Protect nation amid threat of terrorism

DAVAO CITY — President Rodrigo Duterte led Thursday the opening of the three-day National SWAT Challenge here urging police and military to remain steadfast in their commitment to protect the Filipino people amid threat of terrorism especially in Mindanao.

“Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to protect our people, especially now that we are intensifying our fight against enemies of the state here in Mindanao,” President Duterte said during the event participated in by 60 teams from the police, military and other law enforcement agencies.

“Never lose sight of the fact that notwithstanding our resounding success in the liberation of Marawi, the decreased crime incidence nationwide and the growing public trust in our institutions, threats will persist and our people will depend on you, our law enforcers, to keep them safe and secure at all times,” he added.

The President commended the security forces for their skill and bravery and asked them to work closely together in order to successfully fulfill their task of protecting the nation.

“As we continue our work of maintaining peace and order across the nation, I direct the PNP, the AFP and other law enforcement agencies to work towards interoperability in your operations, professional training and capability development,” he said.

“A coordinated approach at law enforcement will certainly ensure the success of all your missions and minimize government and civilian casualties in all your operations,” he added.

Bringing together the best and the brightest policemen and soldiers in the country, the Chief Executive said the three-day competition “will not only showcase the skills and capabilities of the participants, but would also promote camaraderie, sportsmanship and competitiveness among our police and military personnel.”

“I thank our elite SWAT units for always being ready to take on critical, hazardous and complex crisis situations. Your grit and determination have made you ready to take on the challenging task of dealing with criminality, illegal drugs and terrorism,” he said.

“May you never waver in your commitment to ensure that every Filipino will go home every day feeling safe and secure in their communities, in their streets and in their homes,” he added.

The President reiterated that he will protect and support the military and the police for as long as they are performing their duties.

He likewise assured uniformed personnel of full medical care noting that he has provided funds to government hospitals such as Philippine General Hospital and Veterans Memorial Medical Center to ensure the best medical care for wounded and recovering troops.

Citing continuous threat government forces are facing from state enemies, President Duterte pledged to equip all soldiers with a handgun by July this year for their protection.

“By July, every soldier will have a handgun,” he said.

With regard to the illegal drug trade problem, Duterte renewed his commitment to put an end to it assuring that no government official under his term will be involved in the illegal activity.

“But remember that the drug situation is still very, very alive and vicious. But I will never, never until the end of my term, to the last day, allow a government official to use his power or position as a platform to engage in criminality, especially drugs,” he said.

The National SWAT Challenge was spearheaded by Philippine National Police chief Director General Ronald Dela Rosa. It is the first competition of its kind that is held nationally.

The competition which will run from March 1 to 3 aims to showcase tactical skills of the participants, in line with the PNP’s Master Training Action Plan for 2018 to “enhance the effectiveness and efficiency as well as the tactical proficiency of SWAT units.”

The winning team will receive P300,000; P200,000, second prize; and P100,000, third prize.

Individual winners will get P50,000.