Sunday, April 30, 2017


On this date, 30 April 1997, 11-year-old Sarah Patterson was murdered by Bobby Wayne Woods. He was executed by lethal injection in Texas on 3 December 2009. Let us not forget Sarah and thank God that another child killer was executed.

Sarah Patterson

Summary: In the early morning hours Woods went to the home of his ex-girlfriend, Schwana Patterson, 35, who had had kicked him out a few days earlier. Her two children, 11-year-old Sarah and 9-year-old Cody, were sleeping inside. Woods crawled through an open window into the children's bedroom. He grabbed Sarah's foot and began beating her chest, then sexually molested her. Woods then forced both children to leave through the window in their nightclothes, put them in his car, and drove to a cemetery. There, he beat and stomped Cody on the head and strangled him. With Cody unconscious, Woods then drove away with Sarah. Cody survived. Based on Cody's statement, police found Woods and asked him where Sarah was, hoping to find her alive. Woods answered, "You will not find her alive. I cut her throat." He then led them to her body.

QUOTE 1: “I’m not a person that likes harm done to anybody, but I believe in justice being done,” Larry Patterson said after watching his daughter’s killer die. “She had no choice. She didn’t get a second chance.”

QUOTE 2: “I put this behind me a lot of years ago,” said Cody Patterson, now 21, who stood outside the prison and chose not to see Woods die. “It has been a long time coming. I’m glad to know it’s done. I knew it was going to be done sooner or later. “I seen his picture... That’s all I wanted to see,” he said, adding that he recovered from his injuries and that nightmares about the attack have stopped, but that he still had “the scars on the back of my head.”

AUTHOR: Family members of Sarah Patterson, who was murdered by Bobby Wayne Woods on April 30, 1997. He was executed by lethal injection in Texas on December 3, 2009.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


            Every year on April 29, some people will remember Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, two drug traffickers who were executed by firing squad in Nusa Kambangan, Indonesia. We, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, will remember Jennifer Neal and all other victims of drug abuse instead.

            Let us hear from Beverly Neal before we offer our comments and condolences.


Young death ... Jennifer Neal (aged 6 in the photo) was 17 when she died of a heroin overdose in 1997. Her mother Beverley says she prays that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran die for their role in drug trafficking. Picture: Supplied. Source: Supplied

Mother whose daughter died of heroin overdose says Bali Nine duo ‘should be executed’

February 21, 2015 12:00AM

Heartbreak ... Jennifer Neal died of a heroin overdose in 1997. Picture: Supplied. Source: Supplied

A MELBOURNE mother who lost her teenage daughter to a heroin overdose has bravely spoken out against public support for Bali Nine ringleaders Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran, saying she hopes the men are executed.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop have been among those to condemn Indonesia for its planned execution of the men who have served ten years jail for coordinating a plot to smuggle 8.2 kilograms of heroin into Australia.

Public anger has even triggered a mass social media campaign to “Boycott Bali” in protest against the men’s treatment.

But Melbourne’s Beverley Neal said she “prayed that the men do get executed” and people started to realise they could not get drugs from Bali. 


Young death ... Jennifer Neal (aged 6 in the photo) was 17 when she died of a heroin overdose in 1997. Her mother Beverley says she prays that Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran die for their role in drug trafficking. Picture: Supplied. Source: Supplied

“These are criminals who have been glorified as heroes,” said Ms Neal.

“Who knows how many other lives would have been lost if they had not been caught in Bali.”

Indonesia’s attorney-general Muhammad Prasetyo yesterday said “nothing whatsoever” could stop the execution of Chan and Sukumaran, vowing they would face the firing squad as soon as possible.

His claims were at odds with Indonesia’s vice president Yusuf Kalla whose office claimed a delay of three weeks to a month on the executions had been conveyed to Ms Bishop in a phone call this week.

“There is a technical aspect that must be prepared before it is done,” the vice president’s spokesperson Husain Abdullah told a press conference in Jakarta.

It is understood Ms Bishop did have a conversation with Yusuf Kalla, however, the three-week time frame was not canvassed.

But the pair did discuss ways in which the two countries could work together to combat the narcotics trade.

And Mr Prasetyo denied reports that the President was not in possession of all the documents about Chan and Sukumaran and their rehabilitation when he rejected their clemency.

“No, everything was already there. There is the consideration from the Supreme court, about the case. I will tell you about it later,” Mr Prasetyo said.

Asked if the President knew about the changes in the Bali Nine and the mental illness of a Brazilian — also on death row — Mr Prasetyo commented that the change was only “nowadays”.

Ms Neal said she still grieved everyday for daughter Jennifer, who was just 17 when she died of a heroin overdose.

“It’s been 18 years, three months and 20 days,” she said. 


The mother of heroin overdose victim Jennifer Neal, Beverley, says Bali Nine duo’s parents should be thankful they got the chance to hold their sons and say goodbye. Picture: Supplied. Source: Supplied
“She was a very intelligent, a beautiful young woman in her first year of business college.

“They were trying to get her addicted. It was the fourth hit (that claimed her life).”

She said in her view, the parents of Chan and Sukumaran were very fortunate.

“They get to hold their sons, talk to them and say goodbye,” said Ms Neal.

“I never got to do that.”

But she held no sympathy for the men despite stories of their rehabilitation and work with other inmates at Kerobokan Prison.

“These drug dealers and traffickers are vicious criminals,” Ms Neal said.

“I only wish we had the same laws in Australia to properly deal with them.

“If we were doing it (executions) here we wouldn’t have a problem.”

Ms Neal said she felt compelled to speak out in favour of the executions on behalf of the thousands of Australian parents who had gone through what she had.

“It’s a terrible problem and it sickens me that the Prime Minister is trying to bully Indonesia,” she said.

“Three months ago he was saying “we’ve got to respect the Indonesian law”.

“Now he’s just saying what he thinks people want to hear.’’


Offensive shirts mocking the executions of convicted drug smugglers Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran are being sold in Balinese markets less than two months after the Australian were killed 

Death penalty supporters protest at the port of Nusakambangan ahead of the execution of Bali Nine Kingpins Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran


A drug dealer’s crime is of the same magnitude as that of a terrorist. It’s just that terrorist’s bomb, like those in the Bali Nightclubs in 2002, killed 202 people in one night – the impact is sudden. The evil effects of drug takes longer to manifest themselves but are just as deadly, and, in many ways, more deadly, as they affect generations to come. - Arif Supratman



            To all those who are the loved ones of Jennifer Neal, we will not forget her on the way she lived. We feel your sorrow and walk in your shoes as we ourselves, have lost loved ones through homicide too. We 100% agree with your opinion, as we did not get a chance to hug our loved ones, while those two on death row could have a chance to let their family members talk to them.

            We will not forget Jennifer Neal and may she RIP.