Monday, March 20, 2017


            Let us remember Kelsey Sue Tennant who was murdered on March 20, 2017 and do not forget her on her birthday on May 6. Let us pray for the victim and their family

Kelsey Sue Tennant
(May 6, 1997 to March 20, 2017)

A 19-year-old Oklahoma woman was strangled to death by a suspected burglar that she found inside her apartment when she returned home on her lunch break. 

Greg Epperson, who is a suspect in two other murders, allegedly broke into Kelsey Tennant's apartment near 65th and Mingo in south Tulsa while she was away at work at Metro Appliances & More on Monday.  

The 19-year-old came home from work around 3pm to watch 'Friends' reruns when she found Epperson inside her apartment, police said. 

Epperson is then accused of viciously attacking, beating and strangling her.

As she was dying, he continued to go through her belongings inside the apartment, KFOR reported.

Tennant's boyfriend, Riley Allen, became worried when he didn't hear from her as she didn't answer his calls. 

Allen went to her apartment to check on her and was also attacked by Epperson, police said. 

Epperson allegedly tried to shoot Allen, and then fled the scene. 

Both Allen and Tennant were rushed to a nearby hospital. Tennant was in critical condition with no brain activity and was later pronounced dead hours later. 

Allen was not seriously injured in the tragic incident. 

Authorities later arrested Epperson after finding him in a neighboring apartment later that evening. 

Tulsa Police Sergeant Dave Walker told the Tulsa World Daily the case is believed to be an 'an interrupted burglary.'

Police said that Tennant fought hard against her attacker. Her family and friends are devastated over her death. 

Tennant, who graduated from Broken Arrow high school, is being described by those who knew her as a kind-hearted young woman who loved life to the fullest.

'She's got the biggest smile and puppy dog brown eyes,' her sister Courtney told KOTV
'She could steal your heart. She had a joyous and contagious giggle.' 

Epperson is being held without bail on charges of first-degree murder, assault and battery with intent to kill, first-degree burglary and assault and battery. 

Authorities say Epperson was arrested for the 2008 murder of Tulsa car dealer Ray Johnson. 

'Epperson, we believe, shot and killed Mr. Johnson, put him in the trunk of a car then dumped his body in a creek,' Walker said. 

However, Johnson's body has never been found and the District Attorney was forced to drop the charges due to a lack of evidence. 

Police also suspect Epperson in the death of John Baker who was reported missing before his body was discovered months later by Lake Keystone.  

'The last person to talk to Mr. Baker was Epperson and Epperson was living in a rental house of Baker's,' Walker said.

Epperson has never been arrested or charged in that case due to no physical evidence. 

He has previously been convicted of second-degree burglary, driving under suspension, obstructing an officer and transporting an open container. 

Epperson, who is a father-of-two, was most recently arrested in December for failing to pay court costs. It's unclear if he has an attorney.  

Kelsey Sue Tennant
(May 6, 1997 to March 20, 2017)

Sister remembers life of Kelsey Tennant who died after neighbor attacked her in apartment
5:41 PM, Mar 21, 2017
6:28 PM, Mar 21, 2017

BROKEN ARROW, Okla. -- Family members are choosing to focus on how Kelsey Tennant lived her life rather than the tragic way it ended.

Tennant, 19, died Monday night after Tulsa police said Gregory Epperson broke into her apartment near 65th and Mingo and strangled her.

Tennant's older sister, Courtney Jefferson, said she had a sassy, stubborn side with the most contagious smile and laugh.

"Everybody who met her never had a negative thing to say about her," Jefferson said. "She loved so many people, and was loved by so many people."

Jefferson also described her sister as adventurous and selfless. Tennant loved riding on four-wheelers and go-karts, according to Jefferson. Her giving spirit also came out when Tennant took care of her two-year-old nephew and when she worked to help children during her many mission trips over the years.

"She was a special person," Jefferson said. "Anybody that had the opportunity to meet her was very blessed."

Recently Tennant and her boyfriend, Riley, celebrated their two-year anniversary together. They both performed with the Broken Arrow Pride during high school. Jefferson said it was one of her sister's proudest accomplishment to make the color guard.

"She was so nervous when she tried out because she didn't want to not make it," Jefferson said. "When she made it, she was just ecstatic."

Tennant's boyfriend is still recuperating after the suspect also attacked him when his family said he sensed something was wrong and came home to check on Tennant.

"Their relationship gave me hope that there are still some very special people out there," Jefferson said. "I know that he loved her very much and did anything for her."

The suspect is due in court on March 28, and now Jefferson and her family are planning Tennant's funeral. They said they'll rely on the overwhelming amount of support they're getting right now to deal with the tough days ahead.

"It's great because she's an amazing human being and never deserved this," Jefferson said through tears. "We are glad that she is now with Jesus and with all the other angels that have gone on before her."

Kelsey Sue Tennant
(May 6, 1997 to March 20, 2017)


Tulsa County DA files for death penalty in Kelsey Tennant murder

Tulsa County could hand down its first death sentence in 8 years as state moves to make woman's slaying a capital case

Tulsa County Prosecutors Pursuing First Death Penalty Case In 8 Years