Thursday, June 30, 2016



The Donald Trump of The Philippines wants to bring back hanging.
            Unit 1012 awards the Rayner Goddard Act of Courage Award to Rodrigo Duterte for defending the death penalty. Although, we, the comrades of Unit 1012: The VFFDP, rather that he uses capital punishment after a fair trial with judicial safeguards, we still respect the fact that he has the courage to protect his countrymen.

            He is also nicknamed, ‘The Donald Trump of the Philippines’ and he was sworn in as President on June 30, 2016. Let us give the latest news of his endorsement of the death penalty and his defense of gun rights:


Rodrigo Duterte on being a terror to evildoers

Philippine president-elect urges public to kill drug dealers
Published June 05, 2016

The Philippine president-elect has encouraged the public to help him in his war against crime, urging citizens with guns to shoot and kill drug dealers who resist arrest and fight back in their neighborhoods.

In a nationally televised speech late Saturday, Rodrigo Duterte told a huge crowd in the southern city of Davao celebrating last month's presidential victory that Filipinos who help him battle crime will be rewarded.

"Please feel free to call us, the police, or do it yourself if you have the gun -- you have my support," Duterte said, warning of an extensive illegal drug trade that involves even the country's police.

If a drug dealer resists arrest or refuses to be brought to a police station and threatens a citizen with a gun or a knife, "you can kill him," Duterte said. "Shoot him and I'll give you a medal."

The 71-year-old Duterte won the May 9 presidential election on a bold promise to end crime and corruption within six months of his presidency. That vow resonated among crime-weary Filipinos, though police officials considered it campaign rhetoric that was impossible to accomplish.

Human rights watchdogs have expressed alarm that his anti-crime drive may lead to widespread rights violations.

Duterte has been suspected of playing a role in many killings of suspected criminals in his city by motorcycle-riding assassins known as the "Davao death squads," but human rights watchdogs say he has not been criminally charged because nobody has dared to testify against him in court

In his speech on Saturday, Duterte also asked three police generals based in the main national police camp in the capital to resign for involvement in crimes that he did not specify. He threatened to humiliate them in public if they did not quit and said he would order a review of dismissed criminal cases of active policemen, suggesting some may have bribed their way back onto the force.

"They go back again crucifying the Filipino," he said. "I won't agree to that."

"If you're still into drugs, I will kill you, don't take this as a joke. I'm not trying to make you laugh, son of a bitch, I will really kill you," he said to loud jeers and applause.

The foul-mouthed longtime Davao mayor and former government prosecutor said crimes were committed by law enforcers because of "extreme greed and extreme need." He said that he would provide a small amount to an officer who was tempted because his wife has cancer or a mother died, but that those who would break the law because of extreme greed "will also be dealt with by me. I'll have you killed."

Duterte, who starts his six-year presidential term on June 30, repeated a plan to offer huge bounties to those who can turn in drug lords, dead or alive.

While it remains to be seen what will happen to his threats when he takes office, some policemen have heeded his call for a tougher anti-crime approach.

In suburban Las Pinas city in the Manila metropolis, police have apprehended more than 100 minors who defied a night curfew, and men who were either having drinking sprees in public or roaming around shirtless in violation of a local ordinance. The crackdown was dubbed "Oplan Rody" -- after Duterte's nickname -- or "Rid the Streets of Drinkers and Youth."


Rodrigo Duterte on assassination

Duterte: Death penalty a retribution not a deterrent
By Alexis Romero ( | Updated June 22, 2016 - 7:46pm

DAVAO CITY – President-elect Rodrigo Duterte Wednesday stressed the need to revive the death penalty, which he said, would serve as "retribution" for those who committed crimes.

He said those who insist that death penalty is not a deterrent to crime do not understand his position on the issue.

"The death penalty might be a deterrence to commit a crime but that is one school of thought," Duterte said. 

"Death penalty to me is the retribution. It makes you pay for what you did," he added. 

The death penalty was abolished in 1987 during the time of President Corazon Aquino but was revived in 1993 under President Fidel Ramos.

Crimes that were punishable by death include murder, rape, kidnapping and drug trafficking.

Former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, a devout Catholic, signed a law abolishing capital punishment in 2006. 

Duterte reiterated that he would not hesitate to kill those who seek to destroy the youth, whom he said, is the future of the country.

"Do not destroy my country because I will kill you. Do not destroy my children because I will kill you,” he said.

Duterte, who has pummeled critics of his strong anti-crime drive, said he would just ignore Commission on Human Rights Chairman Jose Luis Martin Gascon, who has been critical of his plans.

“If you know Gascon or if he is your friend, tell him I won’t follow him,” he said.

Duterte also has an unusual threat against incoming Sen. Leila de Lima, who vowed to look into the law enforcement operations to be launched by the next administration.

"If De Lima does not shut her mouth, I will kill her – with love. If she agrees, I don’t know,” he said.

Duterte to cops who kill criminals: 'I will protect you'

Duterte also vowed to help policemen who will face criminal charges for performing their role in his ruthless campaign against criminality and illegal drugs.

“I will take care of you I will protect you,” Duterte said in a speech delivered before local officials in Sarangani.

“If you kill 1,000, tell them it was ordered by Duterte. Period. I will deal with everybody,” he added.

Duterte, however, warned law enforcers not to lie to him or use his name to justify illegal activities.

“I told the police and law enforcers not to embarrass me by lying. If you committed a crime for personal reason, tell me and I’ll help you. But do not lie to me,” he said at a business forum in Davao City last Monday.

Duterte, whose successful presidential campaign has been attributed to his tough stance against crime, has vowed to suppress criminality in three to six months. He has also offered bounty to people who will kill drug lords and has encouraged ordinary citizens to arrest drug pushers in their communities.

“If you (policemen) are subpoenaed by the Ombudsman, tell them to send it to Duterte,” the tough-talking leader said.

Duterte, who served as Davao City mayor for 22 years, also warned local executives who are involved in the narcotics trade.

“To the mayors who are into drugs: I will catch up with you. If we see each other, if we meet in one corner, I don’t know. I’m warning you especially those who are still in government,” he added.

Duterte previously told lawmakers that at least 35 local executives are involved in illegal drugs trade.

Reacting to the recent deaths of suspected drug pushers, Duterte said some drug lords may have silenced their accomplices to escape criminal liability.

"Baka yung pinatay nila, mga bata nila," he said.


Rodrigo Duterte on hanging.

Duterte insists on death penalty by hanging
By Alexis Romero (The Philippine Star) | Updated June 25, 2016 - 12:00am

MANILA, Philippines - President-elect Rodrigo Duterte has insisted on executing criminals by hanging, just days after Pope Francis issued a statement opposing the death penalty.

Duterte said while critics of capital punishment view it as “inhuman,” criminals under the influence of drugs have been reduced to a “bestial state.”

“I’m asking for re-imposition of death penalty so that I can hang them,” Duterte said yesterday during the turnover ceremony at the Davao City Police Office.

“They say that death penalty is inhuman. But what is so human about killing an 18-year-old child or raping her? Drugs have reduced human killing into bestial state,” he added. 

Duterte reiterated that the death penalty is more of retribution than a deterrent to a crime. 

“If there is death penalty, you won’t be afraid anymore because you will be killed,” he said. 

Capital punishment was abolished in 1987 during the presidency of Corazon Aquino but was re-imposed in 1993 under president Fidel Ramos.

Crimes that were punishable by death include rape, kidnapping, murder and drug trafficking.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo scrapped the death penalty anew on June 24, 2006 after approving Republic Act 9346. Her successor, President Aquino also opposed capital punishment, believing it would not address criminality in the country.

The restoration of the death penalty is one of the priorities of the administration of Duterte, who anchored his campaign on maintaining peace and order.

On Tuesday, Pope Francis reiterated the Catholic Church’s opposition to the death penalty, saying it goes against the will of God.

He stressed that both the guilty and the innocent have the right to life.

“It must not be forgotten that the inviolable and God-given right to life also belongs to the criminal,” the pontiff said in a video message sent to delegates of the sixth World Congress against capital punishment in Oslo, Norway.

“Indeed, nowadays, the death penalty is unacceptable, however grave the crime of the convicted person,” he added.

Choose life

Ten years after the death penalty was abolished, the Coalition Against Death Penalty (CADP) and Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines-Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care (CBCP-ECPPC) asked Duterte and Congress not to revive capital punishment.

In a statement, the groups asked for an affirmation to the option for life as they vowed to campaign for improvements in the criminal justice system and encourage a rehabilitative and non-punitive correctional system.

Duterte, on several occasions, has asked legislators to re-impose the death penalty, believing this would deter criminals from doing their acts.

But the CBCP-ECPPC and CADP said they would continue lobbying for the non-restoration of the death penalty and help in educating the public on the issue.

“Filipinos share a common vision of a truly just, humane and peaceful society. They have chosen to oppose the unnecessary taking away of life of any individual and uphold the inherent dignity of all persons,” their statement read.

They pointed out that the “death penalty is a violation of the right to life. The violation of the right to life of victims is in no way righted by the deliberate taking away of another’s right to life by the state.” 

Both groups regard the death penalty as a cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment.

“There is no humane method of killing. The penalty, whether carried out or not, exerts extreme emotional and psychological pressures on the condemned and his family,” the statement also read.

They claimed that capital punishment is disadvantageous to the poor, the marginalized and most vulnerable sectors of society as a “majority of those who had been meted with death penalty are poor, uneducated people who have no political connections. They could not afford the services of a good criminal lawyer.”

The groups also claim that, contrary to the belief of some people, the imposition of the death penalty does not prevent crime.

Meanwhile, Sen. Gregorio Honasan cautioned authorities against tolerating the “summary execution of suspected drug couriers” after the number of drug-related deaths and arrests went up a few days before Duterte sits as the country’s 16th president on June 30.

Although not directly opposing the killings, he said law enforcers should ensure that the targets are proven to be involved in illegal drug activities.

He said it would be difficult to bring back to life a person who was wrongly accused and executed by the police.

Honasan credited the renewed zealousness of authorities to address criminality to the political will of Duterte, adding that every action of the chief executive and his alter egos should be within the realm of respecting human rights.

The lawmaker, who lost in the vice presidential race to Camarines Sur Rep. Leni Robredo, is also open to calls for the implementation of a national identification (ID) system. 

An ID system, he said, may determine the actual number of Filipinos, establish their whereabouts and allow the government to get updated data, like the number of those still studying or working.

“It is really important for us to define the purpose of the national ID system, and what we want to achieve with its implementation,” Honasan said.

Unless the purpose is clear, he said the national ID system could be used for harassment, abuse of authority and abuse of discretion. – With Evelyn Macairan, Christina Mendez


Rodrigo Duterte on Anti Drugs campaign

‘Death penalty was for retribution’ – Duterte ready to clash with Catholic church on birth control

MANILA, June 27, (Agencies): Incoming Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte on Monday hit out at “stupid” human rights campaigners, as he defended his imminent war on crime and emphasised the death penalty was for retribution. Duterte gave a lengthy speech in his southern hometown of Davao to outline his vision for the nation once he takes office on Thursday, with a heavy focus on his controversial plans to fight crime.

“These human rights (groups), congressmen, how stupid you are,” Duterte said, as he highlighted their criticism of his plans to impose latenight curfews on children being out on the streets and to reintroduce the death penalty. “I believe in retribution. Why? You should pay. When you kill someone, rape, you should die,” he said.

Duterte, 71, won last month’s presidential elections in a landslide after campaigning largely on a platform of ending rampant crime, warning that the Philippines was in danger of becoming a narco-state. He promised that tens of thousands of people would die, with security forces being given shoot to kill orders. Since winning Duterte has also promised to give bounties to police for killing drug dealers, and also encouraged ordinary citizens to kill or arrest suspects.

Duterte has been accused of links to vigilante death squads during his nearly two decades as mayor of Davao, which rights groups say have killed more than 1,000 people.


Local and foreign human rights groups have expressed deep concern about his plans as president, fearing an explosion of extrajudicial killings similar to those seen in Davao. The United Nations’ human rights chief, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, this month urged Duterte not to reintroduce the death penalty, while criticising other elements of the planned war on crime.

“The offer of bounties and other rewards for murder by vigilantes, and his encouragement of extrajudicial killings by security forces, are massive and damaging steps backwards which could lead to widespread violence and chaos,” Zeid said.

With just three days before assuming the presidency, Duterte stood firm. “When they describe or characterise a human rights violator, these fools make it appear that the people you kill are saints, as if they are pitiful or innocent,” he said. Duterte said European ambassadors were also among those who had expressed concern over the death penalty and extrajudicial killings.

The Philippines abolished the death penalty in 2006 following fierce opposition from the Catholic Church, the religion of 80 percent of Filipinos. Duterte previously said he preferred death by hanging to a firing squad because he did not want to waste bullets, and because he believed snapping the spine with a noose was more humane.

The Philippine president-elect said Monday he would aggressively promote artificial birth control in the country even at the risk of getting in a fight with the dominant Catholic church, which staunchly opposes the use of contraceptives. Rodrigo Duterte, who is to be sworn to the presidency on Thursday, said having many children has driven families deeper into poverty, and he reiterated his recommendation for Filipinos to have three at most.

Known for his profanity-laden speeches, Duterte cited his family planning program as a long time mayor in southern Davao city, where he has offered cash rewards to villagers who volunteer to undergo free vasectomy or ligation and to doctors who perform the procedures. “I will reinstall the program of family planning. Three’s enough,” Duterte said in a speech after a flag raising ceremony in front of the Davao city hall. “I’ve also been colliding with the church because it’s no longer realistic.” It was not clear if Duterte would replicate the reward system nationwide. Duterte praised former President Fidel Ramos, who backed his presidential candidacy, for courageously promoting contraceptives as the country’s first Protestant leader starting in 1992.

Duterte’s predecessor, Benigno Aquino III, also figured in a high profile spat with the Catholic church for signing a 2012 reproductive health law that allowed the government to finance the acquisition and distribution of contraceptives after overcoming a legal challenge by opponents. Many politicians have tried to avoid colliding with influential Catholic bishops in the Philippines in the past by taking a vague position or not aggressively advocating contraceptives use.

Catholic leaders considered the law an attack on the church’s core values. Aquino’s government said it helped the poor manage their number of children in a country that has one of Asia’s fastest-growing populations. Duterte has had an adversarial relation with the church.

During the campaign, Duterte had a tiff with Catholic bishops after cursing Pope Francis due to a monstrous traffic jam during the papal visit in January last year. Last month, Duterte blasted the local Catholic church as “the most hypocritical institution” and accused some of its bishops of asking for favors from politicians.


Rodrigo Duterte on solving problem