Sunday, November 30, 2014


Killing of Jews at Ivanhorod, Ukraine, 1942. A woman is attempting to protect a child with her own body just before they are fired on with rifles at close range.
A wartime photograph showing a mother and child shot in cold blood outside the village by a German SS soldier is now considered, in the words of British journalist Robert Fisk, "one of the most impressive and persuasive images of the Nazi Holocaust." It was featured in numerous books, and at photo-exhibits both in Poland and Germany, as "precious and terrible evidence" of "the Nazi cruelties in Eastern Europe."

The photograph was originally sent from the Eastern Front to Nazi Germany, but intercepted at the Warsaw post office by members of the Polish resistance, the Home Army, for Jerzy Tomaszewski who documented Nazi war crimes for the Polish government-in-exile. On the reverse, it was inscribed: "Ukraine 1942 - Judenaktion in Iwangorod" (English: Ukraine 1942 - Jewish operation in Ivanhorod). The executioner appears to be standing over the body of an already executed person. The gun barrels of other executioners are visible at the left-hand edge of the photograph. In 1964, at the height of the Cold War, the popular German weekly Der Spiegel (Nr. 49/1964) published the photograph along with a diatribe naming several angry readers claiming it to be a fake generated by the Russians, although the most incriminating evidence came from the official German records. Confronting a society with photographic evidence of one's own personal experience of war is almost as old as photography itself, wrote reporter-turned-historian Janina Struk, who discussed this image in her Private Pictures: A Soldiers' Inside View of War. In extreme situations the "possession of such private pictures could lead to a court martial", and yet soldiers keep taking them.

Friday, November 28, 2014


PAGE TITLE: FrontPage Magazine
ARTICLE TITLE: Judaism’s Pro-Death Penalty Tradition
DATE: Thursday 22 April 2004
AUTHOR: Steven Plaut
AUTHOR INFORMATION: Steven Plaut (born 1951) is an American-born Israeli associate professor of Business Administration at the University of Haifa and a writer. Plaut is a member of the editorial board of the Middle East Quarterly, a publication of the Middle East Forum think tank.

Steven Plaut
Judaism's Pro-Death Penalty Tradition
By: Steven Plaut /
Thursday, April 22, 2004

Why the Israeli Left's opposition to capital punishment is politically naive and spiritually unsound.

One of the most popular causes among Jewish liberals is opposition to capital punishment. The Religious Action Center, the political SWAT Team of the Reform movement, has long considered opposing capital punishment to be one of its highest priorities. Many other groups of Jewish liberals, and some non-liberals, oppose all forms of capital punishment, supposedly in the name of Jewish ethics and the invariably misrepresented tikkun olam.

Whenever one comes out in favor of capital punishment, one inevitably hears shrieks from such folks about how execution is inhumane, how it violates human dignity, how every human soul, even that of murderers, has been created in God`s image and so should be preserved at all costs.

This is all very interesting. There’s just one little problem, though. The Bible makes it crystal clear that the way one acknowledges that human souls are created in God`s image and deserving of respect and dignity is through capital punishment. Just read Genesis 9:6: "A man who spills human blood, his own blood shall be spilled by man because God made man in His own Image." Not just among Jews, by the way, but among all sons of Noah.

In other words, the preservation of human dignity requires capital punishment of convicted murderers. The position of Judaism is the opposite of the position espoused by liberals. It is precisely because of man`s creation in God`s image that capital punishment is declared justified and necessary. Human dignity requires execution of murderers, not compassion for their souls.

Moreover, capital punishment is regarded by Judaism as a favor for the capital sinner, a form of atonement and redemption. Ordinary murderers are allowed to achieve atonement for their souls in their execution. Only especially vile murderers — such as a false witness whose lies are discovered after the person who was framed has been executed, or a man who sacrifices both his son and his daughter to the pagan god Molokh — are denied execution because they are regarded as beyond redemption through capital punishment. Again, execution preserves human dignity, it does not defile it.

Israelis have for years debated the pros and cons of capital punishment for convicted terrorist murderers. Up to this point, Israel has never had a death penalty, the lone exception being the execution of the Nazi beast Eichmann. Naturally, the Beautiful Left is vehemently opposed to the very idea of capital punishment.

So maybe the time is right to take a deep breath and step back and re-examine the issue. Should Israel have a death penalty?

Opponents of the death penalty say it does not deter terrorism or violence. But how do they know? How do they know the level of violent crime the United States would experience if it did not have a death penalty — or if it had a more widely applied one? How do they know whether the level of terrorism would decrease in an Israel with a death penalty compared to an Israel without one?

Actually, the death penalty should be implemented against terrorists even if it doesn’t deter terrorism. It should be implemented because it represents a great moral statement. It is the moral and ethical thing to do. Executing terrorists makes a statement that they are scum with no claim a right to life. Capital punishment represents a moral and just vengeance. It represents a declaration of good and evil. We do not build statues of heroes and otherwise honor them because we necessarily believe these are utilitarian and will lead to the emergence of new heroes, but rather because we are making a statement as a society regarding our values and what we honor. Executing terrorists is precisely the same sort of societal statement, in the opposite direction.

It is for this moral reason that traditional Judaism unambiguously endorses the death penalty for premeditated murder .It does not do so because of any sociological speculation about the powers of deterrence, and it is clear that the death penalty is viewed as a just punishment even if it deters nothing at all.

Opponents of the death penalty argue that implementing it would represent capitulating to the populist demands and pressures of the public. Huh? That is essentially a concession that the general electorate favors it and so its establishment would be the democratic thing to do. Denying the death penalty is elitist and anti-democratic.

Opponents of the death penalty in Israel argue that Arab terrorists would retaliate by mistreating or killing Jews they capture. One does not know whether to laugh or to cry at this claim. The PLO and its sister organizations already lynch, torture and murder every Jew they can lay their hands on, including children — all this while Israel has no death penalty. So what exactly is there to lose?

Opponents argue that it would be dehumanizing to ask an Israeli to act as an executioner, as the one who would push the button or pull the switch. They worry it would be hard to find someone to play the executioner. My guess, however, is that the number of volunteers for any such switch-pulling would be so large that the Israeli government could balance the budget by auctioning off lotto chances to pull it. Personally, I would offer family members of victims of terrorism first "dibs."

Opponents of the death penalty in Israel and elsewhere argue that errors in judgment might be made and innocent people might be executed. This is a fallacious argument even when discussing execution of criminals, but even more so when discussing terrorists. There is no serious evidence I know of that any innocent person has ever been executed in the United States. But more generally, everything we do (and everything government does) carries some risk that an innocent person might be killed as a result of those actions and policies. Should we shut down the post office because postal trucks sometimes run over innocent people? Should we ground all planes because sometimes innocent people are killed in accidents? Even if there were a non-negligible risk of such errors, that is certainly no reason not to have a death penalty.

Opponents of the death penalty argue that it is expensive to implement. This is absurd. Room and board for terrorists for life in prison are exorbitant. The death penalty is "expensive" in the U.S. only because of America`s judicial system, which allows endless expensive appeals to proceed forever. Israel has no jury system at all. In any case, these costs can be contained by restricting the options of appeals of convicted terrorists.

Opponents of the death penalty in Israel argue that terrorists might resist capture by fighting to the death and so harm police and soldiers. I say let`s take our chances. Better the soldiers than the children on the school buses or the women in the cafes. That is why we have soldiers. I am sure they will cope. And suicide bombers are not exactly likely to turn more deadly because they face the death penalty if captured.

One shouldn’t be shocked that the most vociferous opposition to the death penalty for terrorists comes from the same Israeli leftists who always put the rights of Arab murderers ahead of the rights of innocent Jews. These are the same people who turned most of the West Bank and Gaza Strip into cities of refuge for terrorists, bases for launching murder atrocities against hundreds of Israelis each year.


On this date, 28 November 2008, Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan succumbed to his injuries during the 2008 Mumbai Attacks. Let us honor this fallen soldier and thank God that some justice was served, as the one of the terrorists who caused his death had been executed on 21 November 2012.

We, the comrades of Unit 1012 and our ally, All India Anti-Terrorist Front will honor him and remember him as a hero against terrorism. We will present this quote from the late Admiral Chester W. Nimitz to him and his loved ones:

They fought together as brothers in arms; they died together and now they sleep side by side...To them, we have a solemn obligation — the obligation to ensure that their sacrifice will help make this a better and safer world in which to live.
[Of those who died in the war in the Pacific, after ceremonies in Tokyo Bay accepting the official surrender of Japan (2 September 1945).]

We got the information about him from Wikipedia:


Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan

Native name
സന്ദീപ് ഉണ്ണിക്കൃഷ്ണന്
15 March 1977
Calicut, India
28 November 2008 (aged 31)
Mumbai, India
Years of service

Sandeep Unnikrishnan (15 March 1977 – 28 November 2008) was an officer in the Indian Army serving in the elite Special Action Group of the National Security Guards. He was killed in action during the November 2008 Mumbai attacks. He was consequently awarded the Ashoka Chakra, India's highest peace time gallantry award, on 26 January 2009.

Early and personal life

Sandeep Unnikrishnan came from a Nair family residing in Bangalore, where they had moved to from Cheruvannur, Kozhikode District, Kerala. He was the only son of retired ISRO officer K. Unnikrishnan and Dhanalakshmi Unnikrishnan.

Unnikrishnan spent 14 years at the Frank Anthony Public School in Bangalore before graduating in 1995 in the ISC Science stream. He wanted to join the Army, even attending school in a crew cut. His peers and teachers recalled him as being a good athlete who was active in school activities and sports events. He was also a member of the school choir and enjoyed watching movies.

Army career

Unnikrishnan joined the National Defence Academy (India) (NDA), Pune, Maharashtra in 1995. He was a part of the Oscar Squadron (No. 4 Battalion) and a graduate of the 94th Course of NDA. He graduated as a Bachelor of Arts. His NDA friends remember him as "selfless", "generous" and "calm and composed".

He was commissioned as a lieutenant to the 7th Battalion of the Bihar Regiment (Infantry) on 12 July 1999. After serving the Indian Army in different locations in Jammu and Kashmir and Rajasthan during counter insurgencies for two terms, he was selected to join the National Security Guards. On completion of training, he was assigned to the Special Action Group (SAG) of NSG on January 2007 and participated in various operations of the NSG. During the 'Ghatak course' (at the Commando Wing (Infantry School), Belgaum), the most difficult course of the Army, Unnikrishnan topped the course, earning an "Instructor Grading" and commendation. He opted for the NSG commando service which he joined on deputation in 2006.

During Operation Vijay in July 1999, he was regarded positively at the forward posts in the face of heavy artillery firing and small arms fire by Pakistan troops. On the evening of 31 December 1999, Unnikrishnan led a team of six soldiers and managed to establish a post 200 metres from the opposing side and under direct observation and fire.

The Heroes of 26/11
Operation Black Tornado

On the night of 26 November 2008, several iconic buildings in South Mumbai were attacked during 26/11. One of the buildings where hostage were held was the 100-year old Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. Unnikrishnan was the team commander of 51 SAG deployed in the operation at the hotel to rescue the hostages. He entered the hotel in a group of 10 commandos and reached the sixth floor through the staircase. As the team descended the stairs, they suspected perpetrators on the third floor. A few women were held as hostages in a room which was locked from the inside. After breaking open the door, the round of fire by the perpetrators hit Commando Sunil Yadav, who was Unnikrishnan's colleague.
Unnikrishan engaged the perpetrators in a firefight. He arranged for Yadav's evacuation and gave chase to those he had engaged in the firefight who, meanwhile, escaped to another floor of the hotel. In the encounter that followed, he was shot from the back before later succumbing to his injuries.

His last words were, "Do not come up, I will handle them," according to NSG officials.

Ashoka Chakra citation

The official citation for the Ashoka Chakra Award reads:


Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan led the commando operation launched on 27th November 2008 to flush out terrorists from Hotel Taj Mahal, Mumbai in which he rescued 14 hostages.

During the operation, his team came under intense hostile fire, in which one of his team members got grievously injured. Major Sandeep pinned down the terrorists with accurate fire and rescued the injured commando to safety. In the process, he was shot in his right arm. Despite his injuries, he continued to fight the terrorists till his last breath.

Major Sandeep Unnikrishnan displayed most conspicuous bravery besides camaraderie and leadership of the highest order and made the supreme sacrifice for the nation.


At Unnikrishnan's funeral, mourners chanted "Sandeep Unnikrishnan Amar Rahee" (Long live Sandeep Unnikrishnan). Thousands of people lined up outside his Bangalore house to pay their respects. His funeral was held with full military honours.

Nobody represented the Kerala government (from where his ethnic roots were from) at Unnikrishnan's funeral. Local and national media criticised the decision of the politicians. However, Chief Minister of Kerala V. S. Achuthanandan and Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan called on the Unnikrishnan's family on 30 November 2008. Sandeep's father K. Unnikrishnan criticised the visit and asked them to leave. He even threatened to commit suicide if any politician from Kerala entered his home. When V.S. Achuthanandan visited his home, Unnikrishnan told Achuthanandan and his delegation that "no dog would enter my house". Later, Achuthanandan controversially said that had it not been for Unnikrishnan not even a dog would have visited his parents' house. Following criticism, Achuthanandan stated that he would not apologise to the family, but that he respects them.

On 2 December 2008, Communist Party of India (Marxist) General Secretary Prakash Karat expressed his apology for Achuthanandan's 'dog remark'. On 3 December 2008, Achuthanandan expressed his regrets over the incident.