Saturday, May 1, 2010

Victims' families call for return of death penalty

Thu Feb 21, 2008 5:00pm GMT

(Reuters) - Some of the families of the five women murdered by Steve Wright in Suffolk called for the return of the death penalty.


Here are some of their quotes, all spoken through a police liaison officer.

The family of Annette Nicholls said: "No punishment this person receives will ever be enough for us.

"Nothing will bring our beautiful loving mother, daughter and sister back home.

"This man has robbed a little boy of a mother who he adored, parents of a loving and much loved daughter and siblings of a loving sister."

"But at least we can rest knowing that this man is no longer on the streets of Ipswich ready to take another girl's life."

The family of Paula Clennell said: "What right did Steve Wright have to take five lives?

"Listening to his lies and excuses has made me feel sick.

"My daughter could still be alive today if she had not been murdered. Who knows, she may have been off the drugs and leading a normal life.

"At least she would've had that choice. Steve Wright took that choice away from her and the other four girls.

"I wish we still had the death penalty as this is what he truly deserves."

Another family said: "We are afraid that while five young lives have been cruelly ended the person responsible will be kept warm, nourished and protected.

"These crimes deserve the ultimate punishment and that can only mean one thing.

"Whereas our daughter and other victims have been given no human rights by this monster his will be guarded by the establishment at great cost to the taxpayers of this country and emotionally to the bereaved families.

"The public must insist this government looks at returning the death penalty ... otherwise many more families will go through the same suffering that we have had to endure."

(Reporting by Avril Ormsby; Editing by Jeremy Lovell)